Fashionable chandeliers for the living room 2019–2020

The living room is a special room. This is where we spend evenings with family members, enjoy our favorite TV series, and receive guests. Therefore, it requires a careful approach when decorating.

You can fill a room with coziness and create a certain mood with the help of well-chosen lighting. In addition, the correctly chosen chandelier model can mask flaws that you may have made during the renovation.

But the lighting fixture must be not only functional, but also stylish. Let's find out which chandelier models are trending today.

What chandeliers are in fashion now: general nuances

Trends in interior design are no different from other fashion trends; they also have a cyclical nature. It seems that just as quickly as new trends and solutions appear, they are sent to gather dust in the far corner of the shelf. And outdated ideas lie there until the next designer turns to them in search of inspiration. This feature did not bypass lighting fixtures.

Various chandeliers.

Reference. Some fashion solutions that appear in one year do not lose their relevance in the coming year. Therefore, there is no need to worry if you have recently purchased a new lighting fixture.

If you believe the words of interior designers, the following models will be the most relevant in 2020:

  1. Stylish geometry. Simple and clear forms are in favor with architects and designers. Clear lines allow you to create accents aimed at certain areas of the living room.
  2. Combination of different materials. The wide selection of lighting fixtures is largely due to the wide range of materials. They can be made of wood, metal, glass, plastic. Now imagine a combination of these materials in one lighting fixture, for example, glass and metal. It looks not only incredibly stylish, but also bold. Don't be afraid to experiment in this area.
  3. Black. Shades of dark are always at the peak of popularity. Such products look stylish and unusual. In addition, black lighting fixtures will fit perfectly into the design of any interior.
  4. There are never too many chandeliers. Designers advise not to be afraid to experiment and abandon the idea that there should be only one central lighting fixture in the room. If the area of ​​the room and the height of the walls allow, you can decorate the room with several chandeliers. With their help, you can not only decorate, but also divide the room into several zones.

Reference. If your living room is decorated primarily in dark colors, then you should not purchase a black chandelier. It will get lost against the general background and make the room gloomier.

Trendy varieties of chandeliers for the living room 2019–2020

The vagaries of fashion have nothing to do with the main models of lighting fixtures. After all, it is quite difficult to invent something in this niche. So, to organize lighting, use the following options, which will remain relevant for a long time:

  1. Hanging. Such models are fixed with a hook and look beautiful on the ceiling.Due to this method of placement, the structures are of impressive size. Therefore, they are suitable for spacious rooms, where they will become the central accent of the design. There are sometimes single-lamp options on sale that can be placed in small rooms.Hanging chandelier.
  2. Pceiling They are fixed as close to the ceiling as possible, as if they “grow together” with the surface. They look elegant and laconic. Thanks to its modest size, it is suitable for small spaces.Ceiling chandelier.
  3. Sconce. Often this type of lighting fixture is used to organize an alternative lighting source. Sconces made in the same style with the central chandelier look especially good.Sconce.

Variety of styles with photos

When choosing a new lighting fixture, pay attention not only to its functionality, but also to its stylistic design. The product must be in harmony with the overall design of the room. Agree: a chandelier with a floral design will look extremely strange in a room decorated in a minimalist style.

Trending models for the 2019–2020 season are:

  1. Classic. The unforgettable monumental classic does not lose its relevance for a long time. Only the materials used for manufacturing and the dimensions of the product change. Massive pendants, elongated details, luxury - all this is timeless.Classic chandelier.
  2. Country. Lamps that look like they were taken from grandma's chest. Simple and calm design, a minimum of decorative details are the main characteristics of country style. If you are a lover of vintage style, pay attention to similar models.Country.
  3. Xi-tech. A special type of lighting fixture that successfully combines strict lines and cool shades. The main difference between the style is the combination of various metals.High tech.
  4. Minimalism. Simple geometric shapes do not lose their relevance. If you love calm, minimalist design, chandeliers in the form of balls and cubes are your choice.Minimalism.
  5. Modern. When creating such lighting fixtures, classic models are taken as a basis and slightly modified. For example, instead of elongated decorative elements, ornate details are used. Often such models have a non-standard asymmetrical design.Modern.
  6. Baroque. These are luxurious lighting fixtures, decorated with a large number of decorative elements. Due to this, they are characterized by bulky sizes. Therefore, chandeliers decorated in this style should be placed in spacious rooms with high ceilings. Since such models have a complex design, we recommend choosing lamps with artificial lighting - a bright white color will deprive the room of comfort.Baroque.
  7. Loft. The original idea of ​​this style is the presence of high walls. Therefore, the only suitable model is a pendant chandelier. But over time, rooms of different sizes began to be decorated in the loft style, so the need for hanging chandeliers disappeared by itself. Now you can choose any option - suspended or ceiling. The main thing is that the chosen model has a strict design and does not contain a large number of decorative details. An original solution would be models made in the form of spotlights.Loft.

Criteria for choosing a chandelier for the living room

Now that you have decided on the style of the future lighting fixture, it is worth understanding what you should pay attention to before purchasing. To choose not only a practical, but also an attractive model, consider the following parameters:

  1. Pliving room area. The main rule is that the larger the area of ​​the room, the larger the chandelier.Accordingly, for rooms with modest dimensions, miniature models would be more appropriate.
  2. Color spectrum. The lighting device should not stand out from the general color palette. It’s good if it “echoes” with one or more interior items. If the chandelier stands out in shade, it will become a bright spot. But this is not the goal you are pursuing, so be thoughtful when choosing a color palette.
  3. ABOUTlittle one. If you believe the words of interior designers, cold light can significantly distort all the colors in the room. Therefore, for living rooms it is better to choose lamps with soft artificial light.

The world of design is filled not only with stylish, but also with original solutions. This allows you to create truly unique interiors that will highlight your individuality. Chandeliers play the most active role in this. We hope that our recommendations will help you choose not only a fashionable, but also a functional lighting fixture that will be an excellent addition to your interior.

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