8 things that only real clean people do every day

In general, all people are divided into three categories. The first is absolutely indifferent to order. Well, the dishes haven't been washed, and God bless them. Dust? Well, let her lie there, since she’s comfortable. The second is limited to cleaning once a week. And he does it more than diligently, taking his weekends and then complaining that he didn’t have time to rest. And there is a third category, for which it is important that everything shines everywhere - things on the shelves, not a speck of dust on the surfaces, the toilet shines, but not a crumb on the floor.

We do not undertake to discuss (let alone condemn!) life principles and attitudes towards cleaning each person from these categories. We will only tell you what things someone who loves cleanliness and order does every day.

Making the bed

If you have a one-room apartment and the bed is in the bedroom-living room, then you are, of course, already accustomed to making it every day. Or maybe not. In general, this is also a matter of habit and personal preference. But the cleanliness's bed is always neatly made and perfectly made. The pillows are fluffed, the blanket is without a single wrinkle, and on top there is an ironed bedspread. And they do this every single day, even if they are not expecting guests. Even if they go to bed after an hour to get some sleep. Even if the bed is located at the farthest end of the apartment - behind two doors with five locks.


Clean the refrigerator regularly

Any person will wipe down the shelves of equipment if they spill something or if any of the products leak. In fact, this is done automatically, without even thinking.

But fans of perfect cleanliness do this much more often. At best - once a week. In general - every evening. It is ideal to use some kind of antibacterial agent that will kill parasites and eliminate the unpleasant odor.


Uncontrollably cleaning the bathroom

The toilet, sink, and bathtub are also cleaned every day. And usually at night. Of course, this is an ideal habit to keep your room looking immaculate. The plumbing shines, and the clean guy goes to bed with a clear conscience and a happy face, knowing that no germs or bacteria will spread while he is in the arms of Morpheus.

And it’s worth saying that a clean bathroom is always good!


Change textiles in the kitchen

If you have a small family, then usually towels are changed every three days. Well, once a week. And, as a rule, this is enough to keep them clean and tidy. Of course, if you stain textiles, they will certainly go into the wash at that very moment.

But the cleanliness change their towels every day, regardless of their appearance. Whether there are stains or not, it doesn’t matter! Needs to be washed.

Unfortunately, this habit is not the best, since frequent washing wears out towels faster than they get dirty.


Disinfect countertops

Well, this smacks of fanaticism a little (but no, remember that we are not discussing anyone!).

If you do not prepare any dishes every day that contain foods with a specific smell (fish, meat, onions, garlic), then you should not process them often.However, if you like to place a bag or package on the countertop, you will have to disinfect it every time.


Fight dust

Dust in any home - an absolutely terrible burden, with which it is even useless to fight. But wiping it every day, especially if you live near a roadway, is a completely tedious task. The effect of daily dusting is practically zero.

It is better to buy an air humidifier: the problem will become less acute.


Wipe the bathroom mirror daily

Almost any window and mirror cleaner has an antistatic effect. And it really allows you to briefly protect these delicate surfaces from dust attack. But wiping the bathroom mirror every day, unless you specifically spit in it, makes no sense. It will remain clean for a relatively long time. It is enough to wipe it once a week.


Putting things in the closet in the perfect pile

I wonder if it’s true what they say that happy people have messy homes? And their closet is in chaos, and the dust lies in several layers. But for clean people it’s the other way around. As soon as you open the closet door, you will see that absolutely all the things are folded into neat, even piles, and sometimes the linen is completely sorted - both by size, and by color, and by purpose.


Can we say that people who simply adore cleanliness and order are unhappy? I think no. We all have our own habits and views on life. And if a person washes the bathroom mirror every day, but at the same time feels comfortable and joyful, then why not?!

Comments and feedback:

Good article! I love cleanliness. And I try to keep it clean myself.


I do almost everything every day. Except for the refrigerator, perhaps. So there we have everything in containers. And I don't think I'm such a big fan of cleanliness. It’s just easier for me than spending the whole weekend doing general cleaning.


Being neat is not so good. I paid dearly for this habit and ruined my old age. My first priority was always cleaning and cleanliness, although there was family, children and grandchildren. The house was always almost perfect. Now I’m old, I live alone in a large apartment, but I don’t have the strength to clean! But the habit remains, and with all my strength I crawl around the apartment, but I can’t give a damn, and this really spoils my mood and, perhaps, even my life. I can’t hire anyone because it’s expensive, but I can’t do it myself. So, my dears, learn not to be fans of cleanliness.


