Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased person?

After a person has recovered from the death of a loved one, a reasonable question arises - what to do with the furniture of the deceased? And if for some, immediately getting rid of the deceased’s belongings does not constitute a material loss, then for some, furniture is an expensive item. However, prejudices and some emotional factors prevent you from simply throwing a sofa or bed in the trash. It happens that after burying one of the spouses, the wife or husband continues to sleep in a common bed with the deceased spouse. In this material, we examined all the options for what to do with the furniture of the deceased.

What to do with the furniture of the deceased

Actions will depend on the awareness of how necessary this furniture is. If it's expensive, functional, or you just don't want to throw it away, here are some tips and thoughts.

what to do with the furniture of the deceased

Is it possible to sleep on the bed/sofa on which the deceased slept?

In this case, two options are possible: the deceased simply used the bed, or died directly on it. In the latter case, it is highly advisable to throw out the furniture. But if, for some reason, you need to leave the bed, you cannot sleep on it. First, if the deceased was dying of illness, the linen would be “contaminated.” Secondly, everything here will be saturated with extremely negative energy.

dead man's bed

There is an interesting expression among people: “It is better to sleep on the grave of a dead person than on his bed.”There is definitely some truth in this, especially if a person has been sick for a long time and has been using this bed - then it is saturated with torment and suffering.

Is it worth using the furniture of the deceased?

In such difficult moments in life, it is difficult to recover from the loss of a loved one. It is worth waiting a little so that the emotional pain subsides, and only then begin to inspect the premises where the deceased lived. Before deciding the fate of furniture, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. For example, if the room has a new sideboard in good condition, then why not continue to use it. You only need to think about the bed, as mentioned above, and such elements as a chair, a personal bedside table and a wardrobe with clothes. From the point of view of extrasensory perception, such furniture will not bring anything good.

What psychics say

All psychics unanimously say that any thing of a deceased person has negative energy. Especially if he was dying on his own bed - in this case, it would have to be thrown away or powerful rituals of cleansing from negative energy should be carried out. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether a person was kind and sympathetic during life, or evil - the aura will always be negative.

deceased's belongings

What does medicine say?

Let’s imagine a situation: the apartment of a deceased person, in which he suffered from some illness for a long time. In this case, all doctors will say that the room and, in particular, the furniture are unsafe - there is a risk of “catching” this disease yourself. Careful treatment of all surfaces, long-term ventilation of the room, and disposal of bed linen and mattresses are required. At first, it is extremely undesirable to move into an apartment; it is better to constantly visit and clean it again.

At other times, when there is no risk of contracting any disease, the furniture can be safely used. Here medicine is calm about this, and scientists who question the question of any kind of energy and evil spirits. If the furniture is valuable to you, or it is simply still quite usable, it is wise to leave it in the house.

What the Church Says

The Orthodox Church is convinced that the furniture of the deceased needs to be consecrated. Priests agree with psychics that negative energy remains, and evil spirits and demons can also manifest themselves. Consecration takes place with the help of holy water and fire - you need to walk around the room with a candle, reciting prayers. The furniture of the deceased must be sprinkled with holy water, which is collected from any church source or purchased in a shop.

what does the church think

In general, the church is relaxed about the use of personal belongings and furniture of the deceased. For example, it is even customary to distribute clothes to those in need who will remember the deceased with a kind word. However, this can only be done after the fortieth day, when the soul of the deceased has already left for another world. It’s the same with furniture - you can use it only after the fortieth day and mandatory consecration.


The decision is always made by someone close to the deceased. If you want to leave the furniture, no one forbids it, however, you need to take a number of measures. For example, all surfaces need to be thoroughly cleaned and laundered, empty of things (wardrobe, bedside table, chest of drawers), throw out linen and mattress (bed). In the room where a person lived, it is necessary to rearrange and repair them for aesthetic reasons, to change the situation and dull memories and associations. If you are superstitious and/or believer, then you need to perform a ritual of purification or consecration.

The most important thing is to protect your physical and psychological health. You shouldn’t succumb to outside influence, you need to listen to yourself, whether to throw away the item or not is your choice. The loss of a loved one is always difficult, but it is important to get through this stage of life and move on.

Comments and feedback:

What kind of nonsense will they write? And how during the war, after soldiers were killed, they wore boots, pea coats, and padded jackets. But in villages you don’t have enough beds; in hospitals, a person dies and another patient is put in that place. Whoever came up with this, keep your fantasies to yourself, don’t fool people’s minds.




Good article, very informative. Thanks to the author. It seems to me that if you know such things, you can subsequently avoid energy strikes and the opening of portals, as we had...


NOTHING WILL HAPPEN! You just need to not think about it and that’s it... use it as much as you want... all sorts of heresy will be written here...


Agree. The hospital is changing the linen after the deceased has been sent to the morgue. Sometimes you don’t know what happened before you until you are discharged. Some hide, others hint. I wore my late father’s jacket in memory of him. 21 years have passed and everything is fine, alive and well. It's nonsense, I'll tell you what.


