Does a child need a playpen?

playpen with meshThis question is first of all asked by parents whose children more don't crawl. When do babies start moving? awareness of the need given the design comes by itself. Today will do we are talking about how to properly fit a playpen, and how to teach a baby to sit in him.

With one hand you are trying to cook soup, with the other you are trying to clean up the floor toys, and hold the phone with your shoulder to talk about your new skills baby mom. And at this time your child I’ve already reached the cabinet where spices are stored and sprinkled myself generously with salt... Isn’t it time to think about a safer place? Perhaps this will be a real salvation for you.

During pregnancy, it seems that you don’t need a place where you can leave your baby for up to a year, because why, if child so desirable, and this strange belonging seems lattice for little children. Every mother thinks that she will be the best for her baby, And All the time will be near. But only when the baby begins to crawl and it is no longer possible to keep up with him, many mothers begin to think about the need for a safe place for their child. Now it's not lattice For baby, but a real salvation for young mother who simultaneously studying for a master's degree and combining education baby, study and housekeeping.

Why do you need a playpen?

baby in the playpenBasically one might say, What playpen is fenced off place for a baby.You can even make it with your own hands, but you can also buy it ready-made in a store, which, Certainly, much more reliable.

Majority of them vary in size. From the little ones which not much larger than a crib, up to huge, area which reaches 10 meters.

Besides, they differ in the side strips. Playpens come with side mesh, wooden plates, plastic, inflatable and this is not the entire range that you Maybe will offer almost any children's toy store.

They also differ in the lower part. She can be manufactured from:

  • soft material;
  • solid;
  • absent.

REFERENCE! An excellent option is a transformer, which has additional functions and can serve as both a crib and a playpen.

Safety is of the utmost importance. In the playpen to kid it will be quite difficult to obtain what-or injury, because he is fenced off from all dangerous things.

Besides everything above, He is the baby's personal space. This his spacewhere he can play without hurting himself.

But also keep baby locked up All time is not worth it! The playpen is so-so «magic wand« when it is not possible to watch all the time.

How to train baby to the arena

wooden playpenYou need to start leaving your baby in the playpen more before he can sit or stand up on his own. Lay the baby down for a couple of minutes and leave the room. Besides, there should be new toys that will interest baby. Do not give these toys in the crib to child I understood well that they could only be found here. Not worth it keep the baby alone for a long time. With time child will start to understand that his mother did not forget about him, but only went away for a while and will soon return for him.

With time increase the amount of time your baby spends in the playpen. Not worth it make a playpen a punishment for a baby.

REFERENCE! Accustom baby necessary as soon as possibleso that he does not perceive it as a punishment. You can avoid screaming by gradually teaching a baby who after that you can leave it in a safe place called playpen.

Don't forget that kids are very impressionable people. They are happy about the toy, but Also They quickly get bored with her.

How to choose the right playpen

Let's find out How to choose the right playpen that will be comfortable for both parents and baby?

There are two varieties - simple and a transformer. It is convenient to use a playpen bed, because when visiting, you can simply move the bottom shelf and the playpen can be turned into a cradle.

corner playpenPlaypens can come in different shapes round, square, polygonal, but square models are considered the most convenient. Besides, They fold very easily and do not take up much space when stored.

Make sure it is stable! Some models can flip over, which calls into question the safety of the baby.

NOTE! It is important that all metal parts are hidden from the baby and there are no sharp corners.

Transformers are a convenient option for parents who travel a lot. They fold up conveniently and do not take up much space.

Also There are wooden structures that can be placed in the living room or kitchen. It is worth noting some disadvantages of such models. Rigidity the structure about which may hit child. The baby's arms or legs may get stuck between the slats, so leave baby It is absolutely forbidden to stay in such playpens for a long time without supervision! Besides, made of wood child may introduce a splinter. Also Wood will require a lot of time and effort to remove dirt.

Each model is convenient and easy to use. Decomposition and assembly does not take much time. In addition, it takes up minimal storage space. Now you are familiar with the minimum rules, thanks to which you can purchase a comfortable model just for you and your baby.

When choosing a playpen, be as careful as possible, because your child must be safe!

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