Your place at the table according to etiquette

Unfortunately, now table etiquette is not always observed at all, but you need to know it and use it in practice, so you can avoid getting into various awkward situations. The basic rule of etiquette is the choice of place and the correct seating of the guests.

Your place at the table according to etiquette

If the owner follows the rules of etiquette, then he must know how to properly seat guests at the table. Since, if there are a very large number of people, then misunderstanding may arise during seating, and adherence to etiquette will avoid this trouble.

Rectangular table

At this table, the owners need to sit at different ends. At the same time, the most important guest should be opposite the owner. Then all the other invitees are seated, taking into account their status and rank.

Table etiquette

Also, the host and hostess can be opposite each other in the center of the table. The rest of the invitees are also seated on the left and right hand, taking into account their status. This scheme is most often used at formal receptions, when many important people are present.

Reference! For informal meetings, you can use the following seating system for invitees. Men and women sit down in turns, and the owner must choose who is more important in status. This could be family, friends or co-workers.

U-shaped table

This seating scheme is used at many celebrations. Most often it is used at wedding events.

Taking into account the layout, men and women are seated in turns. The principle of distribution of guests should also be established by the owner. Tables are often connected to each other so that a small passage is formed, this is quite convenient for guests.

Table etiquette

Round table

This seating arrangement is quite convenient, since all guests can easily talk to each other on various topics.

Important! With this method of seating, it is also necessary to seat men and women in turn.

Right hand rule

The host and hostess sit at the end of the table, and the invitees sit on both sides. The most important thing to remember is that the most honored guests are usually placed on both sides of the host.

There is a right-hand rule: The place that is on the right hand of the owner is more honorable, in contrast to the place on the left hand.

Men should take seats to the left of women. Moreover, a man most often takes care of the lady who is on his right hand.

Table etiquette

Who shouldn't sit next to you?

There is no reliable explanation for why it is customary to seat husband and wife separately. Some people refer to centuries-old traditions. In the old days, the house was divided into female and male parts, and often meals took place separately, after which this tradition began. Some find a more modern reason. It is noted that if spouses are separated, they are not so constrained and more polite.

Reference! It is undesirable to seat work colleagues next to each other; as practice has shown, they soon begin to delve into discussions of work issues, and their topic of conversation is most often uninteresting to other guests.

If there are invitees in the company who are hostile to each other, in particular divorced couples, it is best to seat them further away.

If there are foreigners among the invitees, then you should also try to seat them, but in such a way that there are people near them who can carry on a conversation in their language.

Following the rules of etiquette will make it possible not only to seat the guests correctly, but also not to get confused if you had to attend a reception. Applying general seating rules will be the key to creating a festive mood and a comfortable atmosphere.

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