How to choose a child seat

child seat in carTaking care of the safety of their child is the responsibility of every parent. Despite the fact that the traffic rules clearly state the generally accepted standards that must be observed when transporting small children in the cabin of a vehicle, and also provide for fines for non-compliance, the use of a special device with fastenings should not be determined by this.

Everyone must understand that there is nothing more valuable than human life, and especially the life of one’s own child. However, choosing a chair from the variety presented in stores can be quite difficult.

Why buy a child seat

a child seat is responsible for safety and comfortAmendments to the legislative framework requiring the use of special restraints in cars to transport children from birth to 12 years of age were adopted on January 1, 2007. Since then, all drivers must use this device to ensure the safety of children from 0 to 12 years old.

IMPORTANT! The absence of a car seat for a child during transportation is punishable by an administrative fine and is considered a gross violation of traffic rules.

Statistics show that the use of special restraint devices can reduce the number of fatalities in accidents among infants by 70% and by 54% among children over 3 years old. These are significant numbers.Everyone should understand that ensuring the safety of the baby while traveling is the primary task of every car enthusiast.

Types of chairs

types of child seatsChildren's stores and specialized salons offering an assortment of child seats sell a wide range of these products. It will be very difficult for a simple buyer to choose from the variety of manufacturers and various characteristics.

Experts identify 5 main groups of child seats in a car:

  • category “0” (implies use in the period from birth to 9 months of life, when the child weighs no more than 10 kg, such a seat has the distinctive feature of being installed in a car; it is fastened with belts, positioned perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle);
  • category “0+” (used to secure children weighing no more than 13 kg under the age of 15 (18) months, the seat is fastened with the backrest in the direction of travel);
  • category “1” (installed with the front side in the direction of movement, children from 1 to 4 years old with a weight not exceeding 18 kg feel quite comfortable);
  • category “2” (a child under 6-7 years old with a body weight of no more than 25 kg feels great in such a chair attached to the back sofa or front seat);
  • category “3” (this seat can carry children under 12 years old, weighing up to 36 kg, installation – facing the windshield).

When choosing a car seat for a baby, you should take into account not only his height and age, but also his weight category. This is explained by the fact that many children do not correspond to their age in weight or height. In this case, you will need to select a chair from a different product category.

What to look for when purchasing

In addition to the necessary parameters in the form of height, weight and age of the child, when choosing, you must also take into account the method of attaching the car seat in the car, its security, the ability to adjust, as well as its practicality, ease of cleaning, model, color, design and other parameters. Although the combination of colors and the design of the seat for the baby will play a secondary role. The safety of the child should come to the fore.

To do this, you need to decide on the seat mounting system in the vehicle. Experts advise purchasing restraints with the Isofix system, which is considered the most reliable today. To do this, the machine must be equipped with special brackets. The seat is fastened into them quickly and provides a rigid grip with the car body.

IMPORTANT! Not all cars are equipped with similar slots for attaching a seat. Make sure they are under the stock rear seats before purchasing a car seat.

armchair alternativeChild restraints, just like cars, undergo special crash tests. They allow you to determine the security category of the device. They are designated by values ​​from 1 to 5. To be sure of the safety of your child, it is better to purchase models that are rated 4 or 5.

Children often fall asleep even on the shortest trips and also grow very quickly, causing their position in the seat to change. A high-quality and correctly selected seat should be able to adjust the backrest, straps and headrest to ensure that the baby sits comfortably in the chair.

How to choose the right one

To ensure that your child always feels comfortable in the car and is safe in the event of an emergency, you need to choose the right restraint device.It is important to study the market for the products offered and choose a worthy option that meets all the stated parameters and characteristics.

General selection rules will help you choose the right chair:

  • category “0+” is perfect for children from birth to 14 months with a crash test rating of 5 points;
  • from 1 year to 4 years, group “1” is suitable with a 4-point test score; an Isofix fastening system and removable, easily washable covers will be useful;
  • chairs from categories “2” and “3” are perfect for children from 4 to 7 years old; a good addition would be adjustment of the headrest, backrest and belts, as well as removable, easy-to-clean covers;
  • Children of a conscious age from 8 to 12 years old will benefit from backless seats (boosters), which will help stretch the standard seat belt in the right place.

A wide range of car seats offers a huge selection of models that differ in important safety characteristics, style, color and other parameters. When choosing, you should be guided by the recommendations of other parents, the baby’s body features and his lifestyle. The cost of products also varies, but it is worth remembering that any chair, even the cheapest, is much better than no chair at all.

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