TOP 8 folk methods for removing old grease from kitchen cabinets

The kitchen is the dirtiest place in the house. Grease and stains from cooking gradually build up on the facades of the kitchen unit. It is extremely difficult to remove such stains.. But there are several methods by which cleaning furniture will not be difficult.

Washing kitchen facades

Proven ways to wash away dirt from kitchen facades

Obsolete grease on the fronts of cabinets is a problem for any housewife. It is impossible to wipe surfaces every day. And over time, fine dirt, pieces of food, and dust stick. The sight is truly disgusting.

It's difficult to wash everything at once. But there are several effective ways experienced housewives can help solve this issue.

Dishwashing liquid

The obvious and easiest way, which product advertising regularly tells us about. Exactly Dish cleaners are best for breaking down and removing grease. If the contamination is small and the stain was recently planted, simply rub with a foam sponge and rinse with a damp cloth.

For old layers of grease, it is recommended to thoroughly wipe the cabinet doors with a sponge and strong foam. Leave for a quarter of an hour until fully exposed and split. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water soaked in a clean cloth.

In older kitchens, this method may not work, as dirt accumulates there over the years.

Washing the kitchen facade

Melamine sponge

Not so long ago, such products were sold exclusively on the market and were not popular. But soon their abilities won the respect of buyers. Now Such a sponge is available in almost every home.

The principle of operation of the hygiene product is similar to a school eraser. You just need to rub the grease stains until they come off. The sponge wears off as you use it, just like an eraser.

The main advantages of the method are environmental friendliness and safety. However, large contaminants will take too long to remove.


The pharmaceutical drug perfectly helps to cope with fatty stains. 1 tbsp is enough. l. funds per liter of liquid. Mix thoroughly pour into a spray bottle and spray the cabinets. Leave to act for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with a soft, clean cloth soaked in water.

It is recommended to work with gloves and in a well-ventilated area. To neutralize unpleasant aroma, add a drop of your favorite essential oil to the solution.

Washing the kitchen facade

Salt and soda

The concentrated salt composition perfectly kills germs. Just wipe down the cabinet fronts once a week, to prevent a film of dirt from accumulating. For old stains, rub a bar of laundry soap, dissolve it in warm water and rinse the furniture.

Then the sponge is soaked in baking soda and the cabinets are wiped again, leaving for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, remove everything with warm water using a soft cloth. Glossy facades cannot be washed in this way, otherwise solid particles may scratch them.

Apple vinegar

A universal remedy that used along with alcohol. The product must be dissolved in water, proportions 1:1. Using a sponge soaked in the composition, treat the cabinets and leave for half an hour.Then wash everything off with clean water.

Mustard powder

This is a simple and effective option for removing greasy film. Wipe the cabinets with clean water and sprinkle with mustard powder. 10 minutes is enough, after which they are wiped with a dry cloth. All dirt is removed as if by magic.

Do not use for cleaning natural wood facades.

Washing the kitchen facade

Lemon acid

Lemon is a remedy for various types of pollution, including fat. To prepare the solution mix 15 grams of bulk substance with a liter of clean warm water. Use a spray bottle to treat the surfaces, and after half an hour, wipe with a cloth.

Vegetable oil with soda

Sunflower oil mix with baking soda to a paste consistency. The proportion is approximately 1:2. The product is applied pointwise only to dirt. Wait 20-30 minutes. Wash off with a sponge and repeat the procedure. Dirt and grease are literally removed in flakes.

You can even use it on natural wood furniture.

In order not to spoil the facade with an unknown product, first try it on an invisible area and wait. If nothing drastic has happened, continue cleaning. Iron brushes, aggressive abrasives and sponges with a ribbed surface are inappropriate in this case.

Washing kitchen facades

Comments and feedback:

It's a pity that Glutoclean is not listed - a degreaser for the kitchen, for me the number one choice when cleaning the kitchen.


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