How to make a chair for dolls

Chair for dollsChildren very often face the problem of where to put a doll? They wish they could sit in a chair. You can buy chairs for dolls in the store. Or you can make them yourself. The last option is better, since the child himself will participate in the assembly process, expressing his wishes. This is also a good way to find a hobby for your child.

Material selection

There are several dozen ways to make a chair for a doll. Materials may be as follows:

  1. Toilet paper and cardboard.
  2. Iron can from canned food.
  3. Champagne corks.
  4. Clothespins.
  5. Plastic.
  6. Plastic bottles.
  7. Plywood.
  8. Multi-colored napkins and cardboard.
  9. Metal.
  10. Wire and paper.
  11. Tree.
  12. You can make bar stools from cardboard, fabric and foam.
  13. You can make stools using metal bottle caps.

Attention! People often combine several materials from the above. This allows you to experiment, and the result will be the way you want. It all depends on your imagination.Chair for dolls

How to make measurements and drawings?

The work begins with determining the dimensions. You can draw a sketch of the future chair. Or you can take measurements using the doll itself.

All sizes will depend on the size of the doll itself. Average values:

  1. The height of the chair is 8 centimeters.
  2. The seat is 10x10 centimeters.Chair for dolls

What tools are needed?

To create a chair you need the following tools:

  1. Plain paper.
  2. Cardboard.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Glue (both PVA and super glue).
  5. Textile.
  6. Twisted cord.
  7. Stationery knife.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Ruler.
  10. Acrylic paint.
  11. Balloon sticks.Chair for dolls

Chair for dolls: step-by-step instructions

Here is one of the simplest and most common methods.

The creation process is as follows:

  1. You need to cut out 10 10x10 cardboard squares.
  2. We glue them together with PVA glue. We are waiting for them to dry.
  3. Let's start creating the legs. For this you need a balloon stick. Cut out 4 pieces of 7 cm each.
  4. Using scissors, you need to cut out several strips of paper. They are needed to cover the legs.
  5. We glue them to the legs using PVA. The shape of all 4 legs must be identical, otherwise the structure will not be stable. We wait until the glue dries.
  6. If any unevenness appears on the legs, they can be smoothed out using sandpaper.
  7. As soon as the seat blank is dry, the excess should be trimmed with a stationery knife. The edges of the square should be smooth.
  8. On the seat you need to mark the places where the legs will be installed. We screw the screws in there.
  9. The legs are placed on the lower part of the screws. We use super glue for gluing.
  10. We cover the chair with a primer and acrylic paint. The color depends on your wishes.Chair for dolls

After creating the chairs, you can start creating other furniture in the same way. After gaining experience in such things, the child will be able to create an entire house for dolls with his own hands.

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