Top 6 household items that will help you quickly get ready for work

Hover on your smartphone until 4 am or watch the series “until the victory” on weekdays. This is what many people do during the work week. And in the morning after binge-watching TV series or other “important” activities, it is very difficult to wake up. What resourceful citizens don’t use: several alarm clocks, a sprayer with cold water, annoying relatives. We decided to share our own secrets and a list of things that will help you quickly wake up and get readyso as not to be late for work after a busy night.

Getting ready for work

Fitness bracelet

Classic alarm clocks and even hard rock music set to wake up on your smartphone may not save the situation. Moreover, they instantly creates a negative mood. Such an awakening will be unpleasant and will immediately set the tone for the whole day, ruining the mood.

Our choice is a lightweight fitness bracelet that will wake you up with a soft melody or vibration. Convenient and useful thing. In addition, it can be used to monitor the quality of sleep and adjust your sleep schedule.

Some models of bracelets monitor the stages of sleep and control the heartbeat in order to choose the most convenient moment for waking up.

Waking up with a fitness bracelet

An electric toothbrush

Choose waterproof models that can be used directly in the shower. And an additional function in the form of vibration, when you need to move to the next area for cleaning, will significantly reduce the procedure time and save you precious minutes.

Brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush


A healthy and satisfying breakfast can be prepared in the evening. It is enough to put the food in the household appliance the day before and set the timer. At the appointed time you will receive delicious porridge or a hearty omelet with vegetables. And, most importantly, you won’t have to waste energy on cooking in the morning, when free seconds slip away at great speed.

To save lunch time, you can take a snack with you in your lunch box. This is especially important for people who care about their health and figure. Not only will you save precious minutes, but also reduce the cost of lunch in the canteen.

Breakfast in a slow cooker

Clothes storage system

Modern dividers for underwear, as well as convenient hangers and wall cabinets in which you can arrange things rationally, is an essential part of the success of rapid assembly. They not only organize the space, but help you get your bearings in the morning and prepare your outfit for a fruitful working day.

Clothes storage system


A useful thing in every home. It saves a lot of time on preparation before going to work. You don't have to lay out and iron your clothes: it steamed directly on the hanger.

A mobile steam generator is a bargain. They take it with them on trips and also use it to clean textile shoes.

Portable steamer

Thermal mug

Buy yourself a stylish heat-resistant mug that keeps the drink warm for a long time. Enjoying your favorite coffee or tea on the way to work, using the time on the bus or subway, is much more pleasant.

This is a stylish and convenient accessory that has become a necessary attribute of any modern resident of the metropolis.Keep up with the trends and look for a mug for your favorite drink today.

Thermal mug

Listed gadgets help save up to 30 minutes of sleep and reduce getting ready time. You will always go to work in a good mood, clean and tidy, in ironed clothes, and most importantly, rested.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers