18 tons of aluminum. How much does the largest chandelier in the world weigh?

When the task is to illuminate a large space, many solve it with the help of a large number of standard chandeliers. But in some situations, designers and architects do not look for easy ways, creating masterpieces that can greatly impress with their size.

The largest chandelier: Reflective Flow

The largest chandelier in the world

When looking at the photo, it is difficult to imagine that we are looking at 18 tons of aluminum, rock crystal and LEDs, protected by a dust-proof coating. The dimensions of the structure are also impressive - 39 meters long, 12 meters wide and 16 meters high. It is not surprising that the masterpiece created over the course of 3.5 years was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest chandelier in the world.

This man-made miracle is located between two towers of the Al-Khatmi company in Doha, the capital of the state of Qatar. But the chandelier can safely be considered an international project, since it is the common brainchild of designers from China, Canada, Portugal, Italy and the UK.

The final cost of the chandelier is unknown. But what makes us think about it is at least the fact that the light sources are 165 thousand Japanese semiconductor LED lamps controlled by electronic sensors.

Former record holder at an Oman mosque

Chandelier in a mosque in Oman

Due to the impressive size of the openwork dome of the main minaret, it is also difficult to imagine the true size of this miracle. But it was she who was considered the largest until June 26, 2010.

The dimensions of the chandelier inspire respect:

  • diameter - 8 m;
  • height - 14 m.

It is equipped with 1114 lamps, which are controlled by 36 switching networks. And to serve the splendor decorated with Swarovski crystals, internal stairs and platforms are provided. The total weight of all listed structures was 8500 kg.

The longest chandelier

Chandelier at Jumeirah Bilgah Hotel

There is a Jumeirah Bilgah hotel in Baku, where visitors can enjoy the grace and beauty of a 58-meter “waterfall”. The weight of this man-made miracle sparkling with gold and silver is 13 tons, and this colossus illuminates the space around itself with 75 thousand LED light bulbs. It is not surprising that the cabins of the elevators plying past it look almost like toys.

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