How to remove the base from the socket without a light bulb

Many have encountered a situation where a light bulb explodes right in the socket. There are also cases that it bursts right during twisting. Agree, to put it mildly, this is unpleasant. There can be many reasons for such a problem, for example, poor quality of the light bulb, power surges, the end of its service life, burnout, etc. It is worth noting that although this situation is unpleasant, it can be solved in just 5 minutes, and even faster. Moreover, this can be done using several options.

How to remove the base from the socket if the light bulb breaks

Before you begin removing the base, you need to decide which method you will use. There are five main methods in total, but there can be many more. Each option has both its pros and cons. The choice of the appropriate method depends on the availability of a certain tool at home, the convenience of the user and his skills.The light bulb burst.

Reference. Use a headlamp as a light while working. This option allows you to free your hands while working.

Pliers or needle nose pliers

Classic option. However, if you make a choice in favor of one tool, it is better to choose needle-nose pliers, since they have long jaws, which is very convenient in this situation - they can easily clamp thin objects. It is worth remembering that the tool must have rubber or plastic handles. The operation must be performed following this plan:

  • grab the base with a tool;
  • twist it out;
  • while performing this manipulation, hold the lamp with one hand so that it does not fall;
  • perform all actions carefully: it is very important that you do not damage the cartridge.Base and pliers.

If you can’t unscrew the base, bend its side part inward, this will simplify the work.

If it is not possible to clamp the base with a tool, then it can be placed inside the base. After this, move the ends apart so that they rest against its walls.

Important! With this method, instead of thin-nose pliers, you can use regular scissors. Moreover, they can either clamp the side of the cartridge or insert them inside, spreading the ends of the blades so that they rest on the walls of the base.

Plastic bottle

If suddenly you don’t have any tool at home, then an ordinary plastic bottle can replace it. To do this, you need to remove the lid from it and melt the neck over an open fire. Do this until the plastic begins to melt. Then insert it into the base and wait until the plastic hardens. Now you can take out the base.We remove the base using a plastic bottle.

Attention! You need to be very careful when handling hot plastic, as contact with your skin can cause burns. In addition, you can damage the flooring, so it also needs to be protected.


There is a legend that this method was invented in Belarus.It is distinguished by its simplicity, although not always effectiveness. To unscrew the base using a potato, you need small pieces of glass sticking out of it. If they are not there, then the grip on the potato will be minimal, and you simply will not unscrew it.We take out the base with potatoes.

To perform this manipulation, cut the potato in half. It is important that it is raw and large in size. Place one half on the base and start turning it inside out. Throw away the potatoes after use as they are no longer fit for consumption.

Reference. It will not be possible to replace potatoes with another vegetable or fruit, since they are too soft. Potatoes have a dense structure, due to which it will be possible to unscrew the damaged base.

Wine cork stopper

First you need to trim it a little so that it fits the size of the base. After that, insert it and slowly unscrew the remains of the former light bulb. When using a wine cork stopper, it will also be better if there are pieces of glass left behind. You can put a cork on them. This will increase the adhesion area.

Unwinding the cartridge

The essence of this method is to unwind the cartridge. True, it is suitable for old carbolite bases that were used during the USSR. They consist of two halves, so disassembling them is not difficult. Having done this, you can easily remove the base. After this, the cartridge can be replaced.

Can the problem be prevented?

To prevent this situation, you need to follow some rules:

  • select light bulbs of suitable power;
  • the light source should sit very tightly in the socket, but there is no need to twist it all the way with force;
  • It wouldn’t hurt to coat the lamp threads with graphite;
  • do not purchase the cheapest devices from unknown companies;
  • Make sure there are no power surges in the house or apartment.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid the lamp breaking or exploding.

Security measures

Before starting work, turn off the power supply. If several machines are installed, you can simply turn off power to a separate room. If a light bulb breaks in a table or wall lamp, you can simply remove the plug from the socket.

It is also necessary to perform certain preparatory procedures. To begin, wear thick rubber gloves and goggles, as there is a risk of cutting yourself or a small piece of debris that could get into your eyes. If you need to remove the base from the chandelier, then put on a hat. Then proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Collect the pieces. For these purposes, you can use either a broom or a vacuum cleaner. The second option is more reliable, since it will help to completely collect the smallest fragments.
  2. If a fluorescent lamp bursts, ventilate the room, as there was mercury vapor inside the light source.
  3. Place a container under the base or spread a thick cloth.
  4. Even after turning off the machine, check with an indicator screwdriver whether there is voltage in the network.
  5. If the light fixture bursts while the light is on, wait 10-15 minutes for the base to cool as it will be very hot right away.

By following these simple instructions, you can easily remove the base from the lamp yourself if it breaks off.

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