The sofa creaks: what to do

Sofas have become an everyday item in any home or country property. Relaxation areas with sofa corners are installed in publicly accessible places; such places include shopping centers, office sites, and multifunctional centers.

What to do if the sofa creaks

the sofa creaksWhat to do if the sofa creaks? Sofa furniture can be classified as a popular household item; it is used for various purposes - relaxation, sleep, children's games, etc. During operation, few people think about careful treatment and the maximum level of load that furniture can withstand. As a result, pressing of the surface and an unpleasant squeak occurs.

The new sofa creaks: what to do

The new sofa creaksWhat can I do to prevent the sofa from creaking? After purchasing a new device, did you suddenly notice an annoying creaking noise?

The process of assembling furniture is quite a labor-intensive task; some manufacturers, in order to save time and opportunities, treat the work negligently. As a result, defects are allowed.

What can you do if the sofa creaks? The most common causes of squeaking are:

  1. Initially incorrectly calculated number of jumpers.
  2. The spring block is made of low-quality material.
  3. The structure has undergone deformation of the wood.
  4. During transportation, fastening elements (nuts, screws) became loose.

Minor defects in new furniture are easily eliminated; you can deal with them yourself. It is enough to stretch the fastening structure and lubricate the layout mechanism with technical oil. If the defect is visible and you understand that you cannot eliminate it, then it is recommended to return the furniture to the store using the warranty card.

A sofa that is out of warranty is creaking: a solution to the problem

The sofa is creaking and its warranty has expired.How to get rid of a creaking sofa? In cases where the furniture warranty has expired, it is necessary to carefully inspect the structure of the sofa and determine the area where creaking occurs. The furniture consists of:

  • Frame design, folding mechanism.
  • Spring blocks, filler, upholstery.

Frame defect: the base of the sofa is made of two types: wood, metal.

REFERENCE! Products with a metal frame are more reliable and practical to use.

In a wooden base, creaking occurs due to mechanical damage (breakage, crack). The broken element should be strengthened or replaced.

In a metal base, the cause of an unpleasant sound is usually the friction of loose fastening parts. It is necessary to stretch all the fasteners around the perimeter of the sofa.

Defective springs: squeaking in the spring block is much more difficult to eliminate.

IMPORTANT! Repairs will be expensive; it is advisable to replace the entire spring unit at the same time.

Only a professional can do this kind of work. But if your financial situation at the moment does not allow you to call a specialist, you will be able to reduce the sounds for a while on your own. To do this, you need to carefully disassemble the upholstery and fill the internal creaking spring element with foam rubber.

Preventing squeaking

Preventing squeakingHave you done some serious work and your sofa continues to squeak? Then follow the general recommendations:

  1. Disassemble the entire frame, replace damaged parts, lubricate the fasteners and assembly mechanism with technical oil or paraffin. The gaps between the dried wood can be filled with PVA glue and left until it dries completely.
  2. Install additional jumpers.
  3. Place a layer of foam rubber under the spring block on the plywood bottom. Add foam rubber to the internal depressed areas of the block.
  4. Assemble the structure carefully.

Taking these steps at home will help extend the life of your furniture.

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