How I personally experienced fragrances in laundry gels

Most modern laundry detergents contain additional ingredients that do not affect their quality. These, among other things, include various fragrances, which should give the laundry a pleasant aroma. The problem is that manufacturers often overdo it with the amount of chemicals. As a result, the laundry, even after rinsing and drying, emits not a light, but a rather strong characteristic odor.

What are the types of fragrances in liquid and gel laundry detergents?

For some time now I have begun to notice that my skin is “protesting” against washing powders. This was found out experimentally - the same thing “behaved” differently:

  • washed by hand with soap - did not cause discomfort;
  • it was the same, but “spinned” with powder in the washing machine, causing unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and redness of the skin.

In addition, some powders did not rinse well and left whitish marks, especially on dark things. Having decided that it was all a matter of consistency, I stopped using bulk washing powders.

DIY scented gel

To rid my skin of the aggressive effects of chemicals, I made my own laundry mixture for some time:

  • rubbed baby soap on a fine grater;
  • transferring the shavings into a glass jar, filling it with hot water;
  • I let it brew for a while.

After a few hours the soap swelled. Depending on its ratio with water, it turned into either a soapy jelly or a dense porridge.

After a couple of “kneads” I learned how to adjust the consistency. Later I started adding a few drops of lavender, orange or lemon essential oil - this helped neutralize the smell of the soap. The skin “sighed”, but another problem arose - the laundry began to wash worse. Then I paid attention to washing gels.

First purchase and first disappointment

The first capsules I purchased were Ariel. They were quite expensive, but I got them at a good discount. I was confident in the right choice, since the products of this company are famous for their quality. However, after the first wash, I really regretted taking them. While drying clothes, a strong smell spread throughout the apartment, which gave me a headache. During the next wash, even additional rinsing and hanging on the balcony did not save the situation. The aroma was so “too much” for me that the desire to use store-bought gels practically disappeared.

Finding the right product

A little later, while studying the products on store shelves, I realized that I had not paid attention to one important thing. It turns out that even gels from the same manufacturer have different fragrances. That first ill-fated time I was “lucky” to buy a Lenor scent. I ventured on a second experiment and purchased capsules of the same Ariel, but with shea butter. I did this, again, solely thanks to a tangible discount - and this time I was right. This product changed my understanding of gels and restored my confidence in Ariel. The light, pleasant, barely perceptible smell did not cause any discomfort.I decided to continue testing various representatives of household chemicals, and now I am sharing my modest observations.

My conclusions and preferences

The most “caustic”, in my opinion, are gels and capsules:

  • with Lenor scent;
  • mountain spring;
  • color 3 in 1 pods;
  • color duo-caps.

And it doesn’t matter which manufacturer – Ariel, Tide or Persil. The packaging does not even indicate in small letters which compound causes the pungent odor.

I would classify “Laska” from Henkel as medium intensity. Some decoding makes it clear that the fragrance in it is representatives of citrus fruits. I will leave the domestic Wellery Eco in the same “weight” category. The secret of the “smelling” additive that is present in the product is not disclosed on the packaging, but it is quite tolerable. The downside is that the substance is quite liquid, and therefore the gel cannot be called economical.

And finally, my favorites that don't make me sneeze when smelling freshly washed laundry:

  1. Ariel with shea butter scent. It washes perfectly and, for my taste, has the most subtle and unobtrusive aroma.
  2. Synergetic is a biodegradable concentrated gel with herbal ingredients from Germany from a Russian brand. The perfume composition “Green Tea” with oils of bergamot, lemon, grapefruit and sandalwood practically does not remain on the laundry after rinsing.

Of course, everyone has different tastes and preferences. My idea of ​​home comfort is also associated with a pleasant smell. I wrote about my personal, albeit small, experience, and expressed my subjective opinion. You can take it into account, or you can ignore it, because it may simply not coincide with yours. However, I think that I am not the only one who has problems with the olfactory and tactile perception of household chemicals.What laundry detergents do you prefer? Perhaps you have found and are using cheaper, more effective and safer formulations. Share your own observations and perhaps life hacks in the comments. I will be very grateful.

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