Decorating a crib

CribWaiting for a baby is an exciting and worry-filled time, because there is so much to prepare for the moment he is born. One of the most important things is preparing a sleeping place in which the child will be almost constantly, during the first time after birth.

What materials can be used to decorate a baby crib?

wooden cribIt is advisable that all items in the baby’s room be made from natural materials. When choosing a crib, it is better to give preference to furniture made of wood or metal, as these materials do not cause allergies. Manufacturers of children's furniture can also use safe plastic. A hygiene certificate, which the seller must have when selling children's products, will help confirm the safety of the product.

IMPORTANT: The seller of children's furniture is obliged to present a hygiene certificate upon the first request of the buyer.

materialsThe bed linen set, bumpers and canopy should also be chosen from natural and hypoallergenic materials that are capable of good air permeability and are comfortable for the baby’s delicate skin. For bed linen and bumpers, fabrics such as chintz, calico, linen or flannel are suitable.

Ideas for decorating a baby crib

personal designChildren's stores offer a large selection of all kinds of accessories for a baby's bed. They are made in various color and stylistic themes. When buying bedding for their baby, parents need to take into account that bright, saturated colors tend to excite the child’s nervous system and, therefore, prevent him from falling asleep as quickly as possible.

It is worth paying special attention to the decorative elements that can be used to decorate the crib. It is better to refuse jewelry made of rhinestones, beads or buttons, because as soon as the baby can reach them, he will definitely try to tear them off, thereby injuring himself.

Canopy for a crib

Canopy for a cribA canopy or canopy not only makes the crib more elegant, it also protects the baby from drafts, insects and too bright light.

For a canopy, it is more advisable to choose a fabric containing natural fibers: silk or cotton voile, chiffon, silk organza or muslin. These fabrics drape easily and beautifully, and also allow air to pass through, trapping dust particles.

IMPORTANT: do not use a canopy made of synthetic material. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, but create a greenhouse effect that makes it difficult for a child to breathe.

Decorations for the side of a crib

Decorations for the side of a cribIn addition to being decorative, the sides perform a protective function. They protect against impacts on hard elements of the crib when the baby turns over and other active actions and serve as additional protection against drafts.

Sides come in the form of square or rectangular pads, cushions or so-called bom bon sides.Sets for girls are usually decorated with bows, flowers, frills or ruffles; for boys, embroidery or applique is used as decoration. In any case, you need to carefully check the fastening of the jewelry, as inquisitive children’s hands will definitely try to tear them off.

Hanging decorations

hanging decorationsAfter the first month of life, the baby begins to be interested in surrounding objects, so all kinds of small toys, such as stars, snowflakes, fairy-tale characters or animals, are hung above the crib.

hanging decorationThey can be attached to a mechanical musical mobile, then the child will follow the rotating objects with his eyes.

As an option, attach toys to the sides of the crib so that the child can easily reach them and touch them with his hands. They can be bought at any children's store, made from felt, sewn or knitted. To develop fine motor skills, it is better to choose toys from different textures and materials.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget to periodically move the toys to a different place so that the baby does not always look in one direction.

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