Table setting at home

serving tableModern life is so fast that many people are used to eating on the go, without devoting sufficient time and attention to this process. But even now, the height of gallantry and style at any festive feast is a beautifully set table.

Your attitude towards the guest, the solemnity of the festive table during home celebrations, the level of artistic taste and aesthetics of the hostess will depend on how correctly the arrangement of plates, glasses, glasses, forks and spoons, napkins and the rest is done.

Basic Rules

When setting the table, follow the following sequence:

  • First, the table is covered with a tablecloth.
  • Then, according to the arranged chairs, the dishes are displayed.
  • Then the cutlery is laid out.
  • Glasses, wine glasses, glasses, glasses (each of them as needed) are placed with the existing plates.
  • And at the end - elements of table decoration.

Each of the above listed elements for table setting requires careful selection and proper use, as well as the ability to serve.

serving cutleryA beautiful holiday tablecloth should be perfectly ironed. It cannot have smoothed lines.The color, texture and material of the tablecloth must match the situation. Formal events require white or neutral light-colored tablecloths. The material is better suited silk, linen with embossing or jacquard. These are kind of rules. Confirmation is a photo from the Internet where these exact colors are used.

When serving for family events, children's parties, bright and patterned tablecloths will be just right. But for themed feasts (New Year, Easter, etc.), tablecloths with patterns that match the situation will be perfect.

The correct size of the tablecloth should be such that it covers the entire surface of the tabletop and overhangs the edges at least 25 cm. The maximum edge should hang down to a level no lower than the seat of the chair. As a rule, the tablecloth duplicates the shape of the table.

You can use two tablecloths - the larger one is spread from below using the classic method, and the smaller one is spread diagonally. That is, the corners of a small tablecloth fall in the middle of each side. If you set the table this way, it will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Also, on top of a large tablecloth that covers the entire tabletop, you can lay out a path in the center running along the long side of the table.

The cutlery that should be on the table depends on what will be served to guests as a treat. These can be plates of various depths, a knife, a fork, a spoon. Glasses or glasses and glasses. Also dishes and cutlery for dessert.

Subtleties of design for different meals

Depending on the event being served, the following types of table settings are distinguished:

  • Banquet room.
  • Buffet room.
  • Tea room.
  • Coffee shop.
  • Full evening.
  • Dining room, for breakfast or dinner.


The simplest serving is for lunch, for breakfast or dinner. As a rule, in this case, serving occurs for members of the same family. This could be a Sunday dinner together, or breakfast. It’s good when everyone is accustomed to setting the table every day, adding atmosphere to the meal. This, by the way, promotes family unity and develops certain traditions.

dinner servingTo do this, take plates that match the dish being served. Place a spoon, fork and, if necessary, a knife nearby. If this is a regular meal, then add a glass of juice or water, a cup of tea or coffee with a saucer to the serving. If this is, for example, a Sunday dinner, and you plan to drink alcohol, then also glasses or shot glasses. In this case, the presence of glasses for water should also be taken into account.

Ordinary fabric napkins can serve as table decoration; they can be simply folded in the shape of a rectangle, or laid out in an intricate way. A dish with a variety of fruits or berries can decorate breakfast or dinner. It is always worth considering that a salt and pepper shaker should be served on the table.

Full evening will have some differences. Use only single-colored dishes. Various complex decors are not used - a modest vase (necessarily low and simple in shape) in which there will be a minimum number of flowers on a low stem will be enough. It is better to choose a white tablecloth; as an exception, you can use delicate pastel shades.

Bottles of champagne, wine or other alcohol must be uncorked. You should also place a cloth napkin next to the glasses.

Banquet service

banquet servingBanquet service is close to full evening service - uniformity should be observed in the dishes, napkins and tablecloths. To the left of the wine glasses, in the case of a banquet, there is a card with the name of the invitee.

Buffet table settings are becoming increasingly popular. There are two types. The first differs in that the table is placed along the wall. It is decorated on one side, that is, guests approach it only from one side. This option is suitable for private parties, hotels and hotels with a buffet. In the second case, the table is placed in such a way that it is accessible from all sides. This type is used for organizing weddings and corporate events.

REFERENCE! If there are a large number of guests at the buffet table, then it is permissible to allocate a separate table for alcohol and snacks. All bottles of alcohol are located on it, with their labels facing one way.

Coffee serving

Coffee serving depends on what type of coffee will be served - Turkish, in a geyser coffee maker, latte or cappuccino from a coffee maker. In any case, three elements are needed - a coffee cup with a saucer and a coffee spoon. Dessert is served on a common platter, accompanied by dessert plates and cutlery, be it a spoon or a fork with a knife, calculated according to the number of guests.

coffee servingDecorating with a fruit bowl is appropriate. Serving begins with filling the central part - where berries, fruits and desserts are located. Coffee is prepared and served only after the guests have arrived.

Tea setting - it can be arranged immediately by placing cups on the table if the exact number of guests is known. Everyone needs to be provided with an appropriate saucer for a cup and a dessert plate with a spoon, fork and knife.One or two of these appliances may be removed. So, for example, if dessert should be eaten with a spoon, then you should not serve it with a fork and knife. In the center there is a dish with desserts or a cake bowl with a cake. By the way, a special spatula is used to serve pieces of cake. Also, the serving can be supplemented with a vase or a large dish on which fruits, both sliced ​​and whole, are laid out.

