How much does a light bulb consume per hour?

Throughout history, many discoveries that, at first glance, seem trivial, have turned our world upside down and made our lives easier. This applies to such simple things as a wheel, reinforced concrete, plastic, superglue and much more. Such inventions include the light bulb.

It would seem that a small and rather primitive device has become an important element of our life. They illuminate our houses, the road while driving, the streets at night and everything else. Every year they are improved and they try to make them as economical as possible, thanks to which they reduce energy consumption and, accordingly, costs. Today we would like to talk specifically about the efficiency of various types of light bulbs. First of all, let's note what they are. Most often in everyday life we ​​use the following types:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • LED;
  • fluorescent or energy-saving.

How much energy do incandescent light bulbs of different wattages consume per hour and month?

To carry out calculations, it is necessary to take the most popular models of light sources. If we consider classic incandescent lamps, then most often their power ranges from 40 to 75 W. Quite rarely, more powerful products of 100 or even 200 W are used.

In some cases, private clients purchase them to illuminate the street at night.Now let’s carry out a simple calculation of their energy consumption. On average, one apartment or house uses 4 light bulbs with a power of 60 watts. They are turned on for several hours a day. Let's take the average value - 4 hours (in summer they are rarely used, but in winter they burn for a very long time, since daylight hours are much shorter).

Now let's calculate how much energy they spend per day: 4*4*60=960 W. Per month, this figure will be equal to 28800 W, or 28.8 kW. The cost of one kilowatt is 5.5 rubles (in Moscow). It turns out that 4 such light bulbs per month on average “take” 158.4 rubles from our wallet.Incandescent light bulb.

If we take another power, for example, 40 W, then the total amount of electricity consumed will be 640 W per day and 19200 W per month. In monetary terms, this figure will be 105.6 rubles. For light bulbs with a power of 75 W, the final figures will be as follows: 1200 W, 36000 W, 198 rubles. In general, the amount is not very large, considering that this expense item is only a small part of the total amount for utilities.

For this reason, you have to think about saving money. First, when there are no people in the room, you need to turn off the lights. Secondly, it is recommended to switch to lower wattage light bulbs. Thirdly, you can reduce their number.

With the first point, everything is logical: I left the room and turned off the light. With the second, not everything is so simple, since low illumination causes a certain discomfort - from an insufficient amount of light, the eyes begin to quickly get tired or we simply begin to see poorly. But the second point from this list can be solved very easily - replace classic and already obsolete incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones.

Energy consumption of a fluorescent light bulb

I would immediately like to note that with the same luminous flux, energy-saving light bulbs (ESL) consume 5 times less energy than an incandescent lamp. It turns out that instead of 60 W, ESL consumes 12 W, instead of 100 W - only 20. If, for example, we take the same 4 light bulbs of 12 W, then they consume only 192 W per day, and 5760 per month. In financial terms, this will cost only at 32 rubles per month instead of 158, i.e. savings - 126 rubles per month.

However, do not forget that their cost is much higher. Thus, the price of incandescent lamps is about 20–50 rubles per piece. ESL, in turn, will cost you 100–300 rubles. That is, the cost of one joke is 100–250 rubles more. If you need 4 of them, then you will have to spend 1 thousand rubles at a time (when choosing the most expensive product). more. As can be seen from the calculations, savings occur in the 9th month of use. However, do not forget that the service life of ESLs is several times higher than that of classic incandescent light bulbs. While one ESL is working and pleases us with its savings, you will have time to change 2-3 incandescent lamps.Comparison of fluorescent and incandescent lamps.

How much does an LED light bulb consume?

If we talk about LED bulbs, then they are the most profitable. The fact is that they consume 7 times less energy than an incandescent lamp. To confirm this, let's give specific numbers. It turns out that they consume 4*8.5 per day (equivalent to 60-watt incandescent lamps)*4=136 W. The monthly consumption will be 4 kW, which in monetary terms will be a ridiculous 22 rubles. The cost of such a light source also varies in the range from 100 to 300 rubles. It turns out that you will have to overpay the same thousand rubles for 4 light bulbs.Comparison of lamps.

Which light bulbs are more profitable to use?

As we can see, the most economical light bulbs are LED and fluorescent. True, the former were slightly ahead of the latter in this absentee “arms race.” In just a month of using 4 lamps, you save more than 100 rubles (with an average consumption of 4 hours a day). Their cost is approximately the same, as is their service life. However, for many consumers, the price factor is the main one, which is why they are not so willing to purchase them.

Many people simply feel sorry for paying up to 300 rubles for one light bulb. At the same time, they forget that the seller gives them an additional guarantee of up to two years. That is, if it “burns out” ahead of time, you can replace the failed element with a new one with a receipt and packaging. But many of our citizens do not want to carry out banal calculations; some simply see the price in the store and make a choice in favor of “outdated” budget products.

We recommend following the life principles of Baron Rothschild, who once said: “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things.” After all, even in such a simple example as lamps, we see that it is better to pay more once than to overpay for the rest of your life.

Comments and feedback:

You don’t even know the most basic thing: electricity consumption is measured not in kilowatts, but in kilowatt hours! It is harmful for you to write about electricity!

Starover Varnakov

Incorrect calculation: for adyn godd pirigarell 5 lamps for 170 rubles (svitadiodn) - abrashatsa k piradavets pispalezna pa two prishina: va pervikh, in the store two hazein pirmenilsa, va vtaryh, shek visvetait sheriz month-on paperg nishigo nividna-so what for the code patratyl sense on lamps 850r (5 filament lamps cost 100r) - Kide ekanomiya, guide huh?


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