Why pour sunflower oil into the sink?

Sunflower oil is used by many housewives not only for its intended purpose. It is used for cleaning, added to cosmetics, and treated with various surfaces. But the strangest thing you can do with this product is pour it into the sink, and not at all in order to unclog the drains. Why they do this - we’ll tell you about it.

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Why is this necessary?

In fact, this method has only one goal - to get rid of the unpleasant odor that comes from the drain pipe. But such a problem arises only in one case: when the sink is not used for a long time. For example, this procedure is relevant at dachas (where the owners rarely appear), in the case of a long business trip or trip, if the apartment is empty and no one lives in it. It is in such situations that it would be useful to pour a little sunflower oil into the drains.


How it works?

First, you need to understand how the drainage system generally works.

When you constantly use the sink, you don’t feel any odors from the drain, since the role of the so-called barrier is played by a water seal - a water plug, which is designed to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the room. If you use the sink every day, the water in the system is constantly updated and replenished, which traps putrid odors.

Every time you wash dishes, a variety of organic waste is poured down the drain, which, when it gets into the siphon, begins to decompose.This is an excellent habitat for putrefactive bacteria, which, in principle, settle there. But don’t panic right away - this is a natural process and it’s unlikely to be completely avoided. But it is precisely this that provokes the unpleasant odor.


If you go somewhere and leave the apartment empty, then, of course, no one uses the water, and the liquid inside the system naturally evaporates. It turns out that there is no water seal, and unpleasant stench has open access to enter our home.

In summer, the evaporation process occurs much faster than in winter - this is facilitated by hot weather.

It’s good if there are relatives or neighbors who may someday visit your home and flush a little liquid down the drain. Well, what if there are no such helpers? Or they need to go across the whole city - asking for this seemingly trifle is not always even appropriate or convenient.

But the problem can be solved! And it’s very easy and simple. You don't even have to make any physical effort. You just need to pour a little sunflower oil into the sink. 2-3 tablespoons of the product are enough to cover the system inside with a film that will prevent the water from drying out. Everything is extremely simple and clear!


Don't forget about the drain in the bathroom! There is also enough debris inside the system that can cause an unpleasant odor if you are away for a long time.

Comments and feedback:

Complete nonsense. The water from the sink water seal will evaporate for about a month. But even then it is not a fact that a smell will appear.


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