Why do you put a wet wipe in the washing machine?

Recently, a new trend has appeared on social networks - placing a wet napkin in the drum while washing. It improves washing results. Let's tell you how this happens.

Why do you put a wet wipe in the washing machine?

Possibilities of a wet wipe

It turns out that due to its density, textiles can collect small fibers that are in the drum. As a result, during washing, all this debris collects on the damp fabric, and then it can simply be thrown away. And the clothes remain clean.

What does textiles do?

  • the material is able to collect hair, regardless of whether it is long or short;
  • It is best to collect the hair of cats and dogs on a napkin, thus forming a dense lump;
  • Pills from clothing can also accumulate on the fabric, as it has a strong fibrous structure.

How to use a wet wipe when washing

To ensure that the result does not disappoint, not just any material will do.

which napkin to choose

How to choose wet wipes for washing

You can find a variety of napkins on sale today. When choosing, we keep in mind several parameters.

  • When choosing material for washing machines, give preference to antibacterial. Practice shows that they are denser than usual.
  • If you don’t have antibacterial ones in front of you, then pay attention to the density of the existing material.To do this, open the protective tab a little and carefully inspect them.

Advice! If the material is not dense, then it is better not to buy such packaging. Most likely, they will tear during the washing process.

  • Pay attention to the aroma: there should be no strong odor. Otherwise it will be absorbed into the clothes.
  • After purchasing, take out a napkin and pull it in different directions. If it doesn't stretch in any direction, it means in front of you fabric products. They are not recommended to be used because they will only add lint to the washing machine..


Important! Napkins that are suitable for washing stretch well only in one direction, and hardly stretch in the other.

How to use correctly

The algorithm for using wet textiles when washing is simple:

  • Before loading laundry into the drum, always check the pockets. They may contain a phone or some important document.
  • Place all the items in the washing machine drum, and then add 2 wet wipes there.
  • Select the desired mode, add detergent, start the process.
  • When washing is complete, take out the napkins and throw them away along with any remaining debris. And don’t be surprised by the large amount of collected rubbish.

Important! Reusing wipes is strictly not recommended. A used cloth will not be as effective and may tear while the washing machine is running.

what else to put

What can you put in the drum besides napkins?

  • Ice. Throw 10 ice cubes into the drum and then all the wrinkles on your clothes will be miraculously smoothed out.
  • Dishwasher tablets. If you want to remove all dirt and germs, then set the mode to 60° and throw 1 dishwasher tablet into the drum.
  • Aspirin. Want to return white things to their former whiteness? Throw 3 aspirin tablets into the washing machine.
  • Tennis balls. When washing winter jackets, be sure to place a tennis ball in the drum. He can do it well knock out all the foam from clothes. And some housewives note the fact that, thanks to the ball, down does not roll off in the jacket.
  • Foil. Aluminum foil balls can also be thrown into the drum, as they can discharge electrostatic charges. Therefore, the clothes will not become electrified when worn.

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Washing machines

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