Height of bed with mattress from floor

bedWhen purchasing a bed, you need to know the parameters to make it comfortable to sit on. This is important, since the quality of sleep and health in general will depend on it. To simplify all search operations, this article has been written, where you will learn in detail everything about the desired dimensions and some nuances.

What are the different heights of beds?

In the modern world, there are three types of construction, which differ in their elevation:

bed height view

  • Eastern. It is considered the lowest model, since the figures are only 20–40 centimeters from the floor.
  • Has medium sizes European look. Unlike the previous version, this one has 50–60 cm at a similar distance.
  • American. They are famous for the largest gap from the surface to the device, which is approximately 80 to 100 centimeters.

What determines the height of the bed?

Of course, the first thing to notice is personal preferences of the user. Some people like to sleep exclusively on a low bed, while others do the opposite.Therefore, when choosing products, the presented factor should be taken into account.


Besides, man's height is also important. It will simply be difficult for short people to climb onto a bed that is many times larger than them. Therefore, based on the buyer’s measurements, the bed is selected accordingly.

Important! In cases where the person is elderly, it is worth paying attention to units with large parameters.

high bedThis is because for these types of people, who may have joint problems due to age, elevated beds are recommended, as they are easier to sit on. Taking into account the physiological characteristics, we should not forget about the points inherent in all designs. So, for example, the presence of legs directly affects the parameters. Of course, in their absence the level will be much lower. Thus, The main factors that govern the choice of acquisition are:

  • age;
  • height;
  • availability of additional device parts;
  • health opportunities;
  • personal preferences.

Reference! The dimensions of the room can also affect the height. The aspect is not often considered significant, however, it was worth mentioning due to the cases of its occurrence.

What should be the standard height of a bed with a mattress from the floor?

Of course, the parameters are selected, as mentioned above, individually. It is necessary that when a person gets out of bed, it is possible to put his feet on the floor without any difficulties. This significantly reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system. Most people will be comfortable with the option where the height is 50 centimeters from the surface. Most often, manufacturers produce a special kit in which you can find both the device and the mattress.This is done to ensure that all the parts fit perfectly together.

height with mattress

Optimal mattress height for a bed

bed mattressTaking measurements yourself is not difficult. The need for this arises in cases where a sleeping place is selected for the original mat. To do this, you should place the product on the floor and arm yourself with one sheet of any material, the main thing is that it is hard. Next, place it on the mattress so that a small part of it protrudes beyond. Thus, using a measuring tape, you can determine the original value. If it is about 16–18 centimeters, then this is a favorable result. Since it is this numerical interval that is determined as the most suitable for the average person. There are cases that the parameters are greater than those named. There is nothing wrong with this, since there is a possibility that the product is orthopedic. However, this does not mean that it is ideal for you.

Standard bed height from floor

The generally accepted indicator is based on the average height of a person. This means that for a person whose height is, say, 165 centimeters, the elevation will vary from 50 to 60 cm. Therefore, it has been established that the standards depend on the bed model, and approximately its parameters can be said to be 45–175 cm.

standard bed height from the floor

What should be the height of a children's bed with a mattress?

It is worth noting that the presented aspect varies depending on the age of the child. So, for newborns, it is advisable to use furniture in which, as a rule, the lower position of the mattress is limited and is 30 centimeters, and the upper position is 50. For device models intended for preschoolers, the parameters can also be about 30 cm.Speaking about older children, it is worth noting that the value is added by 10 cm, which means the result is 40. And for teenagers, a bed of 50 cm is typical.

baby bed

Height of bed with mattress from floor for adult

There are several varieties that allow you to determine the best option:

podium bed height

  • The most popular among users is podium bed. This model is represented by a structure with a height of 45 centimeters. It is believed that it will be ideal for the average person. If he is of moderate height, then it should turn out that his knees will bend a little.
  • Classic version. With this device you don’t have to bend, as was the case in the previous paragraph. This is explained by the elevation of 63 and a half centimeters. Some manufacturers provide storage space for various things under the structure.
  • Loft bed. It has quite specific features. As for the size, it is 166–175 cm above floor level. When purchasing this option, you should take into account the required distance to the ceiling, which is 70 cm.
  • Original models. It differs from all others in that the package includes various steps and parts that will help you climb onto furniture with parameters of 90 cm. Most often you can find the device in palace styles.

How to choose the right bed height, given the height of the mattress

bed selectionOf course, it is important that the design matches the size of the mattress. This is necessary in order to provide yourself with comfort in your sleeping place. Otherwise, all comfort is disturbed, and the person, in turn, feels discomfort during sleep. Thus, for owners of a product with a high podium, you should pay attention to a lower bed.This is explained by the fact that when using non-conforming parts, it becomes necessary to compensate for the indicators in order to avoid possible errors.

In addition, it is worth taking into account personal wishes. So, some people prefer to sleep on the floor, so to simulate these sensations you should purchase the lowest possible bed, regardless of the thickness of the mat. But in any case, it is not recommended to save on the purchase of those products on which your health depends.

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