6 arguments for your mom why ordering cleaning is better than cleaning

There are many people among us who believe that being an ideal housewife is not the most important thing in this life. However, from time to time we, who are somewhat lazy, still feel extremely embarrassed in front of our relatives. Especially in front of my mother, who, not yet taking off her shoes, starts muttering from the doorway something like: “Did I really raise you to be such a slob?!” And she will find everything everywhere - not a speck of dust will hide from her gaze, even if it is somewhere in the far corner of the apartment.


And this is where the thought is born - is it so bad if another person cleans for you? Of course, we ourselves will not experience a feeling of shame, but what will mom say again? After all, during her youth, the entire life fell on her fragile shoulders - cleaning, raising children, caring for her husband, running the household and much more. I even managed to work. Of course, ordering a cleaning service for her is something out of the realm of fantasy (well, it wouldn’t happen, that’s all!). However, if from time to time you entrust your apartment to specialists from cleaning companies, then we will tell you what to say to your most beloved woman, so as not to run into again: “What are you doing? How old are you? Can’t you clean up at all?”

Argument No. 1: family

Often, the best days of the week—Saturday or Sunday—are sacrificed for cleaning.And this, for a second, is a legitimate weekend, which was earned, roughly speaking, with blood and sweat. And in general, this is the time any person should rest, enjoy life and recover from the work week. And it’s even more offensive when these days you are invited to go somewhere for a walk/visit/have a fun time. But you have to clean, right? Therefore, fun should be postponed until better times - when the house is in order. And so on ad infinitum, because if you don’t like cleaning, then those better times will never come.

This is precisely the very first and most important argument - “I want to spend weekends with my family, pay more attention to the children and you, parents.”

By the way, in 10 years your children will not remember how many shirts and rompers you washed and ironed for them in one Saturday, but sledding or a cool picnic in the forest with all their relatives - they will remember this for a long time and will retain the feeling of a loving and cozy family.

Time with family

Argument No. 2: economic

It is foolish to believe that cleaning the house is partly free. When we put things in order, we waste the most valuable thing we have - our time. This argument will sound much more convincing if it is translated into money.

For example, to hire a cleaning service, you will have to shell out about 1,000 rubles from your wallet. Now calculate how much an hour of your work costs and compare the amounts. If you earn more during the same time, then hiring an assistant will clearly be more profitable. Therefore, for parents, the argument “I pay for cleaning not because I’m lazy, but I save the family budget” sounds quite fair.

If, after doing the calculations, you realize that you earn less, and it turns out that you can’t afford the cleaning service, then just use another argument - businesslike.


Argument #3: pragmatic

The ideal housewife knows that the house will shine only if she uses the super cool secrets that she has collected over the years. For example, what comes first - dust or vacuum cleaner? How to wipe off deposits on a faucet? What rag should you use to wipe your kitchen set? How to clean a rust stain? How to get rid of mold? What product can I use to clean laminate flooring? And, you know, there are a lot of such tricks.

Therefore, if tidying up your home is not your thing and you don’t like it at all, then you can forget about quality cleaning. Most likely, this happens automatically, simply because it is necessary. This leads to another argument - “a specialist from a cleaning company will clean better than I can, so the house will be much cleaner and more comfortable.”


Argument No. 4: pleasantly useful

In general, household chores, in case anyone has forgotten, are not just wiping off dust and cleaning the bathtub. Besides this, there are still a lot of things that need to be done: prepare lunch/dinner, iron things, go to the store, pay bills, raise children. Therefore, you can divide your household responsibilities, leaving only those you want to perform on your responsibility, and entrust the rest to the cleaning service.

For example, you don’t like washing windows, but you happily bake pies. We give the first to the cleaning service, and do the second ourselves (and don’t forget to invite mom!). Or, let’s say, you hatefully think that you need to clean the carpet - a cleaning company will also do this. And you just need to convey to your parents that, of course, you take care of the house, but you decided to entrust some of the tasks that are difficult for you to do to other people.

Window washing cleaning

Argument #5: therapeutic

It’s no secret to anyone that housework is a very difficult task and is often exhausting.For example, you spent the whole day cleaning the kitchen stove, and your spouse came home from work and dirty it (for example, the milk escaped!). And this is where we need nerves of steel and endurance so that we don’t turn from a loving wife into a Cerberus. And the children scattered their toys, and you just carefully collected everything. Agree, it is difficult to remain calm when all your efforts are in vain.

And it’s a completely different matter when, when you see a mess, you immediately remember that soon a person will come and remove all this chaos, and the house will become clean and cozy again. Of course, it will be difficult for mom to argue when it comes to healthy relationships in the family.


Argument #6: existential

In the end, we are adults, and therefore we have the right to choose for ourselves what to do. The time you spend on cleaning can be spent enjoying yourself! We can go on a visit, take courses to learn a new language, enjoy a spa, do handicrafts, or at least finally go to the hairdresser.

We don't have to be helpful and productive all the time. As a rule, for peace and simple happiness you need to do absolutely nothing. Perhaps someone dreams of spending two hours in the bathroom, while another dreams of watching TV all day, lying on the couch. And there's nothing wrong with that. This is fine! But this argument - “I want to spend my free time on myself and become a little happier” - is much more important for a mother than cleanliness in your house. All parents want their children to be happy!


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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

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