How to properly hang toilet paper on a holder and why even water-degradable rolls should be thrown into a bin

Our ancestors used everything for personal hygiene until they came up with comfortable and soft toilet paper. However, it did not become such in one day, but, roughly speaking, went through its own evolutionary path - from a fern leaf to modern rolls.


When did it appear

According to experts, the first paper appeared in Ancient China, at the beginning of our era. But it was not made for the common man, but for the emperor himself. True, courtiers could also use it, but widespread consumption had not yet been considered.

By the way, this event was even written about in some documents dating back to the 6th century AD. e. Judging by the notes, it was of excellent quality, soft and... flavored.

If we talk about that very Ancient China, then the paper did not go further than the walls of the imperial palace - ordinary people continued to use any means at hand. It was only in the 18th century, when people in the West got their hands on a newspaper, that they realized that it could be used for delicate needs - the old press was ideal for this.

In the middle of the 19th century, American Joseph Gayetti introduced the world to factory-made toilet paper, but for some reason this particular product was considered shameful.Already at the beginning of the 20th century, all of enlightened Europe began to use the new product. However, at that time it was not very different from a newspaper, but in 1942, Briton William Alcock developed and received a patent for “pipifax” - rolling paper.

In the Soviet Union, no one was ashamed to buy toilet paper: it was simply not sold. We have already conquered Space, and people still continued to use old waste paper. And the first roll paper production plant opened its doors in 1969. It became popular in the USSR only in the 80s.


What are they made from?

There are several manufacturing options:

  • Made from recycled materials. The most common and cheapest production method. Essentially, old waste paper is used.
  • From cellulose. A relatively quick way to produce rolls.
  • Made from synthetics. Wet toilet paper at one time became a real technological breakthrough in this whole story.

But it’s always worth remembering one important feature! Even if the packaging says that the products are “water-degradable” or that they can be flushed down the drain, there is no need to do so. Perhaps it will go all the way through the pipes, but it will certainly not dissolve without a trace. Save nature - take it to the trash can.


Which toilet paper is the best and by what criteria to evaluate it

In general, the choice of a specific product is a personal matter for everyone, and no one can say what will be better and more convenient for you. True, Russia has its own brands that produce toilet paper and are in great demand.

However, this product also has several criteria by which the buyer can evaluate its quality.



It was already said above that paper can be produced in several ways.So, products made from pure cellulose are softer, more comfortable to feel, and absolutely white in color. Recycled rolls will please environmentalists. Still, it’s nice to understand that thanks to you, they didn’t cut down an extra tree.

Sometimes other components may be added to the composition. For example, fragrances for aromatization, dyes, softening wax, and in premium products - antibacterial substances.



It is believed that the more multi-layered the paper, the softer it is. But the softness is also affected by the composition of the raw materials from which the roll is made. In any case, no product should be rigid.


The ability to absorb moisture is very important for a feeling of cleanliness and economical consumption. Products with embossing and, again, consisting of several layers, absorb liquids better.


And this indicator directly depends on the previous parameter: the better the paper absorbs, the more economically it is used.



Use should not cause any discomfort. In this, of course, the first place is occupied by wet products, which are considered the most convenient and pleasant to use. Plus, with her we receive more delicate and high-quality care.

Plus, wet toilet paper is ideal for children and adults with rectal problems. But, however, it is suitable for anyone who is worried about their health.

Where else can you use toilet paper?

In fact, there are many more tasks besides its intended use.

In Europe, of course, you won’t find it further than the toilet, but in many Asian countries it is often used for other needs - it is usually used in everyday life: to wet hands, wipe dishes or surfaces.For example, in Thailand it seems that it is everywhere: in cafes, in offices, in the kitchen, in the hallway.

By the way, we also have toilet paper - it’s not just for the restroom. We can similarly use it for household needs. For example, wipe a mirror or collect spilled liquid from a table.

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How to hang toilet paper correctly?

This question worries many users, but there is simply no clear answer to it. If you have been thinking for a long time about how to hang the roll - with the end to the wall or “on yourself”, then hang it as convenient for you.

True, there is a small nuance here - if the end is outward, it will touch the wall less and will remain clean, but then restless and curious children will unravel it faster.


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