What are the types of light bulbs and types of sockets?

When purchasing a new lamp, it is important to pay attention to which bulb will fit it. In most cases, lighting devices are not equipped with them, so it is important to know about the existing varieties. Light bulbs differ not only in appearance, but also in power, amount of electricity consumed, type of light emission and type of base.

It’s easy to get confused in such a variety, so before purchasing you should find out about the basic parameters of light sources.

Types of light bulbs for a house or apartment: names and features

There are different options for light bulbs on sale. In this article we will look at the most popular ones that we use for lighting residential premises. These include classic, fluorescent, halogen and LED models. Let's take a closer look at each of the species.

Classic incandescent lamps

Despite its advanced age, this is the most common option. It is known that the first incandescent lamp appeared more than 150 years ago. However, during the entire period of operation it has not undergone significant changes. Their popularity is explained by their availability and ease of manufacture.

The design includes:

  • glass flask;
  • tungsten filament.Incandescent lamps.

When electric current begins to flow through the filament, it heats up and begins to emit light.

Reference. Modern incandescent lamps have a peculiarity. At low temperatures, the resistance in the tungsten filament is very low, which negatively affects its service life.

The “ancestors” of modern light bulbs are much inferior to them in their basic characteristics. Thus, their average service life does not exceed 1000 hours. In addition, they may become cloudy over time. This is explained by the fact that gas vapors accumulate in the flask during operation.

Most classic lighting fixtures have an E14 or E base27. Exceptions include miniature products that were previously installed in New Year's toys, garlands or lanterns.

Reference. Interestingly, at the fire station located in the American town of Livermall, there is a light bulb that has continuously illuminated the room since 1901.

In addition to standard options, you can find products with matte coating on sale. Such models allow you to obtain soft diffused light, close to sunlight. In addition, there are multi-colored options that are used to create color effects.

Halogen light bulb

This is a modified model of classic light sources. The flask is filled with iodine or bromine. This allows you to increase their service life: if you believe the manufacturers’ assurances, it can reach 4 thousand hours. They also boast excellent color rendering of 30 lumens.Halogen light bulb.

Reference. Unlike classic options, halogen lamps remain bright throughout their entire service life.

They are characterized by their small sizes, varied shapes and different base options.But halogen lights have a significant drawback - during operation they emit low-frequency noise. Therefore, they are most often used in the automotive industry. Thus, most modern vehicles are equipped with halogen headlights.

Fluorescent tubular light sources

Their main distinguishing feature is their elongated shape, looking like a narrow tube. It can be of any diameter and length. For convenience, the diameter is indicated by the letter T, which can be found on the body of the product.

Inside the flask there is a special substance - a phosphor. Therefore, in order for the device to start emitting light, it must be installed in a lamp equipped with a trigger mechanism. In addition, they do not have an incandescent filament, so they are characterized by high efficiency and low power consumption.Luminescent tubular.

Reference. It is worth keeping in mind that such models contain mercury vapor, and therefore require careful use and proper disposal.

Energy saving models

This term refers to miniature fluorescent lighting devices. Since they can significantly reduce energy costs, “housekeepers” are in great demand among the population. You can buy them at any store, and thanks to the variety of base options, they can be installed in most lighting fixtures.

Thanks to modern technologies, “housekeepers” can boast compact sizes, a variety of shapes and colors, and different power options. But their main advantage is their long service life. However, they do not like frequent switching on and off, and also require proper disposal, because they contain mercury vapor.Energy-saving lamps.

LED light bulbs

They can also be classified as energy-saving varieties.But this is not their main positive feature. LED light bulbs are leaders in terms of service life, which can reach one hundred thousand hours. In addition, they have 100% light output, do not heat up, and are therefore completely safe from a fire point of view. And the absence of harmful substances makes them safe for all living things. Most models are equipped with a standard base, so they can be installed in all lighting fixtures.LED light bulbs.

The disadvantages include high cost. However, this more than compensates for the long service life.

Reference. Experts do not recommend buying inexpensive LED light bulbs. Manufacturers are trying to save on capacitors, so they begin to flicker, which negatively affects vision.

What types of bases are there?

There are several options for socles. Therefore, in order not to get confused in them, a special classification was compiled. However, in everyday life we ​​use lamps with two types of bases:

  1. Threaded. This is the traditional and most common option. It is designated by the letter E. After the letter there must be numbers indicating the size of the base. For example, for household needs we use light bulbs marked E14 or E27. The threaded version is the most convenient, which is why it is so common. Interestingly, the diameter of the threaded sockets did not change for a long time. If you find a lamp produced in the 30s of the 20th century, most likely it will be equipped with a familiar base.Threaded base.
  2. Shtyrkovy. It consists of two metal pins. In addition to the fixation function, they act as contacts. The pins can be at different distances and be of any diameter. A similar base is designated by the letter G.After the letter you can find numbers indicating the distance between the pins. For example, for lighting residential premises, lamps with a G13 or G4 base are most often used.Pin.

Tips for choosing a light bulb type

When choosing the appropriate option, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • the product must save the maximum amount of electricity;
  • the light emitted must be pleasing to the eye;
  • The light bulb must be environmentally friendly and harmless.

You also need to consider:

  • product shape;
  • type of base - it must match the base of the lamp;
  • model: energy saving, incandescent and others.

So, using energy-saving models will allow you to save a lot. However, when purchasing, you should give preference to trusted brands and well-known manufacturers. Otherwise, all the advantages will not be so obvious.

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