Things that cause chaos in the house

The furniture is designed for the comfort of the residents in the apartment. It is designed to provide comfort and quality of free time in your own home. But there are furnishings, which only clutter up the space. They bring chaos into an ideally structured life and disrupt its measured flow.

Things that cause chaos in the house

Things that cause clutter

We may not understand it ourselves, but the wrong thing is bought once. becomes the reason for the appearance of hundreds of unnecessary things in the house. They clutter up space and our lives, leaving no room for manipulation.

The right attitude towards things - practical and thoughtful - makes it possible to live for your own pleasure and receive aesthetic pleasure from the environment.


This piece of furniture is from the past often found in Russian homes. The owners' thoughts are usually identical. They say that the folding bed will definitely come in handy when one of the relatives arrives. As a rule, this does not happen.

It is stored folded on the balcony or awkwardly takes up space in the room, for example behind a closet. Gradually, other unnecessary household items are built around her, which have no place in the apartment.

The solution to the problem is simple. Place a folding sofa in the living room or install a transformable bed in the wall.This way you will get free space in the house, and relatives who come to visit will find a place to stay for the night.


Exercise bike or treadmill

Nowadays, it is much cheaper and more interesting to go to a fitness center than to do virtual circles on a simulator at home. Gradually he covered with a thick layer of dust and an even more extensive layer of clothing. Often, sports equipment can no longer be seen under the discarded trash.


If the apartment does not have air conditioning, it is necessary in hot weather. But when buying a device, immediately think about where you will store it during the winter. If you leave it as a piece of furniture, it will begin to accumulate other unnecessary little things around it.

Open shelving

An element of furnishings is often used to zone a room, dividing it into functional areas. It is convenient and does not clutter up the space. But its design must be thought out in advance, deciding where the closed boxes will be located. Otherwise, the shelves become a place for dust and trash to accumulate, which completely destroys the illusion of a beautiful and well-kept home.

Open shelving

Clothes dryer

Many will disagree and begin to object, because it is very convenient for drying things after washing. But let's be honest: how often do you fold it after use? Rarely, right? Much more often she stands, has been without underwear for a long time, and accumulates not only dust, but also carelessly discarded clothes, as well as other furnishings.

Get into the habit of folding it as soon as the laundry is dry.

The same thing happens with the ironing board, which the forgetful housewife did not collect after household chores. She hoards things on herself and takes up space. Sometimes it even interferes with normal movement around the room.

Crystal in the sideboard

Gone are the days when scarce items were displayed prominently on the wall. Today it is much more practical to fold festive dishes in boxes and put away on the mezzanine. This way they will not only maintain their appearance, but will also not become contaminated with dust.

Crystal in the sideboard

Railings in the kitchen

A necessary attribute of any small room. They place all the items that should be at hand. At the same time, the space of the drawers remains free to accommodate other important utensils.

Remember that metal roof rails attract dirt and grease much faster. Therefore, regular cleaning will be required to keep the kitchen sparkling clean.


The tool must be used for its intended purpose. Provided that no musicians live in the apartment, there is no point in cluttering the space with bulky furniture. It will definitely become overgrown with unnecessary junk. It's better to donate the instrument to a music school.

Piano in the apartment

Shelves in the hallway

Any horizontal surface in the corridor quickly turns into a real landfill. Unnecessary things, advertising brochures, garbage and other categories of rubbish accumulate here. If you plan to install a wall, consider drawers.

Watch your surroundings and free yourself from unnecessary junk in a timely manner. It's not difficult, but it brings comfort and freedom of movement around your own home.

Comments and feedback:

Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers