Wedding table decoration

Wedding table decorationA wedding presupposes perfection in everything. Arranging decorative elements on tables and decorations is considered the same important event as choosing a bride's dress or choosing an entertainment program and cake. Guests will not be able to remain indifferent to the decoration of the table, so you must definitely think about how to decorate it.

General rules for wedding table decor

Today there are special agencies that take on the preparation of the wedding day from start to finish. Decorating the hall and decorating tables at a banquet is also included in the list of services of such agencies. However, many newlyweds believe that they can cope with such a task on their own and decide to implement such a task on their own. To do this, there are generally accepted rules that must be followed when decorating:

  • the shape of the tables dictates the rules for arranging the decor (if round tables are provided and guests are seated in groups, flower pots or low vases in the center are suitable, and on long U- or L-shaped pieces of furniture such compositions are placed at intervals of 1-2 meters along);
  • all items, from dishes to napkins, must match each other in style, and also be consistent with the style of the wedding celebration;
  • decoration is carried out the day before the celebration, especially if decoration is planned with fresh flowers or fresh fruit;
  • the choice should fall on low flowers or candles so that guests can easily see the heroes of the occasion and communicate with neighbors;
  • choose decor without bright accents.

Rules for decorating a wedding table.

IMPORTANT! You need to select decorative elements of the table with taste and care. The general style of the celebration must be observed even in the smallest details.

How to decorate the table of the bride and groom: ideas with photos

The newlyweds and witnesses are usually seated at a separate table, which is decorated more formally than the guest ones. To properly decorate the place for the newlyweds, it is better to turn to professionals. However, if this is not possible, you need to call on all your imagination, and also turn to relatives and friends for help.

For decoration, you may need a piece of light translucent fabric, multi-colored satin ribbons, fresh flowers, fresh fruit, beads, sparkles and other decorative elements. There are many design ideas and the so-called flight of fancy can only be limited by the preferences of the newlyweds themselves.

The tablecloth is secured, then a small piece of flowing fabric is attached, which is skillfully draped. Next, you can display flowerpots with fresh flowers or decorate them with a composition of balloons, as well as make boutonnieres or cards.

Decor of fresh flowers

Flower pots look very elegant and sophisticated. It is not necessary to purchase expensive floral masterpieces; you can buy inexpensive fresh flowers and create compositions yourself.

Table decor for the bride and groom made from fresh flowers.

IMPORTANT! It is better to choose neutral, odorless buds, so that by the end of the evening guests do not suffer from headaches from the abundance of aromas.

Decoration can be done not only by decorative flowers, which are undoubtedly elegant and emphasize the creativity of the event. You can arrange wildflowers in small vases, skillfully tied at the base with satin ribbons, or pick up beautiful wildflowers, also making sophisticated compositions from them.

In addition, small bouquets of parsley or mint can be a beautiful decoration and additional snack. The main thing is to arrange them correctly and place them next to the dishes to which they fit and harmonize well.

Table decor for the bride and groom from fresh flowers: option 2.

Compositions with candles and decorative stones

An aura of romance and mystery is created with the help of dim lighting and lit candles. Guests should not touch them when manipulating the table. The decor with floating candles looks very original.

candles on the wedding table.

Decorative stones can simply be laid out in a chaotic manner. They will create a soft and mysterious glow, giving the holiday home comfort and warmth. This method of decoration is considered quite unusual and attractive for many modern couples.

Decoration with fabrics

Fabrics are one of the most popular ways to decorate weddings. Beautifully draped chairs create an aura of solemnity, and tables decorated with pieces of bright fabric look very colorful and elegant.

Decorating a wedding table with fabrics.

Decoration with chocolate, fruits and vegetables

Edible decorations not only look beautiful, but also add flavor to the holiday. Experts who cut out various shapes from fruits will help add originality.

Decorating the wedding table with fruits.

In recent years, chocolate fountains have been considered a popular solution for table decoration. It is always beautiful and stylish; guests are usually delighted with such a treat. And in combination with fruit decorations, which can always be dipped in a pleasant sweet mass, the idea looks very attractive and elegant.

Wedding table decoration with balloons

Balloons have been a popular wedding decoration for many years. Today, manufacturers offer a huge number of shades and textures of balloons that correspond to the general concept of the holiday and give it originality. Airy beauty is placed around the hall and tables in a chaotic sequence or in accordance with some pattern.

Wedding table decoration with balloons.

Rules for setting a wedding table

Serving is usually carried out by the staff of the restaurant where the celebration is being held. However, you need to know the basic rules for arranging cutlery and creating comfort in order to monitor the correct actions of the waiters.

  • a large dinner plate must be present;
  • to the right of it there is a glass, wine glasses, a glass for sparkling wine;
  • the dining plate for side dishes and appetizers is moved 2 cm from the edge, deep plates for first courses are served only after the guests are seated;
  • a knife and fork for appetizers are placed to the right of the plate;
  • Dessert cutlery can be laid out on the left (but more often they are served after).

Wedding table setting.

IMPORTANT! The newlyweds' wine glasses must be different from the general set of crystal glasses.

As a rule, restaurants do not always strictly observe these rules or keep track of the menu ordered by the newlyweds and then select cutlery from it. Newlyweds should strictly monitor the actions of the waiters so that the holiday is not spoiled by the incompetent actions of restaurant employees.

Mistakes when decorating a wedding table

Specialists who are constantly involved in wedding decorations have long compiled a list of the main mistakes when decorating tables and holding a holiday. For example, you should not choose flowers and candles that are too fragrant or have a strong smell for decorating tables.

It is better to choose discreet colors for the decor, without too bright accents. Tablecloths and napkins must match the style of the bride’s dress; compositions of fresh flowers must be made up of flowers in the bride’s bouquet that are similar in color and texture.

IMPORTANT! Napkins are selected from fabric. Paper products do not correspond to the solemnity of the event.

When decorating the hall and wedding tables, you should remember the stylistic combination with other details of the holiday and make sure that the decoration is not annoying. Proper decoration of the hall and tables will create the right atmosphere and allow you to fully enjoy the holiday.

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