What to do if the mirror is cracked

what to do if the mirror is crackedIt’s good if the mirror never breaks in careful hands. However, for the most careful owners, it can unexpectedly crack on a cabinet door, in a large frame, or in a small cosmetic bag. Sometimes, when sorting out dacha “stocks” or things left over from previous owners, people come across a darkened antique mirror in a frame. And also with a mirror product that had a large part that had broken off.

Bewilderment arises: what to do with this thing that has already served its purpose. Questions and doubts are not random. On the one hand, signs and warnings associated with a broken mirror come to mind. On the other hand, the correct technology for eliminating breakable items or fragments is of concern.

Mystical "through the looking glass"

mystical looking glass
Beliefs about the mirror arose a long time ago. Reflection is the information that people looking at it receive. Reflection is always important.

Fortune telling makes it possible to see something more in the displayed world. Many myths and fairy tales tell about what happens on the other side of the plate glass. The most famous magical images associated with mirrors:

  • endless reflection;
  • cracked or broken;
  • curtained;
  • inverted:
  • reflected candles.

Some people are helped to concentrate by the simple act of looking at their reflection when forced to return after leaving the house. It is especially carefully studied by people with mystical intuition that one should not do in front of a mirror, where it should not hang.

A cracked, broken mirror, according to old folk wisdom, portends trouble.

Reference. There is some wise advice: do not look into a damaged mirror, try not to be reflected in the swept away fragments.

Interestingly, seeing a cracked mirror in a dream is also not good. The details of such a dream tell you who to expect trouble from: strangers or loved ones.

One useful recommendation is not to become discouraged by the prediction, but to think about what this attribute was trying to warn about impending circumstances. We must look for strength and ways to resist possible everyday complications.

How to Safely Get Rid of a Cracked Mirror

how to throw it away
If any mirror in the house is cracked, you must try to remove it in its frame from the house carefully, without breaking it into pieces. It is enough to pack it in an unnecessary piece of fabric, durable polyethylene, cardboard.

For city residents, unfortunately, the old advice - to bury this object or its fragments - is not at all suitable. But they also need forethought.

It wouldn’t hurt to place such a fragile item in the safest corner near waste containers to protect it from accidental damage.. No matter how convinced a person is of the validity of mystical predictions, another very real fact is also important for him: let no one get hurt by a thrown dangerous object.

If the glass does break, you must sweep away the fragments with great care.. You need to cover the entire room with cleaning, as small parts can fly very far.

Important! When collecting large parts of a broken mirror, you should protect your hands with gloves.

And the cloth that will be used to clean the floor must be thrown away. The smallest particles get stuck in it.

Anyone who is afraid to use glass shards in decoration is absolutely right. Only a specialist can fasten or cut such material at a high-tech level. For amateurs, this risks inevitable injuries.

What to do with a cracked mirror according to folk wisdom

A damaged item does not bode well even for those who do not believe in omens. Broken things create an atmosphere of destruction, disorder, and decline. You need to decide to get rid of those accessories that do not bring any joy. It is not for nothing that the word “crack” is used in a figurative sense: in relation to a gap in love, friendship, family ties.

If a person wants to protect his home by all means and signs are not a trifle for him, he should listen to the recommendations and remove the cracked mirror, taking into account traditional rituals. For those who believe mystical predictions, cracks are either an induction of damage, an evil eye, or a harbinger of failure.

A magical object removed from the house requires special treatment. To protect yourself and your loved ones, it is important to observe the following conditions for removing a mirror with a crack.

  • The time of the event is the waning moon.
  • It takes a week to get rid of plate glass when the mirror is upside down or hidden in a closet.
  • Removing information stored on the surface of a mirror using running water.
  • Packed in durable material.
  • Carry out alone if possible.
  • Use Thursday salt, which is sprinkled three times on an item taken out in the trash.

Reference. To perform the ritual, salt consecrated on Maundy Thursday is used.

The candle ritual is another ritual performed with an old or damaged mirror. First of all, the glass is washed, baptized three times with a candle, and farewell words are mentally spoken. Their main meaning is aimed at asking for forgiveness. Thus, a person confirms the awareness that not everything and not always happens in the best way.

Sometimes people want to ward off troubles with the help of conspiracies. Magicians use special spells cast over a wrapped, cracked mirror to ward off negativity from the family. Subsequently, the damaged item is removed from the house. It is a positive action that opens the way to new possibilities.

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