Where does dust accumulate the fastest?

Cleaning your living space is inevitable and mandatory. You can wash away dirt, stains, fur, and prints. The only thing that comes back every day is dust. Housewives have many tools and methods in their arsenal, but routine cleaning cannot be avoided.


Where does dust come from and what is it made of?

Particles invisible to the eye are constantly flying around us. You can see the largest of them in the sun. Depending on the size of the dust particles, they can continuously fly around the room, slowly settle, or immediately lie on the surface.Dust in the apartment.

Flying particles can be divided into two types: biological and man-made.

What is included in biological dust:

  • dead human skin cells;
  • hair;
  • pet fur;
  • feathers (from poultry or pillows);
  • particles from woolen items.

Sources of technogenic dust:

  • debris generated during repairs;
  • polluted air entering the apartment from outside through windows.

Residential premises located next to any production or quarries become polluted faster.

Reference! More than 50% of the pollution in our houses and apartments is of natural origin. Sea salt, volcano particles and even cosmic dust - that's what we wipe off the shelves every day! The wind carries microscopic pollution to the most remote corners of the planet.

If you left for the country, having previously washed the apartment until it shines, don’t be surprised - when you return, there will be layers of dust everywhere. It constantly flies in the air and gradually settles.

Where does most dust accumulate and why?

Small particles in the air fly everywhere, but there are places where there is more pollution. Scientists from Germany conducted a study of the origin and accumulation of pollution in residential premises. One of them proved that there is more dust in private houses than in apartments. But the nature of pollution in cities is man-made, while in villages it is natural, which is not so dangerous. We found out that the most harmful elements are found in apartments in suburban and industrial areas. These are cadmium and lead.

Attention! The main source of dust in an apartment is the carpet in the hallway. It is rarely cleaned, although shoes are wiped several times a day.

Dusty carpet in the hallway.

Where is the dirt hiding?

  • in all carpets: the villi contain the most harmful particles that cannot be completely washed out;
  • in textiles: curtains, tulle, bedspreads, blankets - any fabric acts as a magnet for dust;
  • in children's toys, especially soft ones;
  • in hard-to-reach places: corners, baseboards, space behind a closet, sofa;
  • in computers and laptops.

Is dust dangerous for humans?

Environmentalists constantly say that dust is harmful.

Reference! A person living in a metropolis inhales two thimbles of dust or 6 billion particles every day! This amount of dirt contains about 5–10 million microbes.

A person living in a metropolis.

It is impossible to breathe perfectly clean air. Pollution can be more or less harmful. City air is more dangerous - it is man-made. Harmless dust: furniture particles and lint, organic pollutants (dead skin, hair), plant pollen.

Hazardous air components are considered:

  • microbes and fungi;
  • rubber particles (worn out car tires);
  • exhaust gases of various origins;
  • dried peeling paint;
  • chemical powders, shampoos, aerosols, etc.;
  • cigarette smoke.

There are many diseases that dust can cause: dermatological diseases, conjunctivitis, chronic allergies. It is dangerous for the respiratory tract and causes bronchial asthma. Worsens the condition of chronic diabetic patients, provokes kidney disease and hearing impairment.

The only positive thing about the presence of dust is germs! When they enter the body in small doses, they provoke the production of white blood cells. The immune system “recognizes” harmful microorganisms - the principle of action is similar to that of a vaccine.

Attention! Experts do not recommend raising children in perfect cleanliness. The more dust there is in the apartment, the less often children’s bodies will react to external irritants: cat hair, lactic bacteria, flowering plants.

How to get rid of dust

  1. Wet cleaning is the only way to reduce dust in our homes. It is not necessary to wash the floors every day, but you should wipe down the hallway. It is from the street that all the harmful particles fly in.
  2. Throw away the broom! It only collects large debris, but disperses a lot of dust. Give preference to vacuum cleaners, preferably with water filters.
  3. Wash all fabric items possible. Blankets and sheets are first on the list.
  4. Choose a place where you will comb your hair. This will prevent hair and dead skin particles from spreading throughout the apartment.
  5. Get rid of things you don't use. Dust collectors are of no use.
  6. Buy indoor plants. They produce oxygen.A woman is vacuuming.

Dust surrounds us everywhere, so you shouldn’t attach much importance to it and wash all surfaces of your apartment every day until they shine. But there is no need to litter the room excessively.Keep a balance in everything, then the dust will not harm you or your family.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers