Why do light bulbs in a chandelier often burn out?

Scientists have been trying to discover a perpetual motion machine for many years, but their attempts are unsuccessful. Therefore, we can confidently say that nothing in this world lasts forever. This is especially true for various instruments and devices.

Simple light bulbs are no exception. Each of them is designed for a certain number of hours of operation. Every consumer understands this. That's why we don't worry too much when we change them. But if they start to burn out more often than usual, for example, once a month, then this already raises concerns and becomes a serious problem that needs to be resolved promptly.

For what reasons do light bulbs in a chandelier often burn out?

Let's figure out why lamps can often fail. The first reason is low quality products. Many people buy Chinese-made lamps, and such purchases, as you know, are a lottery: it may work, or it may not.Chandelier with burnt out bulbs.

However, there are a number of other factors. These include high voltage in the electrical network. As you know, it should be 220 volts, but most often it is unstable and “dances” in the range of 210-235 volts. Such deviations are included in the standards and are therefore taken into account in the production of lighting devices. Such jumps have a negative effect on the tungsten filament.

Even a slight deviation can cause its failure. And the point here is this.The thread heats up to a temperature of 2500 degrees, and as the voltage increases, the metal begins to actively evaporate. Therefore, the thread becomes thinner and breaks. This can be prevented in various ways:

  1. When purchasing a new light source, pay attention to the voltage range for which it is designed. It is best to choose a product where it is up to 245 V. After all, the higher the upper value, the less likely it is that the lamp will fail, that is, burn out.
  2. Buy energy-saving light bulbs. They are not “afraid” of power surges.
  3. Get dimmers, voltage stabilizers, overvoltage sensors or special protective blocks.

In addition, the reason that the light bulb burns out may be a faulty socket. Most often they are made from low quality plastic. Moreover, some cartridges are designed for power up to 40 Watts (they are used in multi-lamp lamps). Consumers may simply not know this, so they purchase them, and then screw in a 60, 75 or even 100 Watt lighting fixture. As a result, the cartridge simply cracks and burns out.Faulty cartridge.

But even if you comply with all technical standards, it happens that the lamps still burn out and quite often. Another reason why this happens may be oxidation of the cartridges. Signs of this problem are:

  • crackling sound when you turn on the light;
  • change in light brightness over time.

What to do in this case? It is necessary to monitor the condition of the cartridge and clean it if necessary. If it “looks really bad,” then the best thing to do is replace it.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons why lamps burn out quickly.Many consumers, trying to save electricity, always turn off the lights behind them. True, they do not take into account that it is also impossible to turn it on after a couple of minutes. The fact is that when electricity is supplied, the current is much greater than when the light bulb is simply on. Therefore, if you “flick” the switch back and forth, you can burn the tungsten filament. Most often, a rupture occurs at the moment when current is applied to it.

Important! If the goal of constantly turning off the lights is to save money, then it is better to replace classic incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones. In just a month you will save 100 rubles or more on electricity. Moreover, a burnt-out energy-saving lamp is subject to free replacement under warranty.

Another reason is problems with the switch. If it becomes unusable, replace it immediately, as it can cause a short circuit, which will cause the lighting fixture to burn out.Switch.

The next problem is low temperatures and the influence of various mechanical influences. If you plan to use incandescent lamps in places where the lamp is exposed to mechanical stress, for example, increased vibrations, then remember that tungsten filaments are very sensitive to them. Moreover, starting at low temperatures reduces the metal resistance, which leads to filament burnout.

The next reason is an incorrectly selected connection diagram. To save money, some consumers use a serial connection of all light sources to one wire. If the contacts are faulty, the cartridges will begin to oxidize, the load will increase, which will ultimately lead to a voltage drop.

What to do to extend the life of a light bulb

Unfortunately, you will not be able to protect yourself from all possible breakdowns. However, many of them are preventable. First, choose a higher quality light source. Don't be afraid to pay more because "the miser pays twice." By purchasing the cheapest lamps, you may end up spending more due to frequent replacement.Various light bulbs.

Secondly, always check the cartridges for oxidation and see if any cracks have appeared. If any of this is present, then either clean it or change it immediately.

To prevent wire connections from causing burnout, use copper wiring with solid core cable. If you have access to the distribution box, then solder all connections or crimp them with special tips.

To avoid problems with voltage, buy a voltage stabilizer or relay. This equipment is expensive, and for this reason not everyone can afford it.

If you want to get by with little expense, i.e. spend less, then simply replace all the lamps in the house with fluorescent or LED ones. This way you will kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, you will reduce the risk of burnout, and secondly, you will save energy, and therefore your own funds.

Comments and feedback:

“It is best to choose a product where it is up to 245 V” - it is better not to do this, because the lamp will burn at a low level, not providing the required illumination.
“Get dimmers, voltage stabilizers, overvoltage sensors or special protective blocks.” - none of this will save you, all this is an invention of traders. We can only recommend a soft ignition device for incandescent lamps.
“Another reason why this happens may be oxidation of the cartridges. — it’s not the cartridges that oxidize, but the contacts. And the plastic of the cartridge body has nothing to do with it.
“The next reason is problems with the switch. If it becomes unusable, replace it immediately, as it can cause a short circuit, which will cause the lighting fixture to burn out.” - a switch and serves to close and open.
Conclusion: we learn materiel!

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