How to paint a baby crib

When choosing a paint and varnish substance for painting a baby crib, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The paint should not contain harmful compounds, as these components tend to evaporate and can cause allergies in the child;
  • The composition should not contain lead or other toxic material, otherwise the entry of these chemicals into the body will cause poisoning;
  • The best choice would be a paint and varnish substance based on water or natural oils;
  • The product must not be flammable.

How to choose paint for painting a baby crib

paint for painting a baby cribWhat paint to paint a baby crib? List of paints and varnishes whose composition is perfect for painting children's furniture and will protect the health of the child:

  1. Acrylic and water-based paints have excellent coating quality and do not contain harmful impurities.
  2. Acrylic-polyurethane substances are durable and wear-resistant.
  3. Acrylic enamels are able to protect the surface of the product from damage and, moreover, are safe.
  4. Aqualacs will add strength to the surface of your product.
  5. Oil-waxes have a water-repellent property, thanks to the wax and oil included in the product.

Although all the paints on the list are high in cost, they are quite safe, non-toxic and have a wide selection of tones.

Stages of work

paint for painting a baby cribIn order to begin reconstructing an old crib, you should follow these steps:

  • Take children's furniture outside or into the workshop;
  • Disassemble the crib into its components;
  • Remove the old coating using a spatula and brush;
  • Fill all cracks with putty;
  • Sand the surface with sandpaper, making it smooth;
  • Clean the crib from dust with a dry cloth;
  • Apply a primer to the surface of the product and let it dry;
  • Paint the entire product with a thin layer using two brushes – a small and a large one, three times. Each layer must be completely dry before subsequent application.

Important: After opening a can of paint, the contents must be thoroughly mixed.

Recommendations from experts

Tips for painting a baby cribA few tips to help you paint your crib correctly:

  1. It is better to paint the product a month before the baby is born, in this case there will be time to eliminate defects if they occur.
  2. If after painting the paint and varnish substance peels off, everything needs to be redone.
  3. When choosing aerosol paint, you need to paint in the fresh air and in special clothing.
  4. The product must dry for at least eight hours, and no dust or insects should fall on the surface.

It is not necessary to paint children's furniture in one color; you can show your imagination and make it colorful and bright.

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