Cleaning the kitchen in a minute: 12 things you can do while the kettle is boiling

Often, while waiting for the kettle to boil, we simply stand and dream about something of our own. As a rule, we don’t think much about the fact that during this time we can do a lot of things that will help keep the kitchen clean. It is these little things that mainly dictate the order in the room. Wipe the table, sweep, clean the bread bin and 9 more things that won’t take more than one minute.

Wipe the table

Here you can generally limit yourself to 20 seconds. You just need to take a microfiber cloth and wipe the surface from crumbs, drops and other debris. The next time the family gathers for lunch or dinner, the table will already be clean and you won’t have to waste time on it.

wipe the table

Disassemble the dishes

Even in a family where dishes are washed after every meal, the problem arises of who will put these dishes in their places. There is no need to quarrel - the one who goes to put on the kettle will lay it out. This task usually takes no more than 30-40 seconds.

sort out the dishes

Collect trash

It’s not enough to just assemble it – you still need to take it out into the corridor. This way you will definitely remember to grab a garbage bag before leaving for work or shopping. Be sure to put the new bag in the trash can right away: this will be more convenient when you need to throw something away urgently.

Wipe the window sill

How often do we devote time to window sills? Agree that it is not so timely. By the way, dust and dirt also accumulate on them, especially in the summer, when the windows are open for ventilation. Take a damp sponge and wipe the entire surface. 30 seconds - and the window sill is shining clean again.


Inspect the refrigerator

Open the refrigerator and carefully check all the products on the shelves. There's probably something in there that's time to throw away. While the kettle is boiling, it’s time! Don't forget to inspect vegetables and fruits for rot. Do not think that you are considered a slob - situations are different and absolutely anyone can miss the expiration date of a product.

inspection in the refrigerator

Wash dirty dishes

If before this we talked about putting away the dishes that have already been washed, then it’s time to wash what has already accumulated. Even if there is a mountain of plates and cups in the sink, you can wash only part of them - finish the rest a little later. Agree that this way you can save a significant part of your personal time. And if you drink tea a lot and often, then in a couple of trips to the kitchen (to boil water) you will be able to completely wash all the dishes.

wash dirty dishes

Clean the kitchen stove

Of course, you need to get down to business only if the stove is slightly dirty. After all, it is clear that no matter how careful a person is, during cooking even one drop of fat will fall. And if such minor contaminants are still present, then the time while the kettle is boiling is ideal for cleaning the stove.

clean the kitchen stove


Everyone knows that the kitchen is the place where there are the most crumbs and small debris on the floor. The kettle boils for approximately 1 minute. Of course, if your kitchen is more than 30 square meters, then you are unlikely to be able to thoroughly sweep the entire floor.But in standard apartments this room is not large, so you can clean up the mess with a broom in about 30-40 seconds.


Clean the drain

Of course, we are not talking about completely disassembling the siphon - this will take about an hour. But it won’t take much time to pour a special solution into the pipe to remove blockages. Then you just have to rinse the drain, and for this, by the way, the very period while the kettle is boiling is suitable.

Clean the faucet

Just do not use abrasive detergents or household chemicals that are not intended for this. Just take a sponge, moisten it with clean water and wipe the tap with it. Don't forget to wipe away any spills with a dry towel so that there are no streaks or stains on the faucet.

clean the tap

Wipe the facade of the kitchen unit

Just like on window sills, dust also accumulates on furniture facades. And in the case of the kitchen, there’s also a greasy coating. It is clear that you will not have time to completely clean the kitchen set. But cleaning those facades that are located next to the stove is a completely feasible task.

Remove crumbs from bread bin

Surely a lot of crumbs have accumulated in it and it’s time to get rid of them. This will take no more than 30 seconds. By the way, I personally clean the toaster while I wait for the kettle to boil. If you have one, then do not forget to shake out the crumbs from it too.

bread box

As you can see, in one minute you can do a bunch of things that directly affect the order in the kitchen. And if you are a tea lover and often wait for the kettle to boil, then in a whole day you can completely clean this room and forget about the mess.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers