Does a newborn need a pillow in his crib?

newbornAll adults cannot imagine a comfortable sleep without a soft and airy pillow and believe that babies need it too. Pediatricians assure that babies up to a full year old do not need it; babies do not yet know how to roll over in their sleep without problems and can bury their nose in the bedding and suffocate. Because of this, the baby cannot be covered with pillows; he must roll over freely and have plenty of space around him.

What can a newborn sleep on?

newborn on a flannel diaperThe baby needs to sleep on hypoallergenic fabrics and materials; the crib must be spacious and without any restrictions over your baby’s head. The bumpers in the bed will save the child from falling and blows.

On a note! Doctors advise placing a folded four-quarter flannel baby diaper under your head and neck.

Such a homemade pillow will raise the baby’s head and will not deform his spine and cervical spine, eliminating the development of scoliosis and the possibility of sudden suffocation in his sleep. This method was used by our grandmothers and proved its effectiveness, since most children did not have torticollis or other problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Is it possible for a newborn to sleep on a pillow?

newborn on a pillowPediatricians have a negative attitude towards pillows for newborns, at least up to a year. They justify this by the fact that babies often toss and turn in their sleep; the bedding can shift and harm the fragile spine of a newborn. In general, it is better not to use all additional objects under the child’s neck and back, since the musculoskeletal system is not yet fully formed and strengthened, and these things can harm it.

Important! Orthopedists recommend using a pillow for a child from the age of one year.

If a baby is diagnosed with torticollis, various deformities of the skull or spine, the orthopedist will prescribe special orthopedic pillows for babies that will fix the baby's head in one direction. This treatment is carried out only from the fourth month of the baby’s life.

What kind of pillow does a newborn need in his crib?

There are many pillows on the market now, all you have to do is find the right one. Some popular models:

orthopedic pillow for newbornsOrthopedic. You should buy it only according to the indications of an orthopedic doctor. The most popular model is the “butterfly”, it supports the baby’s neck and skull. It can only be used from the baby’s second month. It is made based on all the anatomical features of the baby's structure. It is often used if an infant is diagnosed with torticollis, spinal or neck injury, or premature infants. The pillow fixes the head in a certain position, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

pillow positionerPositioner. Helps avoid most problems with the fragile children's spine, fixes the infant in a certain position and reduces the load on the back, relieves muscle tone.

reclining pillow for newbornsInclined.It is also suitable for healthy children; it must be placed under the child’s body to ensure a certain correct tilt of the body, this is about 30 degrees. It helps to avoid unpleasant regurgitation of milk and colic.

bagel pillowBagel. It is most often used in babies with torticollis. You can make it yourself, just roll up ordinary cotton wool and a bandage with a roller, make a donut out of it and wrap it in cloth. Healthy children should not sleep on such a pillow; they should do without it altogether.

pillow limiterLimiter. It limits movement during daytime and nighttime sleep. The baby sleeps better with this attribute, and the mother is less nervous.

Important! Any pillow must be covered with natural fabric (cotton, linen).

What size should a pillow be?

newborn pillow sizeIt is believed that the ideal size is a flannel baby diaper folded in four. Special pillows are produced by many companies and have different sizes depending on their purpose. The orthopedic view has dimensions of 25x18x2.5 cm.

Important! A standard size pillow of 50x70 is suitable for children over 7 years old; newborns should not be given this type of pillow.

What does the doctor advise?

butterfly pillow for newbornAccording to doctors, this element should be chosen carefully, like other household items for an infant. It must be hypoallergenic, breathable, have excellent orthopedic properties, and environmentally friendly.

Modern doctors clearly answer the question of the need for a pillow for a newborn: the physiology of infants up to one year old allows them to do without this bedding attribute, and their sleep will not be affected at all by its presence or absence.Moreover, for newborns it poses a risk of suffocation and the development of scoliosis of the thoracic and cervical regions, so babies can easily do without a pillow for up to a year.

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