Real clean people wash the soles of their shoes every day.


I noticed that as soon as I put the house in perfect order and cleanliness, my husband and I start having a row over some minor issue. And we can live in a fight for weeks and not swear. So what would this be for?


What nonsense, only a sick person or an unemployed person can do this, and if you are at work for 10 hours, then washing the refrigerator every day is idiocy, if only you had the strength to wash yourself...


I wipe the bathroom mirror after a shower. It's foggy, and the microfiber polishes it beautifully. No windshield wipers needed.


Agree with you


Some kind of idiocy. the toilet is still okay, the rest is just a matter of luck………

Marina Fint

My opinion is that everything should be arranged so that by default there is no chaos.

1. Bed. If the bed is in the bedroom, then throw on a blanket with elastic bands, after quickly straightening the blanket and pillows.
If this is a studio where you have both a living room and a bedroom, then a transformable wardrobe-bed-sofa is an option. When folded, it is a sofa that stands next to the closet. When unfolded, it is a bed with a real mattress. To fold, you need to fasten two straps and fold the bed.

2. Should you constantly clean the refrigerator? Every evening? Hmm... oh, isn't this a diagnosis? I didn’t have time to use it, the expiration date has expired, so throw it away, don’t store it for another half a year and you’ll be happy)))

3. Cleaning the bathroom. Our phone contains more germs than the toilet. Some kind of cleaner is installed in the toilet itself (hangs on the side, well, I don’t know what they are called) or tablets are placed in the tank (if you have access to the barrel), they will also color the water in a bright color. Yes, there is a problem. Toilets and men. Well, we have a problem where it splashes a little. I studied the issue))) Many scientists struggled with the shape of the toilet so that there would be no splashes - to no avail(((As I said, cleaning should be done from time to time and this is natural, but not to wash every drop. And so that they are not visible , then the tiles need to be selected according to the decor.

4. Regarding textiles in the kitchen, I can’t tell you which is more correct, it all depends on the people who cook. For some, it’s better to change towels every day, but for most, of course, when they get dirty.

5.Disinfect the countertop... If it gets dirty, wash it, it smells like garlic, wash it, it seems to me there is no topic for conversation here.

6. Dust. House dust is mostly our dead skin. My personal opinion! Lack of open shelves and a large amount of decor. All furniture either has bases on the floor, by the way, the bases are mostly plastic and in any case with silicone seals, or hanging furniture. At the same time, the baseboards on the floor without any protrusions are simple MDF baseboards in enamel. Absence of thresholds on the floor (thresholds for the absence of drafts and sound insulation should be automatic, built into the bottom end of the door. Robot vacuum cleaner. Moreover, its base should be located under the hanging cabinet so that it does not loom in plain sight during recharging.
As for furniture fronts and tops of tables, chests of drawers and other consoles, use furniture polish with an antistatic agent. In principle, good polishing lasts for six months. Dust settles, but much less and can be easily wiped off with a rag.
It is also advisable to install instruments for measuring temperature and humidity and configure climate control devices - air conditioners, heaters, humidifiers, ionizers... And it is advisable to make a smart home out of all this.

7. Mirror in the bathroom. If you accidentally spit while brushing your teeth, then of course you need to wipe it off. Oh, so... I don't even really care about the mirror fogging up during a hot bath or shower. But these issues can also be resolved. There are all kinds of chemicals or films. For me, it is more important that the mirror has a backlight that turns on simultaneously with the general light.

8. About things... It’s morning, we’re at home and getting ready for work, school or somewhere else.Where should I put my home? For me, the best option is a separate unit in the closet in which a shelf with a U-shaped rod extends out. I threw (hung) the clothes on it, pushed it in and everything was fine. There are no clothes lying around in the room. If you looked through it and the clothes became sweaty, then you have them hanging separately from other things, that is, in the worst case, nothing stinks from them, because we wear home clothes for several days, depending on the time of year, the microclimate in the home and the degree of pollution.

Bottom line. Everything should be thought out so that you don’t have a chance to do something wrong. You need to maintain cleanliness and hygiene - this is not even discussed, but don’t go crazy about it.

Clean mind everyone!!!


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers