How to light a light bulb without electricity?

The idea of ​​receiving electrical energy from nowhere, or to be more precise, making a light bulb glow without the need to connect it to electrical wires has long been exciting human minds. This is no coincidence. In our country, electricity is often turned off, and prices for it have been inflated to such heights that you inevitably think about ways of lighting without the participation of nosy electricians. And if you don’t pay them, they can come and cut off the electricity at any time. And they don’t care what time of year it is, day or night, or whether there are small children in the house. This organization cares about nothing but its own enrichment.

So people are thinking about how to make a light bulb glow in case of emergency. They even came up with some ways. These are the ones that will be discussed in the article.

No electricity? And it's not necessary! And the LED light will light up!

There is a lot of electricity around us. It literally surrounds us and is completely free. It's not clear why we don't use it at all. Perhaps we simply don’t know something about it, but most likely, we have long believed that there is simply no free electricity. After all, this is exactly what they drilled into us at school for a long time. And who hammered it in? Yes, everything comes from selfish electricity sellers.

The simplest and most effective scheme for obtaining free and alternative electricity can be assembled in a few minutes literally from what is found in the garage:

  • First of all, you need to get two magnets, preferably larger ones;
  • in addition to magnets, you need to get a diode bridge;
  • Let's also prepare three pieces of multi-colored wire.

We wrap one of the magnets with wire. The remaining two wires will go to the second magnet. The main thing here is to adhere to the correct winding technology (you definitely need to make loops on both the yellow and white wires).

When soldering the wires, follow the markings on the diode bridge.

After the wires are soldered to the diode bridge, it will look something like what is shown in the photo. And the multi-colored color of the wires will not allow you to make a mistake.

All that remains is to solder the wires to the light bulb and use free natural electricity.How to light a light bulb without electricity.

Potatoes are not for food, but for light

Probably, some of you have already done a similar experiment at school, when using only a potato tuber you generated electrical energy. Scientists from Israel have come to the conclusion that the power of electricity will be much greater if the potatoes are pre-boiled. The vegetable is distributed all over the world and thanks to research it has become clear that just one tuber can provide quite a sufficient amount of electricity for as long as thirty days.

To make the light bulb glow, you need to:

  • boil four potatoes (don’t forget to cool them later);
  • take four copper wires or coins of a similar metal;
  • prepare a long cable;
  • acquire four zinc wires or any zinc items;
  • purchase an LED lamp with a power of no more than 2.5 W;
  • take some paper clips.

To make the potatoes more stable, cut off one side of them. This way it will lie firmly on a plate or tray. We will place a copper and zinc element in each potato.

You need to try to separate both elements from each other at some distance. If you use coins, you need to prepare slots for them in advance. If alligator clips are available, attach them to each end of the cable. Alternatively, you can strip a small section of the cable on both sides and secure it with a paper clip.

If suddenly you don’t find a paper clip, you can simply get by with a cable stripped on both sides. We connect the copper element on each potato with the zinc element in the other, trying to maintain the same type of all connections. As a result, all the tubers will be connected by cable in a circle.Electricity from potatoes.

Now we connect the LED lamp to the common circuit. We simply take one of the wires that comes from the copper element, and instead of connecting it to the zinc element, we connect it to the lamp. We do the same with the wire from the zinc element of the neighboring tuber. Thus, we close the circuit. Logically, the lamp should start to light.

If this does not happen, then we simply reconnect the cables in a different direction. Using the same principle, you can make a light bulb burn using other products. Light sources work on lemons and oranges. And in general, anything that contains acid can light a light bulb.

Attention. The voltage that can be obtained in this experiment is very small. But if you wish, you can assemble a battery that can recharge not only a mobile device, but also a laptop computer.

We light everything around for free

This idea is based on the potential difference that exists between the neutral cable in the network and the ground.

Reference. The technique works quite well. There is no deception in it, no strange and incomprehensible to the human mind devices that extract electricity from nowhere.

The basis is taken only by the difference in voltage between the network zero of two hundred and twenty volts and its grounding.

Translating into human language, we get the following picture. Electricians pull a wire from their station to us that has three phases and one zero. All wires have their own resistance, which means that voltage will drop across them. It is this “lost” tension that we need to “catch.”

This technique is completely legal, since it is not prohibited by anyone. Energy engineers are not punished with fines for such experiments. And there is nothing to punish for, because we are not taking anything away from them. We don't even touch the phase.

Do meters react to this electrical energy?

And here everything will depend on the meter itself. There are two types of electric meters in use. Single-shunt and double-shunt. In other words, they have different numbers of measuring elements. The most common option is where there is only one measuring element. This model does not count lost electrical energy.

And how much electricity does this technique produce?

How many subscribers are there in your network and how powerful is the wiring? As a rule, it turns out to produce up to three to ten volts. If you introduce a step-up transformer into the system, the LED light will light up quietly. The fact is that the step-up transformer, receiving our insignificant energy, already delivers up to one hundred or two hundred and twenty volts.

Any transformers can be used. For example, from old tape recorders or radios.It is better if the secondary winding has a voltage of three to nine volts.Scheme.

Attention. You do all these manipulations at your own peril and risk.

The most important thing in this entire procedure is to follow the necessary safety precautions. Either a fuse or a 5–10 ampere circuit breaker must be installed between the zero and the transformer. This will allow us to save our entire structure if suddenly someone swaps phase and zero.

Of course, this will not happen before the Moon falls to Earth, but... With our electricians, you can expect anything. It is more likely that the neutral cable will break. In this case, a circuit breaker is needed.

Naturally, when working with a network, you need to take care of security - turn it off. Even if you only work with scratch. And the main thing is that even though the light is free, you shouldn’t leave it unattended.