This article is a pure scam of money in favor of the trade and service industries, as well as the church and psychics. My brother safely wore the outer clothing of his beloved father without waiting 40 or 9 days.My beloved parents at different times died in my arms on the sofa on which I slept before and after their departure for many years, and I am over 70. Don’t believe these and similar articles from the death business, ordered for suckers. Grandmother and great-grandmother slept in the family bed in which their husbands were sick and died and lived in their minds and health to 101 and 99 years


This is how you have to hate your loved ones in order to shy away from their things and be afraid of catching some kind of leprosy.


a lot of money, buy new furniture


It is stupid to sleep in a bed where a person has died. With death, cadaveric poison is released. It won't take long to become infected. For the same reason, it is undesirable to kiss the deceased. Hatred towards relatives has nothing to do with it. Basic hygiene. If the deceased has been lying there long enough. The decomposition process has gone deep, so it is advisable to throw away everything that can absorb corpse bacteria, including plastic. TVs and others... But the people are stupid and continue to cling to the things of the dead, or maybe out of poverty.


What if the deceased was placed on the bed before they were buried? My uncle died in the village, and when we come to the old house in the summer, we are afraid not only to spend the night there, but we don’t even go in after sunset. We sleep in the hayloft. Very unpleasant situation. The sofa on which he died was thrown away, but they still put it on the bed, and it still stands there. A relative came, slept on this bed (in our absence, I don’t even know him) and, according to the neighbors, also quickly moved to the hayloft


The delirium of a hypochondriac mare.


Oh, what nonsense are we talking about? The reference to the war is irrelevant; they removed things from bodies that had not yet cooled down. Boots were rarely taken. Hygiene was at its best even then.By the way, don't you know? The belongings of the dead were disinfected during the war before changing owners, and this was due to poverty.


I don’t believe in any nonsense, my father had lung cancer, he died 30 years ago at the age of 77, and my mother immediately lay down in his place on his bed, although the mattress, blanket and pillow were taken out of the house to the hay barn, now my mother is 91 years old , and feels fine, I mean for her age, she also helps us in the garden and does other housework..???????????? please explain, psychics, is it possible or not to do this since I am a deeply religious person, I go to church all the time, but I didn’t ask my father such a question, because I thought that my mother knew what she was doing...


how many people - so many opinions


What nonsense they write. All this is complete nonsense. They wrote correctly above in the comments: Wear it and don’t think any nonsense. Who used to throw away furniture? And in the rich families of counts, princes and even kings??? These beds were passed down from generation to generation. Now all sorts of unjustified trends have begun to be invented. I read and “I’m amazed” during the war “they took off their boots from bodies that were not yet cooled down” ohohoh......My dad went through the whole war, he told me this.....what kind of “processing of things” is there????? Don't make anyone laugh and don't write nonsense.


“Psychics” of various stripes need to be imprisoned for a long time. There have already been so many revelations, but people are still going on...


Complete nonsense, especially about cadaveric poison in bed. After death, the person is quickly taken to the morgue. Of course, kissing is not necessary. But this is the business and desire of a relative.


This is not nonsense! My grandmother died heavily in her bed for about two weeks, before her death she kept throwing off the blanket (it was February, and the temperature in the apartment was no more than 25 °), she could not speak, but it seemed as if she was hot, at that time how my mother and I covered ourselves tightly at night. In general, the grandmother died, her son came to her funeral from another country, and began to sleep on her bed. We had no prejudices about the furniture of the dead. The most interesting thing began later, when my uncle could not sleep normally and even relax on this bed, he (not knowing anything about the fact that the grandmother was throwing off the blanket) also began to feel inexplicable waves of heat and discomfort and ran away from this room. So there is something that we don't know.


I gave my dead father artificial respiration in the hope of saving him, it was unpleasant, but nothing happened, I live to this day, I mean from the cadaveric poison of the dead


Superstitions and prejudices. Why instill all this in people now? Our television is already successfully engaged in debilitation. Anyone who has experienced unbearable pain from the loss of relatives will not treat things that remind them of them with fear or disgust. On the contrary, distributing things to acquaintances is as if life continued in the things and a reminder of relatives.


An interesting option is discussed in the article. How would a person live in an apartment alone? Died. And so we show up and throw all the things out of his house. Great! Unfortunately, in most cases, there are a bunch of other relatives living in the apartment who also use these things that they have accumulated over the years.And then it piled up: illness, death, funeral, wake - everything cost a pretty penny (and for some, even bondage). And Russia is full of honest people living on one salary, which can only be seen under a microscope. What do you advise them, gentlemen? Shoot yourself!


Indeed, what should a son do if his life has turned into survival? He lives with his mother, a pensioner, with great difficulties, because... he himself accidentally became a 2nd group disabled person for life,
after which they receive only a social pension together. And in the modern world, prices for everything are rising by leaps and bounds, and at the same time you have to save every penny in order to somehow survive. After his mother leaves, should he also throw away the furniture and sleep on the bare floor himself? Or contact Putin for a gift of a folding phone? When paying for housing and communal services, medicines, travel and necessary expenses, he doesn’t even have enough for food, and what to do in an empty apartment?


Energy exists, and you can’t argue with it. But I have a question - if a person died not in his bed, but in a hospital, what should be done with the bed? After all, there was no dead person on the bed.


    My husband died in the hospital forty days ago, I sleep on his couch, and why didn’t he die on this couch? I sleep normally.


My mother also died, in the hospital, after her death I moved into her apartment, I sleep in her place, I use the furniture. It’s even better for me to sleep in her place, somehow calmly


Five years since my mother died, I have two apartments, my mother’s and mine, I was afraid to go to her apartment for a long time, much less spend the night there. Once I stayed, slept on my mother’s bed, and at exactly 12 at night it was as if they turned me over and kicked me out.Now I’ve already gone through everything, I’ve gotten sick, so to speak, and I’m thinking of moving to my mother’s apartment to live…. But what to do with the bed?


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