How to position devices correctly

When arranging dishes, you should leave about a centimeter between the devices. This will allow the guest to use the space as ergonomically as possible. There should be from 1.5 cm to 2 cm from the edge of the table to the plate. Plates are placed in the following sequence - a large diameter snack bar, a smaller one on top of it, and on top you can put a deep one, designed for the first course, if one is on the menu.

serving optionGeneral classification of plates:

  • The snack bar is large - placed at the very bottom.
  • A small snack bar or small canteen is located on top of a large one.
  • The dining room is deep - located at the top when serving only if soup is planned to be served to guests.
  • The pie plate is located on the left side of the main plates and is used for serving toast, pies, and sandwiches. Their number must correspond to the number of guests.
  • Deep dessert and shallow dessert - they replace the main plates. Either one is served, depending on the type and size of the dessert.
  • During dessert, a bowl can be placed if ice cream, cream, cream, blanc monge, jelly, etc. are served.
  • When serving, the following are used as common plates: egg, caviar, salad bowl, menu bowl, large dish, fish plate, herring bowl, rosette.

It is advisable to place a napkin under the edge of the plate on the right.For special occasions, it is better to use fabric, while for ordinary holidays, paper is suitable.

Naturally, the plates must be clean and dry. It is considered bad manners to place wet plates on the table. But plates polished to a shine will eloquently speak of the hostess as having good taste. The height of skill and style is serving heated plates to the table, ensuring that the food placed on them is warm. But this must be done only before guests sit at the table. This is very difficult to do. A special electrical cabinet, which serves to heat plates, can help with this. It maintains a certain temperature that is comfortable and does not burn your hands.

Next, knives and a spoon are placed on the right side of the plates. And on the left side along the plates are forks. A dessert spoon, knife and fork are placed on top of the plate in a horizontal direction. Moreover, the handle of the spoon and knife point to the right, while the handle of the fork points to the left. That is, since they are picked up. The glasses are placed diagonally on the right - the largest ones are placed furthest away, and the smaller ones are closer to the edge.

Types of glassware for alcoholic and other types of drinks:

  • For champagne - narrow, tall and glass-shaped with a wide neck.
  • To red wine.
  • White guilt.
  • Glasses for pott wine.
  • Liquor.
  • For sherry and vermouth.
  • For cognac and brandy.
  • For whiskey.
  • Vodka glasses.

Table setting allows you to place a saucer with a teaspoon to the right of the main plates and a knife with spoons.

Napkins are the finishing touch. If it is done carelessly, it can ruin the overall impression. In addition to the fact that a napkin can decorate a table, it also has a practical function.It’s worth mentioning right away that there are napkins:

  • Paper.
  • Fabric - linen, silk, cotton.

serving napkinsIt is ideal if the napkin, especially for special occasions, is made of the same fabric as the tablecloth. Each napkin has its own purpose. You can use paper to wipe your hands or mouth. Whereas fabric ones usually cover the knees. It can be set aside or hung on the back of a chair when folded.

The table decor should match the spirit of the event. The following are most often used as decorating compositions:

  • Candles with candlesticks.
  • Small vases with flowers.
  • Fruit bowls.
  • Christmas tree compositions - for Christmas and New Year.
  • Children's motifs, such as small toys - for a children's party.
  • Fabric napkins laid using decorative techniques.

Where to place serving attributes

arrangement of all table attributesSalt shakers, pepper shakers, mustard plasters or gravy boats are usually placed closer to the middle of the table. If you have a long way to go for them, then you should simply ask them to hand over the necessary device.

Napkins are laid out individually for each guest. But a place on the table is allowed where a common napkin holder with paper napkins is placed. This is usually a corner of the table where no one sits. With the expectation that she would not disturb anyone.

ATTENTION! If it is possible to arrange more than one copy of all the above mentioned devices on the table, then they are placed evenly on the table.

Setting for a children's party

Organizing a children's party allows you to use colorful dishes.

IMPORTANT! The cutlery and utensils used must be safe for use by children.

table setting for a children's partyIt is better to place a decoration on the table that matches the theme of the event. For example, a tower of cut fruits or laid out in the shape of an animal. For example, you can use fruit to display your birthday date.

Small surprise gifts can add to the fun. Guests can be given paper caps.

When choosing a menu, it is advisable to take into account that children do not tend to sit at the table for a long time. Therefore, you can prepare small sandwiches and slices of vegetables and fruits - such a treat can always be taken into your hands.

Serving for the New Year's holiday

The arrangement of dishes and cutlery on the holiday table, including New Year's, remains the same as always. Only tablecloths, napkins and decor may differ.

table setting for new yearWhen choosing a tablecloth, you should give preference to bright colors, for example, red or green. Thematic drawings look especially good. They can be stuffed. And an embroidered New Year's tablecloth can create a certain atmosphere. It is better to select napkins in such a way that they form a successful tandem with the color scheme of the tablecloth. It is not necessary to select the same colors for them; it can be a color combination of red and green (traditional New Year colors), yellow and red, and other options.

Everything is quite certain with the decor for the New Year's table. Candles with New Year's motifs, preferably green, red, gold or silver, will instill a spirit of celebration and fabulousness. They will add not only romance, but also create warmth and comfort. You can also use festive napkin folding techniques. You can place a festive composition on the table from a pine branch or a Christmas tree with pine cones. But it must be compact, otherwise it will look awkward.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers