Which sofa filler is best?

When purchasing any furniture, it is important to look not only at the external characteristics, but also at the internal content. How comfortable it will be and its service life depend on the filling of the sofa. A bad filler will quickly deteriorate and the furniture will have grooves. Before buying a sofa, you need to determine its purpose. For an office it is one thing, for a sleeping place it is completely different. To sleep on a sofa, you need to choose its hardness. The spine should be in a natural position so that a person can relax. With great hardness, the muscles will be in constant tension; with strong softness, the shape of the vertebrae becomes irregular.

The content of the article

Description, pros and cons

Polyurethane foam, or PPU - This is one of the newest fillers that has been used recently. Polyurethane foam can be cast or block, the first is produced in factories where it is poured into special molds, the second is manufactured and then cut into blocks. The advantages include a long service life - 8 years, strength, elasticity, resilience, and a fairly low price. The material does not accumulate dust, there is no allergy to it, and it does not deform under heavy loads. The material does not allow water to pass through, but can deteriorate from exposure to sunlight.

polyurethane foam

Sintepon - synthetic fiber. It takes up little space, weighs lightly, the material is elastic, safe, does not allow moisture to pass through, and retains heat.The disadvantages include the fact that the filler is not long-lasting and may form lumps over time. When purchasing, it is very important to ensure that the material is of good quality.

padding polyester

Periotec - material, consists of two outer layers and a main middle one. External ones can be made of both natural and non-natural fibers. The inner layer is made of cotton or wool. The advantages are convenience, safety for humans, long-term operation, hypoallergenicity, air circulation, flexibility. The disadvantages include the fact that it is difficult to find the material in stores, since production is abroad. For those who like to smoke while lying on the sofa, this option is suitable, since periotec is fire resistant.


Struttofiber — this filler consists of three layers, the inner layer is the main one, it distributes the load evenly. The advantages include a long service life, the material does not rot, does not absorb water, and the price is very affordable. Struttofiber is flexible, restores its original appearance, it is used for curvature of the spine due to its flexibility. Mites do not appear in the material, dust does not accumulate, and does not cause allergic reactions. The only downside is that repairing the filler is very difficult. Professionals speak well of this filler and recommend its use.


Felt and padded jacket - felt is made from wool and comes in different widths. It is dense, reliable and comfortable, it is not expensive, but is most often used as linings. Natural felt does not last long. The quilted jacket consists of cotton wool and the fabric that surrounds it. The padded jacket is soft, not expensive, harmless, but does not hold its shape and the quality of the fabric is often poor.

felt and padded jacket

Holofiber - one of the popular fillers, which is made from padding polyester.The structure resembles balls or slabs, the fibers are twisted. Positive properties are softness, lightness, plasticity and elasticity. The material does not wear out, lasts up to ten years, is not flammable, repels odors, and allows air to pass through. The cost is quite high.


Foam rubber — the material has high density, elasticity, good air permeability, has many cells, waterproof and hypoallergenic. The higher the density, the longer the foam will last.

foam rubber

Latex — sofas with latex fillings are considered very good. It is made from rubber sap and has many cells. Pros: no toxicity, durability up to 20 years, air circulation, load distribution, good shape, can be used for orthopedic purposes. The cost of such furniture is quite high.


Durafil - resembles a spring, consists of polyester. The advantages are that it is soft, elastic, holds its shape well and does not deform for a long time, repels dust, and does not allow moisture to pass through. The price is reasonable. The buyer will not have to clean off dust and dirt.


Top 5 fillers

The first place among fillers is the spring block, since steel springs are the strongest and most durable. Polyurethane foam is in second place in popularity; it consists of several synthetic layers, reminiscent of a sponge. The third place is occupied by synthetic winterizer, this is the most economical option and consists of polyester fibers. Holofiber is in 4th place, it is also made of polyester fiber. Synthetic fluff takes fifth place, it is a down substitute and is inexpensive.

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