How to replace a light bulb: which way to unscrew and other nuances

How to replace a used light bulb? Yes, it's very simple! You take a stool, a light bulb, climb in and change it. All! No, it’s not that simple. There are some subtleties in this matter. However, first things first.

The procedure for replacing a light bulb - which way to unscrew

Very often the light bulb breaks during the screwing process. The base remains in the socket, and you have broken glass on your hands and, as an option, blood from the cuts. This situation can easily be avoided if everything is done efficiently. And for this, installation and dismantling of the lamp must comply with certain rules.Broken lamp.

Important! The power of the installed lamp must be the same as the power of the lighting device. It should be screwed in tightly, but so that it can be easily unscrewed in the future.

How to remove the base:

  1. If there is no damage to the light bulb, it should be wrapped in cloth.
  2. If, when trying to unscrew the lamp from the socket, you realize that it does not move because the thread of the base is stuck, then spray it with a spray that will dissolve the rust.If you don’t have one on hand, you can also use deodorant (the main thing is that it is alcohol-based). You need to apply the spray to the area that is stuck. After some time, all the oxides will disappear and the lamp can be unscrewed.
  3. If the lighting device is damaged during dismantling, stop work and remove all broken glass. Later, using pliers, you can get rid of the base. The base is pushed apart by the working surface of the tool and removed. The light bulb is unscrewed against the clock.

Objects that are often in front of your eyes can help you unscrew the base. A screwdriver, a wine cork, a roll of thick paper.

How to unscrew a light bulb if it has burst

If the light bulb is broken and the sharp edges of the broken bulb are peeking out from the base, then it is sometimes very difficult to get it out of the socket. If you have never encountered such a situation, then it is possible that you will need help.

But there are some techniques that are quite easy and do not require special skills that will help you quickly remove the base from the cartridge.

It doesn’t matter how you intend to remove the base from the cartridge. First of all, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to ensure safety. The room should be de-energized, and after that you can start twisting.

Dismantling without removing the cartridge

The easiest and most reliable way is to take good old pliers and solve the problem. And you can find pliers in any apartment.Base and pliers.

Attention! In addition to pliers, prepare a newspaper or an unnecessary rag so that you can remove all the glass from the broken flask.

You need to do this:

  • Using the working area of ​​the pliers, we grab the edge of the base, fixing the tool, and try to turn it counterclockwise;
  • if this cannot be done, then with the tip of a screwdriver you need to slightly pry the metal rim that is on the base;
  • Now everything should come out easier - twist until the base with the remaining glass comes out of the socket.

The main part of the job is done, now we collect the garbage behind us.

With cartridge disassembly

If you still have Soviet-made cartridges that were made from carbolite, then you can easily disassemble them.

Having previously de-energized the room, so that there are no unpleasant surprises, you can unscrew the cartridge and base at the same time. Usually he doesn’t really want to get out, but to speed up this process, you can quietly hit the cartridge with a screwdriver. The main thing is to do this carefully so as not to damage the case.

After removing the cartridge, it can be disassembled, eventually it will be divided into two parts. In this state, getting rid of the base is not at all difficult. Now it needs to be collected into its original state and returned to where it was.

Not quite conventional methods: using a wine cork and a plastic bottle

In terms of coming up with ways to remove the base, there are two interesting “folk” options.

You can unscrew the base with a regular wine cork, the main thing is that its dimensions are appropriate.

Attention! The cork itself should be of such density that broken glass can easily enter it.

There is absolutely nothing complicated here. Just insert the plug into the base and press. And after that we try to carefully turn the plug together with the base. Naturally, we twist counterclockwise. It didn't work the first time, try again.

We insert the plug into the base.

You can perform this operation using a plastic bottle.

Oddly enough, its neck exactly matches the lamp base (maybe we are somehow using bottles incorrectly?).Let's try to use the empty bottle for its intended purpose, namely, use it to unscrew the base from the broken lamp. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Heat the neck over the fire until it melts a little. Even a lighter will do for this.
  2. We place the heated part of the neck in the base and wait for the plastic to cool.
  3. After hardening, you can slowly begin to unscrew the base.We unscrew the base using a bottle.

IMPORTANT. No matter how you decide to unscrew the damaged base from the cartridge, you should always act with care. The main task is not to harm the entire cartridge.

The procedure for unscrewing a lamp from a suspended ceiling

If a light bulb in a suspended ceiling fails, it is clear that it should be changed immediately. But this is much easier said than done. Sometimes, in order to carry out a replacement, it is necessary to remove the entire lamp from its place, and only then change the light bulb. The replacement process can occur in different ways. It all depends on what type of lamp is in the lamp.

Replacement technology:

  1. If the lamp is equipped with a simple incandescent lamp, simply turn off the power in the room, remove the faulty one and screw in a new lamp.
  2. If there is a halogen or LED lamp inside the lighting fixture, then you will have to work a little to replace them. The first step, of course, is to turn off the power to the room, after which the cover is removed from the lamp and the fixing ring is removed. If the device has a halogen lamp, then to work with it you will have to use a napkin or wear gloves. The greasy layer on our hands can shorten the service life of such products. To remove the light bulb from its socket, you can slightly shake it.If it sits firmly enough, gently twist it.
  3. It happens that a lamp and a lamp are combined into a single device. In this case, there will be no talk of any replacement. The entire lighting fixture needs to be replaced.Unscrew the lamp from the suspended ceiling.

Safety precautions when unscrewing and replacing a light bulb

It’s always a good idea to remember safety, no matter what kind of work you have to do. When dealing with electricity, you need to be doubly attentive and careful. Work should only begin when all the tools are prepared and measuring devices are at hand. Insulated pliers.

All devices that will directly deal with electricity must have rubberized handles. This will protect yourself from electric shock. But it should be borne in mind that such protection can only withstand a voltage of no more than 24 volts. If you have to work with high voltage, you cannot guarantee that it will withstand it.Replacing a light bulb.

When planning to change a light bulb, the main thing you should pay attention to is that the new version matches the broken one.

When changing light sources, wear rubber gloves and safety glasses.

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