TOP 20 things that should not be in a real woman's house

Every woman deserves respect and can afford some negligence at home. But unexpected guests should not see in your apartment the things that will be discussed in this article. Otherwise the image of a well-groomed, thrifty, “real” woman will be greatly shaken in the eyes of loved ones.

a real woman's house

Junk under the bed

Someone came up with the idea of ​​hanging the sides of the bed with lush ruffles, to hide everything that was hidden there until better times. In fact, the things that are there are not really needed. They accumulate a huge amount of dust and interfere with thorough cleaning.

In addition, you regularly breathe these small particles, spoiling your own health.

We advise you quickly deal with deposits of unnecessary items under the bed. And finally, wash the floor under the furniture without any inconvenience.

Kitchen towels

Of course, this is an important attribute of any dining room. But remember that snow-white things should remain so after the washing test. If your kitchen has towels of a vague gray shade, get rid of them immediately.

Let us recall that It is recommended to use textile items for no more than three days. After this, they are sent to the wash, sometimes adding vinegar essence. Even high-quality fabrics fade over time. Get rid of them without regret.

Towels in the kitchen

Uncomfortable shoes

Your wardrobe is full of unnecessary items of clothing and shoes that are completely uncomfortable. Think about it, why do you need it? You can’t walk normally in shoes, even though they match your favorite handbag. Throw them in the trash or give them to someone who will appreciate them.

Wraparound shoes

Old sneakers, sneakers or comfortable shoes in which you are always comfortable, but the aroma discourages any desire to wear them. An unpleasant odor should be a signal to get rid of it immediately. After all, bacteria already live inside such shoes, which you transfer to other pairs without even noticing it.

Souvenir mugs

These useless things usually gather dust in a visible place on the shelf or are displayed in a dishware. If you use them for their intended purpose, leave them for your health. Otherwise, it is better to get rid of useless dishes that collect dust.

Souvenir mugs

Inappropriate bras

Almost every woman has a bra in her linen closet, whose straps have long stretched, the cups cannot hold the breasts, which fall out at any tilt. And the classic version is a “bone” that has come out.

Say goodbye to him without regret. And to avoid a shortage of underwear, periodically treat yourself to buying a new bra.

Clothes that are too small

At least once in her life the girl promised to lose weight in order to fit into “those jeans.” But let's be honest: they remain gathering dust on the shelf in the dressing room and only frustrate you. Make room for new stylish things that will last in time and bring joy.

Clothes that are too small

Single socks

Socks disappearing during the washing process happens to everyone. But no need to store single copies for years, hoping for the return of the prodigal couple. We advise you to throw them away and buy new ones.

Old awards

The child always remains small for the mother. But this does not mean at all that you need to keep the awards of your 30-year-old offspring in a visible place. It was a long time ago, but now there are new victories and achievements in his life.

Put them in a beautiful box and occasionally “visit” for memories.

Old gardening gloves

Women who love to take care of the garden are wonderful. But you should not store spoiled and soiled gloves in the house. In addition to their untidy appearance, they contain a huge number of microbes. Change the pair more often.

Old gardening gloves

Expired spices

Inspect your kitchen regularly. Ground additives are not stored for more than 2–3 years. For large fractions, such as potted pepper, the period is 4 years.

Wire hangers

Thin items are usually sold together with clothing. They are inconvenient for home use. When you try to remove an item from the closet, the hanger clings to other clothes and creates snags. We advise you to get rid of all iron hangers.

Expired cosmetics

Remember that the time indicated on the packaging of a cream or concealer is the time that the product can be stored in a closed container. If the substance has been opened, the period is sharply reduced. Usually this is six months or three months. When finished, send the tubes to a landfill.

Expired cosmetics

Business cards and notebooks

Today, social networks and various gadgets are held in high esteem. There is no point in keeping a pile of papers in order to find the necessary contacts if necessary. Store important numbers in your phone's memory or create an address book on your tablet.

Broken umbrellas

For some unknown reason, this particular one “unkillable” accessory even if its knitting needles have been sticking out for a long time and the appearance is far from ideal. Without a twinge of conscience, send such a copy to the trash.

Broken food containers

They are convenient for preparing lunches to take to work. But if your lunch box smells like spoiled food or has a sticky film on it, throw it away immediately. A large number of bacteria have accumulated on it. Even aggressive washing in the dishwasher will not save you.

Food container

Hobby goods

Someday you decided that you would start sewing or knitting. The room was filled with various tools for a future hobby, as well as consumables. Bulk balls of wool and pieces of fabric take up space and collect dust. It’s better to give it to those who really need it if the hobby doesn’t catch on.

Old buttons

Carefully stored fasteners will only be useful for playing with small children and developing fine motor skills. If you are not a fan of sewing and crafts, throw away unnecessary accessories.

Books you didn't like

Bought it, read it, didn’t like it, threw it away. This should be the sequence of actions. You shouldn't keep what doesn't bring you joy. I want to return to a good book again and again.

Books I didn't like

Dried bouquets

It is better to store pleasant moments in memory, from where they can always be retrieved and experienced again. You shouldn’t hold on to a dried bouquet for fear of losing your emotions. If nothing else helps keep the flowers fresh, feel free to get rid of them. Perhaps this will serve as a signal to buy a new one.

There are a thousand other little things that a real woman should not have in her apartment. They quietly take up a place in our lives and gradually spoil it, littering. Carry out an “audit” of the space around you more often.

Comments and feedback:

Some strange list in the context of suddenly arriving guests. That is, such things do not need to be stored, I don’t argue, but guests rummaging through my closet and looking at my bras would really bother me. Most of the list, in theory, should not be of interest to guests. Otherwise the visit looks more than strange. And in general an uninvited guest, you know...


This is the definition of a “real woman”. And what, I wonder, defines a “real woman” and who generally determined the criteria for such a woman?
But based on the text of the article, I may not agree with the point about books. Sometimes it takes some time to understand a work, including books, after which you want to re-read it.

And everything else is trash, which undoubtedly needs to be gotten rid of.


What is a dishware with unnecessary mugs in it? Buffet? Sideboard?
Throw away the books? It’s better to give it to book crossing “free of charge, that is, for nothing”


It's none of your business.


I was also amused by how my old bras and expired spices could interest my guests and thus spoil my image)))))


I haven’t read such a blizzard for a long time)

View from the outside

Another dishware and needlework hater who calls herself a “real woman”, but in reality she is incompetent! Unable to hold a needle in her hands. Adjust the bra wire and hem the case for 10 minutes. Buttons are very necessary.For different purposes These ruffles are called “valances”; they were already invented under Ivan the Terrible. Tumbleweeds run from apartment to apartment, not having things, but where to put seasonal things, tools, equipment for repairs? especially in Khrushchev or communal apartments.


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers