How to clean a closet mirror without streaks

Wardrobe mirror.Dust, fingerprints, whitish deposits, tarnishing and stains on the mirror are typical problems for owners of wardrobes. The situation is aggravated by the size of the reflective surface: it is large, which is why maintaining it requires a lot of time. You can reduce cleaning time by choosing the right equipment and taking note of popular advice.

Simple ways to clean a mirror without streaks

Special wet wipes have been developed to work with reflective and glossy surfaces. You can buy them at furniture and hardware stores. However, you should not expect miracles from them. They are not suitable for general cleaning, nor for removing difficult stains. In these cases, it is worth stocking up on rags, as well as a good household or industrial detergent.

How to clean a closet mirror without streaks

Store products

When choosing, pay attention to the composition. Key points and notes:

  • isopropyl alcohol evaporates quickly, leaving no traces behind, and is also effective against old grease stains;
  • ammonia is more successful at removing stubborn and greasy stains than the previous option, but can leave behind stains and products made from it are often very strongly flavored (additives eliminate the specific smell of ammonia);
  • herbal surfactants always smell pleasant, rarely cause allergies, but are an order of magnitude more expensive than similar products;
  • the combination of benzyl alcohol and anionic surfactants guarantees quick cleaning of the surface, but repels with an unpleasant odor (dissipates quickly and easily).

If you decide to buy a product with surfactants, take a closer look at MEITAN HOME. This is a highly concentrated aromatized liquid for treating glossy and reflective surfaces. Suitable for caring for marble, glass, acrylic, mirrors, chrome and plastic items. Eliminates not only small stains, but also stubborn stubborn dirt (organic and inorganic).

Store-bought mirror cleaning products.

Among sprays with isopropyl alcohol, Synergetic products stand out. From this brand you can find biodegradable chemicals for mirrors with antistatic, antibacterial, and hypoallergenic properties. And such a product will cost 2–3 times less than MEITAN.

IMPORTANT! Do not wash your home wardrobes with car liquids. They are very concentrated, so they cannot be used indoors (may cause migraines).

Folk recipes for cleaning wardrobe mirrors

Let's look at several simple and affordable ways to clean a mirror.

Newspaper and clean water

Cleaning a mirror with newspaper.Ideally, the water should be from a well and not from the tap. The latter contains disinfectants, metal particles and other impurities, which can cause whitish stains to appear on the mirror.If you only have tap water at hand, it is better to abandon it and take a mirror cleaner. The newspaper can be replaced with 2-ply toilet paper (single-ply will get wet and tear faster) or a paper towel.


Principle of the method:

  • wash the mirror with water and a cloth (you don’t have to worry about stains at this stage) and let the surface dry;
  • pour well water into a spray bottle (or take detergent);
  • spray liquid onto a limited area of ​​the mirror;
  • wipe the sprayed surface with newspaper (from top to bottom and pressing evenly on the sheet);
  • Remove residual stains in a circular motion using newspaper or nylon.

Tea and salt

Brew strong tea, add 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, mix and soak a nylon rag with the solution. Wipe the mirror until it shines.

Chalk and vinegar

Take vinegar, chalk and water in equal proportions and mix. Reheat. Leave for 15 minutes and then strain (drain off the liquid). Wipe the mirror with the mixture, then remove any remaining residue and polish the cabinet.

Ammonia and chalk

The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Rub the resulting slurry onto the contaminated areas (do not work with bare hands, use a rag and gloves).

IMPORTANT! In all recipes, we replace chalk with tooth powder, and before applying, you should make sure that the substances are completely dissolved. If this does not happen, the powdered ingredient will scratch the mirror.

Rubbing with vegetables

Cut a potato or onion. The place of the cut is rubbed on the mirror. Afterwards, wash off the root juice with water and polish with a rag.

Method against hairspray marks

To get rid of this type of stain, spray it with an alcohol-based cleaner and then rub it with a paper towel.

IMPORTANT! To reduce dust settling, wash with green tea. Milk works against tarnishing. Diluted blue will add shine.

Reasons for the appearance of unsightly marks on the mirror

Why do marks appear on the mirror?Some stains - fingerprints, splashes from wet shoes or clothes - are natural and appear during proper use of the cabinet. Other stains arise due to the fault of the owners (traces of insect activity, stains from detergent). Sometimes the reason for what is happening should be sought in external factors. For example, in violation of technology by the manufacturer. Thus, failure of a furniture factory to comply with standards can lead to unreasonable clouding of the mirror.

IMPORTANT! There are detergents that leave streaks no matter how you use them. These are simply low quality products. Hard water also leaves blurry spots.

How to properly wash a mirror

Helpful Notes:

  • cloths made of microfiber, polypropylene fiber and natural suede do not leave streaks;
  • matte and tinted mirrors should not be processed with the same means and tools as regular ones (only some products based on surfactants and isopropyl alcohol are suitable);
  • First you need to remove dirt from the entire mirror (wash it completely), then remove serious stains, for example, greasy ones, and only after that proceed to thorough washing without streaks;
  • a fresh stain from a matte wardrobe is removed with dishwashing gel (ineffective against old stains).

Nylon is suitable for polishing. Work it in a circular motion.

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