6 original approaches to cleaning that is boring

Are you also annoyed when there is a mess around? I really want the house to always please me with cleanliness, comfort, orderliness... But if only I could easily achieve this! You constantly have to spend long-awaited weekends cleaning. And okay, if only this would really allow you to enjoy cleanliness for a long time! But no, within a couple of hours there will certainly be an unwashed cup in the sink, a couple of T-shirts from the closet will be moved onto the chair, and someone’s fingerprint will clearly appear on the mirror...

6 original approaches to cleaning that is boring

Do you want to get out of this vicious circle? There are several ready-made solutions on how to do this. Learn how to clean your home to get results and tame the clutter.

Get organized right away, like Sandra Felton

The approach to cleaning, invented by the American Sandra, is simple and elegant.

Sandra Felton

Reference! According to Sandra Felton, tidying up is too tedious. It is much easier to maintain it constantly.

What does it mean? Let's look at a couple of examples.

  • Have you had a glass of juice? Wash it, wipe it down and put it back in place.
  • Did you take a book from the shelf? After reading, be sure to return it to where you got it from.
  • Have you decided to treat yourself to chocolate candy? Great, but don't forget to throw the candy wrapper in the trash right away!

Important! Washing the glass and putting it back in its place is not difficult at all, it takes less than a minute. If you clean everything right away, this will allow you to maintain order without any supernatural effort.

When mastering this method, you will have to overcome one obvious obstacle - it is damn tiring to constantly control your every action. Sometimes you just want to relax and not think about mugs and candy wrappers.

Clean daily, but little by little

There are several similar but gentler approaches. The kind that doesn’t require you to keep the idea of ​​putting things in order in your head 24 hours a day. You just need to return to this idea from time to time. This can be done in different ways.

Like Fly ledy

Fly Lady

This is the name of the American cleaning system. Or rather, it is a whole philosophy, albeit a very specific one. This name is translated as “fluttering lady" That is, the one who in life makes everything easy and playful.

Important! According to the Flylady system, you need to allocate 15–20 minutes a day for cleaning. And always strictly adhere to the once chosen limit.

What can you accomplish in a quarter of an hour? Little. Maybe wipe down the windows. Or remove dust from shelves. Or wash the dishes and polish the sink.

But this needs to be done daily, gradually moving around the apartment. And every day choose some new fragment of it. But on the weekend, it suddenly turns out that your home doesn’t need a thorough cleaning at all!

Like Leo Babauta

Leo Babauta

Leo Babauta, a blogger from the USA, with six children, too recommends spending no more than 15–20 minutes a day on tidying up.

Reference! Unlike Flylady, Leo Babauta does not insist on strict adherence to the schedule once drawn up. According to Leo’s method, you should clean when you see the need for it.

For example, did you see dust? Wipe it down. Suddenly you looked around and it seemed to you that there were too many unnecessary things around? Remove that piece of space that is right around you.

Important! Having learned to organize the space around you a little at a time in your free time, you will stop noticing the cleaning. It will happen casually, without tiring or irritating you at all.

First get rid of the excess, then organize what remains

It seems that any person who seriously thought about how to optimize the cleaning process sooner or later came to the idea that you just need to get rid of everything unnecessary. Think for yourself: which house is easier to keep clean? Stuffed to the brim with things? Or in one where there is only the essentials?

The problem is how to separate this “essential” from the superfluous. There are different scenarios for how this can be done.

Emotional like KonMari


The Japanese KonMari system offers listen to your own emotions.

Reference! According to the KonMari method, you should leave those things that evoke positive emotions. And all the others must be mercilessly thrown away.

In practice, following the ideas of KonMari looks like this. Collect all items designed to perform a specific function. For example, all the dishes. Take each of the gizmos in your hands in turn. And if you feel emotions (attachment, joy, pity of parting), the thing, of course, should be left. And if you don’t feel anything, or, worse, unpleasant emotions appear, you don’t need such a mug!

And everything else needs to be stored compactly, which is also taught by the KonMari theory. This system was invented by a Japanese woman Marie Kondo. Well, the residents of the Land of the Rising Sun generally understand issues of minimalism.

You shouldn’t be surprised that they have several ready-made solutions for how to get rid of unnecessary things. And it's not just the KonMari system. Explore other ways.

Rational like Fumio Sasaki

Fumio Sasaki

The creator of this method, Fumio Sasaki, even dedicated a book to this topic - “We Don’t Need Things Anymore.” Being a convinced minimalist, the author proposes a deceptively simple thing: don't buy what you don't need.

Important! According to the views of Fumio Sasaki, the things of a modern person should be placed in one case. So that at any moment you can carry all your belongings on yourself.

Fumio even names the optimal number of items - 15.

It is not entirely clear why exactly 15. Moreover, not every average modern person would agree to live like this. But the idea of ​​not buying too much is good.

Advice! Think twice before shelling out your hard-earned savings for the next cute trinket or damn uncomfortable but beautiful shoes.

Moreover, you will wear them a maximum of one and a half times!

Extreme like Alison Hodgson

Alison Hodgson

American Alison went through a serious test in 2010. Her house burned down. This prompted the woman to rethink which things in the house are truly important and which are not.

Alison Hodgson advises imagining that there is a fire in your house. And honestly answer the question, would you grab the thing you are holding in your hands in this situation? Or not?

Important! You only need to leave what is really dear to you. Nothing else matters.

These six approaches to keeping your home tidy may have given you some ideas of your own. Try using them too to make your life easier.

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