Arrangement of light bulbs on a suspended ceiling

Since their introduction, stretch ceilings have quickly gained popularity among domestic consumers. Indeed, they have a number of advantages compared to other types of ceiling coverings:

  • allow you to quickly obtain a perfectly flat ceiling without resorting to complex manipulations to level it;
  • hold a large volume of water, which is very important if the neighbors above try to accidentally flood you;
  • They are distinguished by a huge variety of shades, types of surfaces, allow you to apply any images, and thanks to this you can implement any projects;
  • service life - more than 25 years;
  • environmentally friendly.

However, suspended ceilings have one drawback - the difficulty in installing lamps. First, you need to cut the canvas correctly so that they can be mounted. Secondly, the lamps need to be positioned correctly, because this way you can decorate, zone, transform, make any room wider and more spacious.

Features of placing light bulbs on a suspended ceiling, general tips

I would like to immediately note that any suspended ceiling is an ordinary PVC film or a fabric sheet treated with a special compound.Thanks to it, a perfectly flat surface is created, even if you have not leveled the ceiling. However, if you compare it with plasterboard, then this type of ceiling covering is not capable of performing load-bearing functions.

So it turns out that even the simplest or lightest lamp, not to mention heavy chandeliers or shades, needs to be mounted to the ceiling, and a hole must be cut in the canvas itself, which needs to be bordered so that it has an aesthetic appearance and does not tear further.

Spotlights and chandeliers on a suspended ceiling.

Let's take a closer look at the lamp mounting diagram to fully understand:

  • the brackets are attached to the ceiling; they can be in the form of direct suspensions (budget option) or on a universal platform;
  • locking screws allow you to adjust the height of the platform suspension relative to the ceiling - the bottom of the platform must coincide with the stretch ceiling;
  • a thermally insulating ring frames the hole cut for the lighting fixture;
  • the lamp itself is fixed in the platform;
  • The wiring is hidden in a corrugated pipe; it is laid between the canvas and the ceiling.

Reference. If you mount heavier chandeliers or lamps, then this scheme will be even more complicated, since you need to mount a more massive platform to the ceiling or attach studs. That is, it follows from this that it is very difficult to place lamps on a suspended ceiling. This requires almost jewelry precision. And it will not be possible to remove or move the lamp to another place, since it is simply impossible to disguise the cut out opening.

The next feature is that the maximum power of lighting devices should not exceed 40 W (60 for fabric 40), since the fabric can melt under the influence of high temperatures.

Another important point is the tensile strength margin. It is quite high near suspended ceilings. However, this does not mean that a huge number of holes for lamps can be made in the canvas. Basically, manufacturers recommend a maximum of one lamp per 1 square meter. But this figure is not universal, since the film itself may differ in quality, which means the “population density” of the lamps may differ.

Spotlights for suspended ceilings in the kitchen.

Another important point is that the lamps can be mounted from the wall at a distance of at least 20 centimeters. The fact is that cutting “windows” very close to the edge of the canvas is strictly prohibited. Also, if the fabric was sewn from several pieces, then the lamp should be located at a distance of at least 15 centimeters from the seam.

Of course, the light bulbs need to be placed in such a way as to provide the required level of illumination of the room and its individual zones. Therefore, they can be mounted in different ways: from simple lines to the most complex patterns. You can also combine lamps of different types.

Popular layouts of light bulbs with and without a chandelier

There are a huge number of lighting design options, but choosing the optimal location is simply impossible, since it is different for each person. Yes, and it all depends on the shape and size of the room, as well as the location of the windows.

When installing lighting equipment, you should decide: you will use spotlights as additional lighting (the main one is a chandelier) or as the main one.

Reference. It is best to consult with a designer about the placement of lighting fixtures.He will tell you which scheme will be optimal for a particular room, which pattern is best combined with your stretch ceiling, etc.

Let's look at the most popular schemes for each of the options, i.e. with and without a chandelier.

Without a chandelier, the most popular options look like this:Layout of light bulbs without chandeliers.

If you combine them with a chandelier, the layout will be as follows:

Scheme for combining light bulbs with chandeliers.

However, there are a number of unspoken recommendations that must be followed when choosing one or another of the schemes:

  1. Oval is suitable for rectangular shaped rooms. This scheme leaves the center and edges of the room a little dark, so it is better to install an additional chandelier.
  2. If the circle shape is chosen, then the circle can be of either large or small diameter. However, remember that in the corners of the room the shadows will be slightly darker.
  3. When installing spotlights around the perimeter, the center of the ceiling remains unlit. For this reason, it would be advisable to install a chandelier or other powerful lighting fixture.
  4. Placing the lamps at the same distance from the wall will visually enlarge the room.
  5. The “arc” is placed in the place where increased illumination is needed.
  6. Even rows or “checkerboard” uniformly illuminate any room.
  7. The wave looks very beautiful, but it is not always appropriate. It is best used in cases where the room has non-standard shapes.

Whether to use a chandelier or not is entirely your decision. The same goes for choosing a lighting fixture layout. But as experts recommend, it is not installed in cases where the room is too small. If it is large, then you can safely install it. Follow these recommendations and you will never feel discomfort due to lack of light.

Important! As experienced designers note, if the room is decorated in a loft style, then there is no need to use a chandelier.

Combination with other lighting devices

Various types of lighting fixtures can be used to illuminate a room. These include:

  • chandeliers;
  • spotlights of the 1st and 2nd groups;
  • spots;
  • LED strips.

To combine them or not is an individual desire. However, if you still decide to use several types of lighting fixtures, then it is best to listen to the advice of experts on their further placement. They will suggest the best option for your case. We only offer a few popular schemes:

Options for the placement of lamps, light bulbs and chandeliers on a suspended ceiling.

Interesting options for the arrangement of light bulbs in different rooms with photos

When planning a lighting system, always consider not only the size of the room, but also its purpose. We have selected several examples for each room.

In the kitchen

In those places where food is prepared and dishes are washed, it is best to install spotlights. At the same time, choose those models that are protected from water and can withstand high humidity. The chandelier can be installed above the dining area, or you can do without it by installing only built-in spotlights.

Kitchen lighting.

In the hall

The living room is the place where you welcome guests. Most often, this room has the most attractive design. Therefore, here you can choose a scheme with a combination of several types of lighting fixtures. In large rooms, you can install lighting around the perimeter. If the room is small, then most often the most important places are illuminated. This is usually the area above the desk or above the TV.

Hall lighting.

Reference. A great option is floating lines or a floating ceiling.It looks very stylish and creates the effect that the ceiling is suspended in the air. Pairs perfectly with modern design.

In the bedroom

Here you need laconic lighting that does not attract much attention and is conducive to relaxation. There is no need to install a chandelier in the bedroom. Lamps should be placed in the area of ​​the bed. Also provide lighting for the cabinet and table.

Important! Never install glossy stretch ceilings in the bedroom. Any ray of light will shine brightly on such a coating, which will interfere with your rest.

In the corridor

In the hallway, it is very important to illuminate the entrance area, closet, clothes hangers and mirror. If the corridor has a square shape, then you can get by with a small chandelier. True, this room very rarely has this shape. Most often, the corridor is made in the form of a rectangle. Therefore, it is best to arrange spotlights in several lines. There should be about 4 of them.

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