TOP 10 items in the house that remain dirty even after cleaning

When carrying out general cleaning, we try to achieve maximum cleanliness in the house. Having completed its mission, the house seems to glow with sterility and diffuse fresh aromas. But there is a lot of places that housewives forget about or don’t pay attention to during hygiene procedures. And the pollution in these treasured corners is truly terrifying.

Dirt in the house

Kitchen sink

Amazing, right? But, according to statistics, the number of germs inside the kitchen sink is much greater than under the toilet lid. It is literally infested with pests invisible to the naked eye..

This is explained simply: food debris and fat that regularly fall into the drain become an excellent breeding ground for microbes.

In addition to surface cleaning, be sure to clean the pipes. To do this, purchase effective household chemicals and disinfect them at least twice a month. Then your family will be healthy.

Kitchen sink

Openers and corkscrews

Most people, after uncorking a bottle or can, send the device back to the drawer. They are often stored with clean forks and spoons. In the meantime There may be food fibers or pieces of food left on the opener.which are covered with mold.

The researchers noted that even salmonella or E. coli are often found in devices.To avoid infection, carefully monitor the cleanliness of kitchen gadgets. Wash them in soapy water after each use and dry.


Cup for toothbrushes

This a real breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Constant humidity leads to the formation of fungus. The only way to deal with it is by regularly washing the container with soapy water or pouring it with citric acid and then drying it.

If this is not done, dangerous bacteria settle on toothbrushes and hygiene products, and then enter the oral cavity during brushing.

Cup for toothbrushes

Ladies handbag

This daily attribute of every girl contains not only an unlimited number of small objects, but also a lot of germs. Scientists have found that there are more of them here than on a toilet lid.

They settle there because the bag regularly comes into contact with various surfaces. We place it on public benches, seats in public transport, and store counters. To avoid introducing harmful germs into your home, leave your purse in the hallway. Also recommended wash fabric items once a month and wipe it regularly with antibacterial wipes.

Ladies handbag

Bowls and toys for animals

Dogs and cats bring bacteria from the street and settle it on their dishes, as well as toys that people pick up with their hands. Leftover food on plates becomes a favorable environment for their abundant reproduction.

Mandatory It is recommended to soak rubber toys in soapy water at least once a week. And wash the bowls daily, just like human utensils, after every meal.

Animal bowls

Washing machine

Many housewives are faced with an unpleasant odor that spreads from seemingly clean linen.This occurs due to the accumulation of dirt inside the mechanism. During a hygiene procedure things are visually cleaned, but in reality remain dirty and full of germs.

A person spreads them throughout the house and infects other objects and things. To disinfect your appliance, run a dry wash at high temperatures with two cups of pure vinegar at least once a month. And then another session without underwear with the addition of soda. The substances will work as antibacterial agents.

Washing machine

Dish sponge

Constant humidity and food particles provoke the proliferation of microbes on it. Its contamination is several times higher than in the toilet. To avoid transferring harmful microorganisms to the dishes from which you eat, disinfect your sponge three times a week. Or just replace it with a new one.

Dish sponge

Air conditioner

During standard operation, the device captures air and passes it through filters. A huge amount of dust and invisible factions gets inside household appliances, settling on the grilles and fans. Over time, this leads to system failures.

A large number of bacteria enter the air we breathe if the air conditioner is not cleaned on time. Hygiene procedures are recommended to be carried out at least twice a year.

Air conditioner

Ventilation grilles

A similar situation occurs with ventilation holes and the grilles that cover them. A huge amount of dust accumulates there. She accumulates and hangs in icicles. But it is not the external side that should worry the hostess.

Microbes literally fall on our heads, infecting everything around us. Rapid reproduction occurs in the gratings, and with air currents they are carried throughout the apartment. We recommend cleaning the ventilation openings at least twice every three months.

Ventilation grille

Keyboard and mouse

Food particles, grease, dust, dirt, and hair accumulate between the keys and buttons of gadgets. All this counts an excellent breeding ground for microbes. In addition, they are difficult to clean using conventional methods.

Wipe off devices with antibacterial wipes at least 2-3 times a week. This will help avoid intestinal disorders and allergic reactions caused by pests.


There are a huge number of places in the house where microbes have found an excellent environment for living and breeding. Our task is pay close attention to them and clean them as much as possibleto avoid harmful effects on your own health.

Comments and feedback:

Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers