How “Vasilisa” settled in my house: a review of domestic kitchen scales

I don’t know why, and I also don’t know why, but one morning I woke up with a clear understanding: “I need a kitchen scale!” That’s what we need, period, but what I will weigh is a secondary matter. Since I approach the choice of any product very thoroughly (I choose several models, comb the entire Internet in search of reviews and only then make a decision), then with this kitchen device I decided to act strictly according to the verified scheme: model - characteristics (suitable or not) - price (satisfied or somehow in the next life) - reviews (at least 10-15) - actually, the purchase.

But this time something went completely wrong. I just opened the website, chose the first model of scales, ordered, received, paid. Everything was too fast and somehow, in my opinion, frivolous or something. This is how “Vasilisa”, model VA-012, appeared in my life. She just rushed in and won a place on the tabletop. And now, in order.

Libra Vasilisa

First meeting

So, I have a scale at home. Still in the box. I'm afraid to open them because their price is absolutely ridiculous - 393 Russian rubles. It was scary, because for such a price I was unlikely to expect anything good. But now, the masks (boxes) have been dropped... And this is our first meeting.


They look very weak, surprisingly too little weight. They seem to just fall apart in my hand. But they don’t creak, they don’t crackle, they behave quite confidently. Well, okay, you can’t judge by your clothes, right?

Batteries were included in the kit. Standard - AA. Something like Panasonic, but no... If there are children nearby, don’t read the title out loud.


Well, okay - good and like that.And that’s better than without them at all, but here it seems like care and attention from the manufacturer. We put the first plus sign.

Yes, there is food. I take it to the kitchen and start testing. In general, after the first weigh-in everything was in a fog. I weighed everything I could and couldn’t, took food out of the refrigerator, reached for cereal, started rummaging through drawers - what else could I weigh in order to watch the numbers appear on the small screen.

And now objectively.

Yes, the appearance is a little suspicious. It seems that plastic is the cheapest (although it probably is). But! There is no smell, the buttons work, the functions are also all in action - weigh it and rejoice. However, I'm glad. Libra is really good, despite the cost and external weakness.

Since I had never dealt with such devices, I found an interesting thing for myself. In general, the scales are made without a bowl, that is, it is just a platform. When I was reading information about them, I caught something like “put, reset, put, reset,” which, of course, I didn’t attach importance to, but then I realized it.

Here are our scales. Scales

But I need to weigh the oranges. I’m not going to build a castle out of them here, so I’m putting a container on top. And (how interesting) the bowl weighs 135 grams.


Now click the “Reset” button.


And we have zero on the screen again. Cool :)


Well, now my oranges. It turns out that the market did not deceive me. They cost 70 rubles/kg. I paid 98 rubles for them. Everything is correct.


Well, then the soul rushed to heaven...


Package weight: 500 grams


Package weight: 280 grams

Either the scales are lying, or the manufacturers have added too much...

I understand that many of you are no longer surprised by this, and you will just roll your eyes, saying, “The wild one hasn’t seen a scale,” but I will never tire of repeating: “I NEVER HAD A SCALE!” (here is a cry of despair).

Additional features include an indicator of low battery level and overload of the scales, selection of units of measurement, and auto shutdown.

Perhaps, for those who attach great importance to scales in the kitchen, this model is not suitable, but for beginners, it seems to me that it is what they need. I don’t regret the purchase, I’ll go and weigh something else.

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