Why don't houses in American suburbs have fences around them?

The standard picture that we see in films is an American suburb and private beautiful houses standing close to each other. Our compatriots are regularly concerned with the question of why there is such a small gap between them, not even separated by a fence. They as if they live in one community. And this opinion is not far from the truth.

American suburb

TOP 3 reasons why Americans do not protect themselves with fences

Russians are surprised by this approach to organizing personal space. After all, it is in this country, in our opinion, that human freedom and property are jealously protected. But, as it turned out, they don't need fences for this. Laws and generally accepted rules cope with the assigned tasks quite well.

The distance between houses is often so small that it seems as if it is a natural extension of it.

Religious norms

The first significant reason is considered rules of the Protestant faith. Historically, it was she who took root in the United States. Even in those distant times, people were taught to live in peace and harmony, not to elevate themselves above others, not to isolate themselves from their neighbors.

Established norms regulated life in communities and smoothly passed into the everyday life of people in America.

Today, these standards are somewhat outdated and are no longer observed by almost anyone, but most residents still prefer to do without fences. And if they suddenly put up a fence, then it serves rather as a decorative element. It is a low fence made of wide boards painted in a light color. Moreover, most often it is installed on the back side of the home.

Houses without fences in an American suburb

District residence rules

Buying a house in the suburbs, American signs a detailed agreement, which indicates the basic rules. Usually there are notes about various nuances:

  • Is it possible to install a fence and what kind?
  • how to mow the lawn;
  • how many flower pots to display;
  • is it allowed to plant flower beds;
  • what shade should the façade be made?

Issues are scrupulously regulated, since the house, which is privately owned, is located on the territory of the municipality. Exactly this causes respect for general rules of behavior. To install a fence, you will have to obtain permission from the authorities, and the reason for its installation is assumed to be valid.

Buying a house in an American suburb


Another important point that Americans adhere to. It’s not difficult to install a fence; it’s expensive to coordinate and purchase materials and negotiate with craftsmen. This is a significant expense.. And there is also a risk of ruining relations with neighbors, who may consider the act offensive.

Practical residents of the country prefer to save on an element of street furniture. Living without a fence isn't so bad It’s unlikely that anyone will dare to violate personal space.

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