What is a stool

stoolThere is hardly a house or apartment where this piece of furniture would be missing. In literally every kitchen you can find these chairs, hard or covered with a soft cushion, called stools. Everyone knows what they look like and are called, but few people know about the history of their origin and the borrowing of the name. And also what this word actually means.

What is a stool

The stool has a clearly defined design. This is a seat with four stable legs, which are also fastened together. Unlike other pieces of furniture that are designed for relaxation, this chair does not have a back or armrests.

wooden stool metal stool

They are made from various materials, such as chipboard, wood, MDF, plywood and even metal. The seat can be hard, covered with a special composition that is resistant to wear. It is also possible to have a soft seat upholstery covered with artificial leather or textiles.

Features of the stool design

In furniture stores you can find a large number of models of kitchen furniture, all of them are distinguished by their design features. So, they contain two main elements: legs and a seat. They may differ from each other in style, material from which they are made, decorative elements, but the essence of use remains unchanged.



When choosing a stool, you must take into account the conditions of its use and your own ideas about coziness and comfort. It should fit well into the interior and life of the homeowners.

Their advantages are undoubted:

  • saving space (chairs can be stacked on top of each other or placed under the table, freeing up more space);
  • do not spoil the interior (these are neutral objects that cannot spoil the interior of the room);
  • do not violate harmony (due to their versatility, they fit perfectly with most styles in interior design);
  • do not require complex additional care.

A huge plus is the extensive range presented in furniture showrooms. When choosing, you can take into account personal ideas about comfort and beauty.

Historical information about the stool

The word “stool” itself translated from French means “cushion for pins.” It is unlikely that you will be able to sit comfortably on such a chair. However, there is an assumption that chairs with legs without a back began to be called this when models with soft, stitched seats, similar to a pincushion, appeared.

historical information about the stoolIn general, the piece of furniture itself appeared a very long time ago, the first mentions date back to 3000. BC e. In Ancient Greece and Egypt, products similar to the modern stool were actively used to ensure the comfort of rulers and pharaohs. Only they had the right to use this piece of furniture for their own use. Ancient Egypt even had folding stands with a seat made of a mat.

Types of stools

Today, stores offer a huge variety of these comfortable chairs of various shapes and purposes. There is a large classification of furniture items according to various criteria.

Depending on the material of manufacture, there are:

  • wooden (environmentally friendly and most expensive);
  • metal (usually only the base and legs are made of metal);
  • plastic (less resistant to wear, but convenient and does not require painstaking care).

wood metal plastic

Depending on the seat upholstery material:

  • with a soft seat (provide maximum comfort during use);
  • with a hard seat.

stool with soft seat         stool with hard seat

Depending on the shape:

  • round;
  • square;
  • triangular.

round stool                     square stool

There are also high and low chairs. For example, in bars and restaurants, high so-called bar stools without backs and armrests are often installed at the bar counter, on which visitors can sit comfortably.


In the store, select the exact shape of the stool that will suit all the tasks assigned to the furniture.

A stool is an integral part of our life and a convenient piece of furniture. It helps save space and creates a lot of convenience during the operation of kitchen furniture.

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