Why is there a window in the attic?

The window that is located in the attic is called a “dormer”. It is believed that these openings began to appear when building owners realized that attics could also be used for living or rented out to other people. There was a reasonable need to organize lighting in the attic.

Why is there a window in the attic?

How did the window appear in the attic?

There is a legend associated with the Manege in Moscow, built in 1817 in honor of the defeat of Napoleon. For the construction of the Manege, serfs were brought in, where the main one was a master named Slukhov. He was famous for making roofs and was responsible for the roofing work during construction.

At first, the roof of the Manege was not equipped with window openings, and the attic space was not ventilated. In the intense heat, the attic became very hot, and the air, which expanded in volume, damaged the ceiling. Alexander I was informed about this, and the roof needed to be urgently changed. Slukhov solved this problem and installed many windows on the slopes for ventilation, then they began to be called by the name of the master - “dormer”.

Window in the attic

What is the function of a window in the attic?

The main task of a window opening in the attic is to ensure normal ventilation of the attic space. But what happens if you ignore this requirement:

  1. Even with high-quality interfloor thermal insulation, heat losses through the attic are inevitable.The heat will quickly cool down in the attic and transform into condensation; this, if there is insufficient ventilation, will cause its significant concentration.
  2. The lack of natural light will provoke the rapid appearance of mold, not to mention spiders. Therefore, any home owner who does not have an attic window will have these troubles all the time.
  3. Justification for the presence of a window in terms of physical properties and building codes. The roof is the weakest part of any house; gusts of wind are constantly trying to destroy it, and if the roof structure is very rigid, then the wind tries to lift the roofing material.

Window in the attic

Attention! Also, correct installation of the window makes it easier to clean the roof from accumulated snow, branches, leaves and various debris. If the design allows, then through the window opening you can get onto the roof to carry out repairs.

What magical meanings are attributed to a window in the attic?

One of the most unique elements of any home in terms of magical properties is considered to be a window opening.

A window is a visible physical barrier that protects a home from bad weather, intruders, and various animals and birds. But at the same time, thanks to the transparency of the glass in the window, the worlds on both sides of the window opening are equally accessible to each other, while information is exchanged both between passers-by on the street and the internal microcosm of the house with its residents, and at the level of energy matters.

In addition, the window has the ability to reflect animate and inanimate objects like a mirror, and although such reflection has a slightly different nature, windows have the same magical properties as mirrors.

Window in the attic

Attention! Since a window opening is a portal through which various beings and energies can enter or leave the home, the most important thing is that nothing can disturb the conductive properties of window glass. Even minor glass defects can change the properties of the window opening so that it will be uncontrollable in relation to parallel worlds and energy matter.

Bubbles and foreign inclusions, uneven glass, scratches will lead to the ineffectiveness of the protective measures taken by the owner of the house to protect his home from the influence of dark forces, and even change the nature of the action of various kinds of amulets from positive to negative. It is for this reason that it is necessary to immediately replace deformed glass with new ones.

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