Why is there a window in the bathroom?

Why is there a window in the bathroom?People living in houses that were built under Khrushchev often wonder why developers planned windows between the bathroom and kitchen. This article will tell you what this technical feature is used for.

Why make a window in the bath

For many, this feature of the strange layout causes inherent discomfort. After all, the bathroom should serve as a room where people perform actions related to intimate hygiene. But what kind of comfort can we talk about when there is a fairly large gap in the premises in which people can see the naked body of another person? There are a couple of simple explanations for this.

  1. The first reason is an attempt to protect residents from tuberculosis. It sounds quite strange, but when such houses were designed and built, the republics of the USSR had terrible statistics on tuberculosis. Conditions of dampness and constant darkness are the best place for the propagation of this strain. And the Koch bacillus itself (the causative agent of tuberculosis) dies only under the influence of direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. The second reason is that in a number of houses, gas devices were installed in the gap between the bathroom and the kitchen, which heated hot water. In the event that a gas explosion could occur, this frame could extinguish the wave by taking the blow. But in most houses where there is such a feature, there are no such heating devices.

Bath window

Having considered all these options, we can say that in Soviet times, these windows were installed with an emphasis on safety for residents. It is impossible to say with certainty which version is more reliable.

The functionality of such a window

Very often, such frames were installed with an emphasis on safety for the living household. It is very difficult to get into the bathroom if the front door is locked. And if an elderly relative suffers from a heart attack or stroke, it will be impossible to get into the bathroom. In this case, it is easy to break the glass and let one of your relatives get through.

Bath window

In what cases is it better to seal a window?

If, however, such a light source interferes and causes discomfort, and there is no elderly person living in the house, you can actually seal up the window. When renovating a bathroom, it is usually covered with panels or plasterboard. If you still have concerns about your safety, you can easily cover the glass with a matte film, or purchase a special stained glass window that will fit into the design of your apartment.

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