It's time to get rid of: 10 habits that make cleaning difficult

Sometimes you may notice that all our efforts in cleaning do not bring any positive results. And sometimes it’s the other way around - no matter how much we put things in order, something is still wrong, and the mess in our house is something constant and very annoying. Perhaps the whole point is that you have developed certain habits throughout your life that make cleaning more difficult. And, of course, it’s time to say goodbye to them. Let's find out what you're doing wrong and how you can fix it.

Do not wash the floor after walking in shoes

This situation is familiar to many. We're getting ready somewhere, putting on our shoes, and then we remember that we forgot to take the phone from the table or left the keys in the living room. In a hurry, we rush into the room, acting on the principle “one, two, three - the microbes didn’t have time!”, But oh, how they managed!

We need to give up this habit forever, because nothing pollutes the floor more than the shoes we wear on the street. Even when you're in a hurry, take just a minute to take off your shoes and walk into the room. The benefits of this are very significant. Firstly, in 90% of cases a person forgets to wash the floor afterwards.Secondly, you will spread all the dirt to other clean rooms, or even get into bed with dirty socks.

If you are in a hurry, then leave yourself a note in a visible place that when you get home you need to wash the floor with a disinfectant.


Don't read instructions

When purchasing any household chemical product, it is very important to read the manufacturer’s recommendations before checking out and paying.

Firstly, it actually contains information: what surfaces it is intended for, how long it will take for exposure, whether protective measures need to be taken when using it.

Secondly, ignoring the instructions can cost you extra time putting things in order, and sometimes even your health, because many cleaning products contain aggressive substances, and this is completely unsuitable for a home where allergy sufferers or small children live.


Wipe off dust at the end of cleaning

This is the very first and most important rule - dust first, and only then vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning! For some reason, many people either don’t know this or ignore it altogether.

Remember that all the dirt will not be removed simply with a rag - most of it will settle on the floor. Therefore, it is logical that horizontal surfaces are cleaned first, and then the settled particles are collected with a vacuum cleaner or mop.

Wipe off the dust

Use maximum detergent

For some reason, it is generally accepted that the more product you take, the cleaner it will be. And it applies to everything: dish gel, glass and mirror liquid, flooring detergent, bath foam and toilet bowl. Forget about it! This is a common stereotype that needs to be thrown out of your bright head. As a result, it will simply be more difficult for you to wash off the remaining household chemicals. And this applies to all surfaces in the house.

By the way, such irrational use not only complicates cleaning, but also puts the family budget in the red, since old cleaning products quickly run out and you have to buy new jars and tubes.

It’s easy to correct this habit: we return to the previous point and understand that you should always read the instructions on the product packaging. There, the manufacturer usually indicates the optimal consumption volume.

Wash the dishes

Running a robot vacuum cleaner in a cluttered room

A “smart” vacuum cleaner is truly an indispensable assistant in any home, which significantly saves its owner’s time. Questionable gadgets are a thing of the past - modern technology certainly justifies the money invested in it. But a robot vacuum cleaner will be absolutely useless if the room is littered with small objects or covered with long-pile carpet. For example, there may be toys, there may be a lot of furniture - the device simply cannot move through to do its job effectively.

There is only one conclusion from this: before you launch the robot, make sure that there are no obstacles in its path, otherwise there is no point in cleaning it at all.

Robot vacuum cleaner

Use inconvenient equipment

A cheap, inconvenient mop or an overly heavy vacuum cleaner not only complicates the cleaning process, but can also cause terrible irritation. To make tidying up easy and efficient, you shouldn’t skimp on household tools. Try to choose equipment that is comfortable to hold in your hand, and it is important that you really feel comfortable. This is the only way cleaning will not be annoying.


Do not clear trash from shelves

The feeling of cleanliness and order will not come even after general cleaning, if you do not find the strength and desire to part with the trash that has been accumulating on the shelves for years.It's not just about the old things in the closet, but also about the little things that you put on the shelves. You can wipe the dirt off them at least every five minutes, but you will notice order only when you organize open storage.

Open shelves

Determine the overall cleaning frequency

Any area in the apartment - bedroom, hallway, living room, bathroom, kitchen - becomes dirty at different times, which is why the overall frequency of cleaning turns out to be unproductive. For example, the bathroom requires cleaning twice a week, but once is enough for the bedroom. Therefore, by the time you decide to tidy up, the bathroom will require more effort, since it will already be very dirty.

It is much more effective to work according to a coherent system when time is allocated to each room every day, but a little at a time. Thus, by the weekend you will find that there is nothing to clean and you can, with a clear conscience, spend the entire Saturday on the couch or go visit friends.

Cleaning the bathroom

Do not take carpets to the dry cleaner

No matter how much you want to save your family budget, carpets still need to be cleaned with professional products and using special equipment. At home, you can undoubtedly wash it a little, but the inner fibers will still remain dirty. For this reason, it is better to take the carpet to the dry cleaner.

Don’t spare money, because carpets often harbor ticks and fleas, and only professionals can get rid of them. Moreover, cleaning should be carried out not daily, or even monthly, but once a year. Agree that you can spend money for the sake of your health and the health of your loved ones.


Don't use gadgets

In the age of technology, smart appliances have long made everyday life easier. Try entrusting window cleaning to a robot, cooking to a multicooker, and washing dishes to a dishwasher.And you will notice that all these devices are really useful and can not only save your time, but also bring benefits. Of course, you will have to spend a few days getting used to the new assistant, then you will see that the cleaning process will become easier.

Window robot

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers