Do you need bumpers for a newborn's crib?

Many parents begin to prepare for the birth of their long-awaited child several months before the scheduled birth date. They begin to purchase a variety of things and toys for the baby. But one of the main purchases is a baby crib and various accessories.

And these include sides, or, as they say, bumpers. Their cost cannot be called low, and therefore many parents wonder: are bumpers needed in a crib? And so we decided to deal with this in the material below.

Why do you need bumpers in a newborn crib?

bumpers for a newborn's cribWhy do you need bumpers for a baby crib? On the one hand, these products are a very convenient thing and perform a number of useful functions, which include the following.

  1. Protection of the baby from injuries received as a result of hitting the hard bars of the berth.
  2. Heat retention and reliable draft protection.
  3. The child will not stick his hands into the space between the bars, and, accordingly, the likelihood of getting a dislocation will decrease.
  4. There are bright patterns on the sides, and the baby looks at them with pleasure, learning about the world around him.
  5. They prevent small objects from falling out of the crib. For example, a rattle or a pacifier.

The arguments are very convincing, and force young parents to purchase bumpers for the crib in order to ensure the maximum level of safety for their child.
Why do you need bumpers in a newborn crib? Recently, more and more negative comments have begun to appear, indicating that this accessory is dangerous to the baby’s health. And it’s not even a matter of a possible allergy that a child may have to the manufacturing material or the dust accumulated on it. Many scientists believe that the side can lead to the death of the baby.

This opinion was expressed by representatives from the United States, who were closely involved in studying the problem of child mortality. Along with the above, medical professionals also express concern. After all, as you know, statistics are stubborn, and according to their data, the mortality rate when using protective sides has increased several times over the past 7 years.

Arguments against sides

bumpers for a newborn's cribDo you need bumpers for a newborn's crib? The use of the presented products has a number of significant disadvantages.

  1. 1. The sides do not allow parents to see what their child is currently doing. And for every mother it is important to see that everything is fine with her child.
  2. They accumulate a lot of dust on themselves, and the baby breathes it. In view of the above, cleaning will need to be done on a regular basis.
  3. Behind the sides, the baby will not be able to see what is happening outside the bed.
  4. A child can still stick an arm or leg into the joints between the sides, which can result in injury.
  5. There is a risk of death, because in a dream the child may turn around unsuccessfully, burying himself in the side, and suffocate.

What to look for when choosing

bumpers for a newborn's cribThere are several general guidelines to consider during the selection process. And first of all, you need to understand that the filler should be a material that can be easily washed and not bunch up. These include:

  • Foam rubber;
  • Sintepon;
  • Natural wool;
  • Holofiber.

Important! Regardless of the filling you choose, purchase sides with removable covers or sew them yourself after purchase!

In addition to the filler, you will need to pay attention to the thickness of the model, along with the appearance. These products can have the shape of a corner, the letter P, and also cover the entire crib.

Thickness also varies widely. There are overly thin models, and there are also products whose thickness can be compared to a pillow. And experts recommend giving preference to thin models for cribs for newborn babies. But thick models are intended for older children.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the material from which the top is made. It must be durable and harmless to the health of the baby. The ideal option would be flannel or chintz, as well as other natural fabrics.

The determining factor is the height of the sides. Low options are suitable for newborns, and high ones are recommended for older children who have become active and strive to understand the world around them.
And the last thing worth paying attention to is the method of attaching the sides. They can be attached with Velcro, clasps, buttons, snaps or ties.

Doctors' recommendations

bumpers for a newborn's cribDoctors do not recommend installing bumpers in cribs for newborn babies, as they consider them unsafe for the baby’s health.Doctors also advise placing babies on a firm mattress and removing all soft objects from the crib.

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