Comments and feedback:

Unfortunately, in city houses, even with electric stoves, there is no physical land. The “ground” symbol on the sockets indicates “zero”; this is the same “zero” as in the “phase-zero” pair. There will be no phase imbalance on such land. Look for the physical "ground".


And in more detail about 2 magnets, diagram, how many types of wire cross-section?


What, today is the first of April?
1. A magnet with windings is a perpetual motion machine, the author receives a Nobel Prize!
2. How many potatoes or lemons does it take to light one 2.5 W light bulb?
3. When connecting between “zero” and “ground”, without touching the phase, you get a connection IN ADDITION to the meter (theft is punishable).
4.According to the phrase: “a step-up transformer, receiving our insignificant energy, already delivers up to one hundred or two hundred and twenty volts,” the question is, how many nanoamps will there be?


Fools build power plants - you need to grow potatoes and magnets (as the author advises). GIVE HIM THE POST OF ENERGY MINISTER!


But still - how to light a light bulb WITHOUT ELECTRICITY???


Nowadays everything is possible. There are perpetual motion machines and an immense amount of free energy. There are also people, domestic geniuses, who have already obtained all this. And sharing all this with others is a feat. Be careful and thank you - fat cats can smell all this a mile away so they can kill it in the bud.


Method 1. Electricity is generated only in a changing magnetic field. If the magnets are stationary, there will be no electricity. School physics.
Method 2. Such an electrochemical cell made from potatoes is extremely ineffective. To charge a laptop (as the author mentions) you will need tons of potatoes.
Method 3. Even if there is a significant potential difference between “zero” and “ground” (and in most cases this is not the case), using a grounding conductor to power the load is illegal, no matter what the author says, and it can also lead to electric shock both the “innovator” himself and his neighbors. And no fuse, of course, will save you.
And the most important thing. Either way, the light bulb is lit by electricity. The title is completely wrong.


The publisher of this latest duck did not attend physics classes or take the Unified State Exam! You have to be a worthy sheep to give something like that! The potential difference can only be in rural areas, but in an apartment building, even switchboards are grounded! And there the circuit earth + with the battery is completely zero! And about the magnets and multi-colored wires with potatoes... Really made me laugh! Probably gave out information for the same stupid EGE students.....


Efficiency is higher with fried potatoes!


I have everything on potatoes at the dacha...the main thing is mash.




And as soon as such fornication is allowed on the Internet. In my opinion, this is a provocation against Russia, like sensible people.


It is a pity that such scammers are not put up against the wall for outright bullying on the Internet. I have come across similar lies about free energy more than once, and the handwriting of the scammers has become familiar. These are people who have not found themselves anywhere in the real world.


Remember! Nothing appears from anywhere and nothing disappears into nowhere. If it has arrived somewhere, it means it has departed somewhere. NOBODY has repealed the Energy Conservation Law. If the author wanted to cancel it, then let him prove it.
Students, stop writing nonsense. It’s better to study so that you can be at least more literate and need to understand the things you’re writing about.


There is an unchangeable law: - energy DOES NOT ARISE FROM NOTHING, but only transforms from one form to another. Electricity is energy; to get it, you need to convert other energy into electrical energy. Example: there is a conductor in a magnetic field - current will never arise in it, but we start moving the wire and a “miracle” will happen - an emf will appear in it, we move faster - more voltage, which means there will be more current if the conductor closed. Mechanical energy turned into electrical energy. It is possible to convert thermal, chemical and other energies into electrical and other energies. Only by transformation we will get another energy, otherwise in this article: we wound a wire, placed it in a magnetic field, connected an LED bulb and light (the free one is on, but where is the energy that we are transforming? It’s not there - YOU NEED TO MOVE, this is the energy (movement) and there is that energy that we turn into electrical. Movement is not given to us for free, we need to spend other energy - take food and the body will get mechanical energy. What is not clear (?), pour it and drink.


One thing is unclear - how to light an electric lamp without electricity? There is no way to get this electricity, but to light it without it! Although I know one way - if you dip an electric lamp, for example, in kerosene, and then set it on fire, it will burn, although not for long!


    the logical answer is to pour gasoline on a light bulb and set it on fire


The freest energy is wind and sun, use it for your health, wind turbines, solar panels, etc.


Well, the fact that the author is not far in knowledge is clear from previous comments.But I didn’t like another thought at the beginning of the article, and I would really like to clarify for him and others who think so: I have been in the energy industry for many years, and although I myself am not an electrician, I shake hands with “nosy” electricians every day, and I am sure that they are not worthy of such epithets. They don’t care what time of year it is, day or night, they work, dear author, they work to supply this same electricity to your home, so that you and your children can use an electric stove, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, TV, etc. d. etc., and not just light bulbs. In my opinion, their work is, to some extent, heroic, because they work with deadly electricity - hundreds, thousands and even millions of volts, and each work must be paid. If you think that you are overpaying for electricity, for God’s sake, use other less expensive energy sources, coal, gas, kerosene, for example, or potatoes, just before writing such articles, think, is it necessary? If you were disconnected, then you should know that, according to the law, they disconnect no earlier than a month after the debt was incurred, and only after 2-3 warnings. Isn't that the case in your case?


aFtor has a very vague idea of ​​what he writes. Learn materiel.


The writer needs to go to the Pindos and pick his brains there. We are RUSSIANS, there is no need to sell us bullshit.


Resonance of the circuit (articles), that's where the free energy comes from!


Verbiage and tongue-tiedness + invention of perpetual motion machine


potatoes and even lard give up to 1000 volts!


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers