10 life hacks for cleaning windows without streaks

window 7Many people choose natural and improvised products as detergents. Window cleaning was no exception. Further in the article, read about how you can quickly and safely make your windows clean, shiny, without streaks and scratches.

How to choose the “right” day and temperature?

To wash glass, it is better to choose a cloudy day so that the sun's rays do not heat the surface and dry it out. This will help prevent streaks from forming. It is also desirable that there is no wind. The most acceptable temperature for washing windows is +20-22 degrees.

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To prevent condensation from collecting on the windows, they can be wiped with a solution of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.

Important! Clean your windows at least once every three months.

How easy is it to clean glass?

There are many recipes for glass cleaners that you can make yourself. Most experts recommend using a regular soap solution with the addition of ammonia. It is more convenient to apply it using a spray bottle and a paper towel. It is worth preparing the necessary equipment and devices in advance: a bucket, gloves, sponges, a piece of fabric.

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Attention! If PVC windows are installed in the room, then to wash them you cannot use products that contain abrasive substances.Therefore, traditional methods are a priority.

We start with hard-to-reach places

It is better to start cleaning from the cracks and depressions in the window frames. To remove dust, you can use a regular hairdryer or pump. It is convenient to remove residual dirt with a paint brush or toothbrush.

Corn starch

Corn starch has a unique composition that allows you to remove dirt and dust from glass without damaging the surface. The following recipe is popular: 4 liters of water, 30 mg of starch and 100 ml of vinegar and ammonia. The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and used for its intended purpose.

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Filter instead of old newspapers

Using old newspapers to remove streaks is a really good trick. However, printing ink gets very dirty on your hands, leaving an unpleasant feeling.

An alternative to newspapers are lint-free paper coffee filters. They are ideal for removing smudges and polishing the surface to a shine.

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Black tea

Few people know that ordinary black tea can clean glass and mirrors no worse than store-bought products. The fact is that tea contains tannins, which instantly dissolve dirt and give the surface a noble shine.

Reference! Use only strong tea leaves.

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If the window frames have turned yellow

Over time, the plastic on window frames begins to turn yellow. This is an inevitable process that cannot be avoided. A mixture of soda and vinegar will help give the material its original appearance.

The mixture is applied in an even layer to the surface for 5-10 minutes. Then remove and wipe the plastic with a clean towel.

How to remove dirt in corners?

Dirt in the corners can be removed using cotton swabs or toothpicks. An ordinary table knife will also be suitable for this purpose.However, in order not to damage the surface, it is better to wrap the blade with a piece of cloth.

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Toothpaste for glass scratches

To remove scratches you can use toothpaste. A small amount of the substance is applied to the damaged area and left until completely dry. The paste should be rubbed into the scratch in a circular motion.

How to wash mosquito nets?

Dust, dead insects and other contaminants also need to be removed from mosquito nets. It is convenient to clean the mesh with a sticky clothing roller, then rinse with clean water.

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Regular glass maintenance will keep them clean and spend much less time on cleaning. Among the cleaning products offered, everyone will be able to find something suitable and available for themselves.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers