How to make a doll hanger

It is rare to meet a child who has only one toy. Modern children have whole warehouses of them, but the task of parents is to teach their children to keep this great variety in an organized manner. This is how a child can prepare for adult life.

In addition, girls, as a rule, have quite a lot of dolls, starting with Barbie and many others. Using the example of doll farming, you can accustom a girl to adult life. Of course, you can buy everything you need for dolls in the store, or you can do some things yourself.

In the latter option, as already mentioned, preparation for adult life takes place, and on the other hand, joint work, as the cat Matroskin said, unites. It is this kind of work that will help children and parents become closer and learn to solve common problems together.

How to make hangers for dolls with your own hands? You can simply sit your child opposite you and do all the work yourself. But only the parent will receive joy from this, and the child is unlikely. Therefore, it is necessary to think about what kind of work a child can do. And then entrust it to him.

It all depends on the age and skills of the baby.

INimportant to remember! In order for your child to receive joy, he needs to be entrusted with work that he can do. For example, you want to make a hanger for dolls together with him. The work is not the most difficult, but let's see what you can do yourself and what you can entrust to the children.

What materials and tools are useful for the job?

tools for making doll hangersTo make a hanger for doll clothes with your own hands together with your child, it is important to choose the right material for such a craft, as well as the right tool. Of course, a lot depends on the age of the child, however, the tool must be safe.

Speaking of materials for crafts, it should be quite soft and easy to process. You can choose multi-colored metal clips in PVC insulation. Not only are they soft enough, but they also have a beautiful color. They are also not afraid of dampness and will not rust.

With tools everything is much simpler. It is necessary to have small pliers and side cutters in order to shorten the paper clip if necessary. To bend the wire beautifully, it is good to have round duckbills.

Choosing a hanger design for a doll

Choosing a hanger design for a dollChoosing a hanger design is quite simple. This is exactly the kind of work that can be entrusted to children. To do this, you can find a site with crafts on the Internet and, together with your child, choose the type of hanger that you like.

At the same time, it is important to ask him why he liked this or that version of the craft. This will help him learn to make decisions on his own.

How to assemble a craft

how to assemble a doll hangerThis work is quite simple. First you need to take a paper clip and straighten it. Then straighten it to make a straight line.

After this, depending on the size of the doll dress, bend the bottom shelf of the hanger. After this, twist the ends of the wire together and make a hook at the end. Cut off the remaining wire with side cutters. Then you can invite the children to repeat all these operations.

Of course, hangers can't just lie around. They need a closet or wardrobe where you can hang dresses.This could be the theme of the next craft.

Thus, by making hangers for doll dresses, you not only had a good time with the children, but also taught them a lot of useful things.

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