A mirror as a gift: why it shouldn’t be given as a gift

A mirror is a mysterious and enigmatic object. With it you can summon spirits, see the future, it connects our world with the otherworldly light. Our ancestors were wary of polished surfaces that could instantly change a person, because our reflection in the mirror does the opposite.

So is it worth giving it? Maybe it's better to go with something more traditional?

Why a mirror is not the best gift: signs

Is it possible to give a mirror?Ancient omens are extremely negative about such gifts. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Since ancient times, mirrors have been used for magical rituals. For the most part, they were considered a symbol of witchcraft and were severely punished by any church and surrounding people. By making such a gift, the giver unwittingly considers the recipient associated with the enemy of the human race.
  • Mirrors, like sponges, absorb the emotions and attitudes of everyone who looks in them. It is very difficult to purchase a completely “clean” mirror - after all, someone looked at it while they were making it, checking the quality, packing it, unpacking it, putting it on display, or walking by. And all the accumulated negativity will end up in a new home, where it can provoke out-of-nowhere quarrels and disagreements over trifles.
  • Some believe that the mirror surface is the line between our world and the world of those gone forever. That is why in a house with a deceased they cover the entire dressing table with thick fabric. It is assumed that such protection will prevent the deceased from returning back.Of course, when buying such an item in a store, you are unlikely to bring someone else’s spirit along with the gift; this sign applies more to antique items.
  • There is also a more prosaic reason. A mirror, like fragile dishes, can easily break. Firstly, this in itself is a bad omen, and secondly, the recipient will be uncomfortable. This is especially true for large items that hang in a prominent place, and their loss will be immediately noticeable.

In addition, you may simply not guess with the desires of the future owners.

Attention! If you have an irresistible desire to give a mirror, it is better to give money to buy it or pay for the purchased item in the store.

Under no circumstances should you give such an item as a gift for a wedding. Also, you should not present a reflective plate with cracks, chips, or a curved surface that reflects distorted objects.

Is there any danger for the donor?

mirrorIt turns out yes. If a fragile object breaks, trouble will come to both parties - to the one who accepted the gift and to the one who presented it.

What to do if you are given a mirror?

mirror as a giftIf the gift was given by close relatives or good friends, most likely nothing bad will happen. However, if the gift was brought by a person with whom the relationship did not work out, it is better to refuse such a gift immediately or later. It can be buried in the ground with the reflective side down or drowned in water (this method is fraught with trouble for others, they may simply get hurt on it).

Important! In any case, it is best to buy the mirror for a penny.

If it is not possible to refuse such a gift, you should clean it. There are several simple ways to perform this ritual:

  • hold a lit candle over it;
  • rinse it with plenty of running water;
  • hide for a few days;
  • sprinkle with salt and leave for three days; the salt should be thrown away after the cleansing procedure.

You shouldn’t look in the mirror for a long time, and if you do, it’s better to do it in a good mood. And don’t scold yourself in front of this smooth surface.

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