How to choose an anti-decubitus mattress

Anti-decubitus mattresses designed specifically for medical care for bedridden patients. They prevent stagnation, creating dynamic support for the entire body. To get the complex effect of anti-bedsore systems, you need to know about their types and purposes. In this article we will talk about all types of mattresses and the rules for choosing them.

How to choose an anti-decubitus mattress

CompressorThe main purpose of anti-decubitus mattresses is do not harm a sick person, distribute the load evenly, eliminate muscle pain, prevent the appearance of bedsores. These products most often need to be purchased on the recommendations of the attending physician, who will definitely tell you what type of mattress will have a preventive effect. Since all types of mattresses have different purposes, you should carefully select a model for a bedridden patient.

Sometimes the use of anti-decubitus mattresses for temporarily bedridden patients not acceptable, for example, in case of a spinal fracture rest should be on a hard, flat surface. Therefore, a qualified doctor who knows about your diseases should recommend an anti-decubitus mattress.Depending on the types of diseases, as well as the stages of development of bedsores, a certain type of mattress is selected for the specific needs of the patient.

After receiving your doctor's recommendation, go to the stores to find the right type of mattress. Do not forget to take into account the patient’s weight, which is significant in this matter. Remember that the product must be made of hypoallergenic and non-toxic materials; give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Types and descriptions of anti-decubitus mattresses

Choosing an anti-decubitus mattressAccording to the principle of action, all anti-decubitus mattresses are divided into 2 types - static and dynamic. By their names it is easy enough to understand the essence of their work. The first type of product is autonomous and does not require connection to power sources.

Static mattresses provide support to a patient who is temporarily forced to remain in bed. Its surface allows you to support the entire body of the patient thanks to the uniform distribution of pressure and adaptation to individual characteristics.

Important! Static mattresses are recommended for people to prevent bedsores during postoperative bed rest.

The second type of mattresses - dynamic, they are more difficult to operate, however, they have an invaluable therapeutic effect for immobilized people or some restriction in their movement. The design of the mattress allows you to apply and change pressure in different areas of the product, providing a soft massage to the patient. Thus, while lying down, it is possible to maintain normal blood flow, eliminate muscle tension and alleviate pain.

Recommendations when choosing an anti-decubitus mattress

Tubular mattressTo get the necessary prevention of bedsores, you need to choose the right type of mattress, otherwise you risk aggravating the patient’s health condition and causing harm. To create a comfortable environment for the patient, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Choose only medically certified products - a genuine product will last a long time.
  • Give preference to hypoallergenic materials, the best ones are polyurethane foam and polyvinyl chloride, they are easy to clean and dry quickly.
  • Before buying a mattress, carefully inspect it for any creases; this is unacceptable for all types of products.
  • The correct mattress size is the key to healthy and complete rest for the patient. Mattresses that are larger than the bed do not provide proper air circulation, small mattresses will cause a lot of inconvenience to the patient and will not provide effective prevention.
  • When choosing a dynamic mattress, make sure that the sound of the compressor does not exceed 5–10 dB; this noise threshold is recommended for healthy sleep.

Which anti-decubitus mattress is better?

Medical anti-bedsore mattresses are complex systems for preventing bedsores and relaxing the muscles of patients with various diseases. If the patient is able to get out of bed, then choose a static mattress that provides support to the spine and prevents the formation of bedsores. Static mattresses evenly distribute the load of the entire body, relieving the patient of excessive pressure on certain organs.

Dynamic mattresses have a soft massage effect and help immobilized patients spend time comfortably. Thanks to a specially installed compressor, optimal pressure is maintained in the product, providing complete care.

Mattress with cellsCellular mattresses should be chosen by people with low weight and with bedsores in the initial stages. Many cells, alternately inflated by a compressor, help normalize blood flow and lead to a general improvement in well-being. Balloon or often called tube mattresses must be purchased for people with stage 3 or 4 bedsores. A patient's weight over 120 kg is also an indication for purchasing a mattress with inflatable transverse tubes.

On a note! The choice of mattress type directly depends on the patient’s weight, the stage of bedsores and his physical capabilities.

Tubular mattress

Tubular mattressWhen diagnosing a patient with bedsores Stages 3 and 4 it is necessary to provide prevention with tubular mattresses recommended for people weighing more than 120 kg. Structurally, these systems differ from static ones - they are made of sections of tubes that are connected by an air pressure supply control unit. Alternately filling the tubes with air every 10 minutes allows you to achieve a massage effect. As a result, the patient experiences an improvement in overall health - blood circulation is normalized.

Cellular mattress

Among dynamic types of mattresses, cellular ones are most in demand among patients with low weight and the initial stage of development of bedsores. The product consists of cells into which air is alternately supplied from the compressor to create a light massage effect.

Decisive factors when choosing an anti-decubitus mattress

Remember! To achieve the prevention of bedsores, the permissible weight of the patient should be slightly less than indicated on the product.

When purchasing an anti-bedsore system, you must be careful so that the patient feels comfortable while resting. To take care of the health of an immobilized person, it is necessary to provide professional support for all organs. By restoring blood supply and relieving muscle tension, it is possible to obtain a massage effect when using specialized medical mattresses. We recommend paying attention to the following important criteria:

  • What weight is the mattress designed for? The manufacturer always indicates exact data on the load-carrying capacity of the product, which should be adhered to.
  • Airflow system – unique microscopic holes created by laser allow you to take care of the patient’s skin. Due to the airflow, people who sweat a lot or are overweight will be able to feel more comfortable due to the timely removal of excess moisture.
  • Choose hypoallergenic material. Most often, high-quality mattresses are made of polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane foam, which are easy to clean and dry quickly.

Compressors are definitely necessary when choosing dynamic mattresses. They help create the necessary pressure in cellular and tubular mattresses for therapeutic effects. In many models of anti-bedsore systems, there are autonomous products that operate from an external power source and compressors that are powered from the electrical network. When choosing a mattress with a compressor, pay attention to its permissible noise level, which should not exceed 20 dB.

Advice for buyers when choosing an anti-decubitus mattress

Choosing an anti-decubitus mattressAnti-decubitus mattresses are an indispensable way to effectively care for the patient in the postoperative period or when he is completely immobilized.Having studied in detail all types of mattresses for the prevention of bedsores, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Tubular mattresses are more durable – if one or more tubes are damaged during operation, they can be easily removed and replaced with new ones.
  • Don't forget to consider important parameters: patient’s weight, doctor’s recommendations, bedsore stage.

Choosing anti-bedsore therapy, take into account the physical condition of the patient, if he can get out of bed - choose static mattresses to evenly distribute the load during bed rest. If a person is immobilized, then he needs to choose a tubular or cellular mattress. Both designs allow you to create a massage effect and have a therapeutic effect in the fight against bedsores.

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