Why can't you wipe the table with paper?

Paper napkins or towels today have become a real salvation for housewives around the world. They are easy to use, practical, pleasant to the hands. They are indispensable in the kitchen, where you constantly need to wipe something. And the used napkin can simply be thrown into the trash bin. If these are paper towels in a roll, then the rest will remain neatly on the table. If these are napkins in a package, they are usually hidden in a table or pencil case. If you use paper napkins, your kitchen will always be clean and tidy. Everything would be fine, but why did mom and grandma get it into their heads that they don’t wipe the table with paper? A hand will reach for a roll with a towel, and immediately there will be voices in their head, saying, you shouldn’t do that! What is the reason? Let's figure it out together!

Why can't you wipe the table with paper?

Why do traditions prohibit wiping the table with paper?

Our ancestors did everything with meaning. And the prohibitions were also drawn up like this.

Disrespect and neglect

From time immemorial, the table was considered the main piece of furniture in the house. The whole family gathered behind him, had tea parties, and ate. And also - they talked about important things, discussed pressing issues, reached agreements and made decisions. The tables were treated with respect and kept clean, considering them to be the face of the hostess.

table in russian

Unlike soft rags, paper was considered too rough a material that could scratch the countertop. It was impossible to allow such neglect of important furniture. Otherwise, everyone who sat at this table would be expected troubles and troubles.

And the food given by the Almighty also demanded respect. It was believed that by brushing away its remains with anything other than linen, one could offend him. This means that the family can no longer expect a bountiful gift from heaven have to live from hand to mouth.


Reference! Today there is an opinion that the source of this belief was the high cost of both the paper itself and products made from it.

Paper production was quite expensive; each sheet cost a lot and was used sparingly. The paper represented important things: knowledge, monetary papers, legal documents. And it was certainly not intended for brushing dirty linen off the table.

old paper

It was believed that by wiping the table with paper, you could incriminate yourself and your family financial difficulties.

Bad consequences

At that time, paper sheets were considered almost sacred. And this is understandable: after all, scriptures important to the Orthodox were preserved on them. Using valuable sheets otherwise is not good! Even if it was already an unnecessary draft! He also published rustling, which was considered a harbinger of scandals and squabbles.

What about these days?

Each of us knows how he feels about superstitions. If you haven't gotten rid of them completely, put away a roll of disposable towels or a pack of napkins! Otherwise, you will reproach yourself in case of even small troubles.

what to do

Wipe off the table with a soft cloth, as our ancestors did. Use kitchen sponges, they make the life of modern housewives easier.

Well, if all the signs are a relic for you, use what is more convenient for you.

Comfort and peace for you in the kitchen!

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